I hate to be a ******* about this, but can someone please tell me how to do this torrent stuff? I downloaded and installed the Azureus software, then I went to the link given in the first post and clicked on the "torrent" link under the download heading. This downloaded a 14kB file. When I clicked on this file, it launched Azureus, and over the next 3 hours it slowly downloaded to my harddrive. When it finally finished downloading, I found the file and it says it is the Eagles/Chiefs game, even though the description in Azureus said it was the Cowboys/Raiders game. It is also recognized as an Azureus file type, and is 174MB. When I click it, it does not play a video. Instead, Windows tells me it can't find the file even though I just clicked on it. Then it launches Azureus, where others start downloading it from me!
I admit that I've never heard of "torrents" until today, so I don't know anything about them. But I'd like to learn and I can follow instructions, so if anyone can help me out I would definitely appreciate it.