Greatest Mock ever

the funniest part of this mock is he put jay cutler twice. unless he has a twin or clone, I am not sure if that's possible. he did the same with chad greenway. the guy was probably drinking a few and wasn't able to fully comprehend what he was doing.
junk said:
I don't know what is funnier. The mock itself or the people that take it seriously and critique it.
Amazing isn't it? Some stuff just does a complete fly by on people. They read the names and nothing else.
Funniest mock yet.

I say we take Mario Williams even if someone else took him. I mean if the Titans and Raiders can take, why can't we get Mario ?

The best thing about this mock is the rationale he uses for Pittsburgh's pick. Funny!!!:lmao2:
CowboysFaninDC said:
the funniest part of this mock is he put jay cutler twice. unless he has a twin or clone, I am not sure if that's possible. he did the same with chad greenway. the guy was probably drinking a few and wasn't able to fully comprehend what he was doing.

I thought this was the funniest:

The Bucs need somebody large to protect quarterback Chris Simms here. I suggest my girlfriend. Honey, seriously: this is a gentle reminder that you need to cut down on the Cherry Garcia.
junk said:
I don't know what is funnier. The mock itself or the people that take it seriously and critique it.

Thankg god for you! I thought everyone was a moron till I got to your post. Why the hell do people think this guy is serious.

I thought the mock was great. I laughed on everyone.
Justin said:
Thankg god for you! I thought everyone was a moron till I got to your post. Why the hell do people think this guy is serious.

I thought the mock was great. I laughed on everyone.

when i first saw it, yea...i was one that didn't get it and some pics just seemed odd. when i read one description, i was hooked and had to read them all. that was "scott david" funny man!
It's called satire, people. Get a sense of humor.

"I can't believe they have Cutler on there twice." Duh, I don't get it.

Hostile said:
Amazing isn't it? Some stuff just does a complete fly by on people. They read the names and nothing else.

Names are a LOT easier to read than all that text crap. Some of us don't want to waste our precious time reading what Kiper or those guys have to say. Just see who they picked going to the wrong team in the wrong slot and move on. If he give the Cowboys a player I like he is a genius and if he gives them a stupid pick he is a moron. What's the big deal with these opinions and justifications anyway? :D
Are you guys really breaking down this mock draft? I hate to be Mr. Obvious here but you do realize that this mock draft is a joke, don't you? I think he gave that away when he had Travis Lulay going 12 to the Browns because his good friend used to date his sister. What is even funnier is people on this board thinking this was a serious mock draft. I bet calling him a moron makes you feel like - I don't know - a moron?
junk said:
I don't know what is funnier. The mock itself or the people that take it seriously and critique it.

Me niether, but both are funny as well though :laugh2:
I laughed at all of them..the one about the Rams is hilarious!

BigDFan5 said:

Sinorice Moss
The Broncos will probably take Sinorice Moss here, which means they’ll have a receiver named Sinorice Moss and one named Ashley Lelie. And one named Rod Smith. That’s not a receiving corp. That’s a threesome in a porn movie.

BigDFan5 said:

who ever made this mock needs to pass that ish that they was smoking... cause it had to be strong... I would think a drunk, high off of marijuana, strung out off of herion, ******, doped up off of angel dust aka dipper aka loveboat, and speed smoking crackhead would come up with a better mock draft than this...

This person is on a whole new innovative different drug....
RealCowboyfan said:
who ever made this mock needs to pass that ish that they was smoking... cause it had to be strong... I would think a drunk, high off of marijuana, strung out off of herion, ******, doped up off of angel dust aka dipper aka loveboat, and speed smoking crackhead would come up with a better mock draft than this...

This person is on a whole new innovative different drug....

and you'd have to be on that and SO MUCH MORE to NOT realize the humor in this one.
iceberg said:
and you'd have to be on that and SO MUCH MORE to NOT realize the humor in this one.

:stupid: :stupid: :stupid: :stupid:

I was just making a joke out of it...
well it's obvious somebody actually took the time out in the day to do a useless mock draft so it's obvious that someone else is making a joke of like I am.. so you must be on 10 times the stuff plus a bottle of rum mixed w/vodka....

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