I don't know the song but if it is going to be considered the best R&R song ever, not best Rock but the true R&R created in the 50's, it would have to be by either Bill Hailey, Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis or Little Richard, the Four Horsemen of R&R.
Three of those gentlemen not only pioneered and created the essence of the genre, but the show in showman when they presented it to a live audience. It wasn't just the music, it was how they presented it and watching Jerry Lee and Little Richard turn their pianos into partners and Chuck sliding up the stage in his patented style, imitated by so many in tribute, while playing was new to us, everybody else just played their music or sang their songs.
I am an old guy and old guys get to reflecting about what they will miss when they're not here any longer but I would never exchange being alive as a 10 year old when R&R first arrived and it was like they had created music just for me as I was into air guitar and piano once I saw them display their craft and to have seen it develop into the art form it did and witness that British Invasion, the most exciting time of my life in my memory, is worth every year old I am now.
For so many years, this venerable genre of music just couldn't stop giving us great artists, musicians and songs once that gate was opened and so many inspired to create.
Rock and Roll and the Rock that it would evolve into is the tapestry of my life and I can associate songs with every event, good and bad, in my life that reached something within me that I can't even express. But everything was either made more acceptable or better because of that.
Picking one song to represent that is a severe injustice to the soundtrack of my journey.