Greg Hardy and the Media

Seriously. Didn't you find that strange? He is the head coach. This is his team. Yet he stands there and watches it happen like a spectator from just a few feet away. Strangely passive.

I guess that's just the way Garrett is. He never gets angry about anything.
It was disgusting when they (especially espn) grabbed that "guns blazzin" quote and made a big deal of it for 2-3 days .. as if no one ever used the term .. I could swear I heard it like 100 times on espy itself.... And when I hear Chris Carter talking about morals and the right thing to do.. it makes me want to throw up after that disgusting video of his where he was talking to rookies about the fall guy ...


It is like every ESPN host has to out "morals police" the Hardy situation. But they never turn that microscope around on each other. They are the real bullies because they have 30 personalities over dozens of programs giving a one sided presentation.
It is like every ESPN host has to out "morals police" the Hardy situation. But they never turn that microscope around on each other. They are the real bullies because they have 30 personalities over dozens of programs giving a one sided presentation.

Well they have to ensure the pendulum has completely reversed axis since 2 years ago there was this. Faux -outrage above all others
Even if we sign him again it wouldn't surprise me if this didn't end well.

Wouldn't surprise me either with the issues we've already had with him. Once he's paid all hell could break loose. Better be a team friendly deal where we have a way out without taking a big cap hit if he gets into trouble.
It was disgusting when they (especially espn) grabbed that "guns blazzin" quote and made a big deal of it for 2-3 days .. as if no one ever used the term .. I could swear I heard it like 100 times on espy itself.... And when I hear Chris Carter talking about morals and the right thing to do.. it makes me want to throw up after that disgusting video of his where he was talking to rookies about the fall guy ...

Nah the fall guy part I can understand even ifI don't necessarily agree with it fully but when he sold his mom out on national tv I was like this guy is a joker.
It is like every ESPN host has to out "morals police" the Hardy situation. But they never turn that microscope around on each other. They are the real bullies because they have 30 personalities over dozens of programs giving a one sided presentation.
Yeah I have said this countless times. There isn't one person that has a different view that will go toe to toe with this people? That's very rare nobody has a different opinion because I could goto a local sports bar and find that but all these people have the same view? Weird. Only person that was somewhat different on espn a former player all Boys fans will remember in Marcellus Wiley. As long as people are respectful I want both sides not just one because that's just no realistic on almost any subject. People disagree but on this its all uniformity esp when we have no tape like Ray Rice? Strange
I'd love it if Garrett responded in his next press conference with this: " I'll react to the allegations if you give me the guilty verdict from Hardy's trial, and the transcript of what he said on the sidelines. If you have neither, then stop wasting our time, we are focusing on making this team better. "

Wouldn't that be nice?
Yeah I have said this countless times. There isn't one person that has a different view that will go toe to toe with this people? That's very rare nobody has a different opinion because I could goto a local sports bar and find that but all these people have the same view? Weird. Only person that was somewhat different on espn a former player all Boys fans will remember in Marcellus Wiley. As long as people are respectful I want both sides not just one because that's just no realistic on almost any subject. People disagree but on this its all uniformity esp when we have no tape like Ray Rice? Strange

Exactly, everyone drinking the Kool Aid and parroting the company line and the PC takes is not journalism. They are aggressively pushing for some kind of league or team action against Hardy to confirm their opinions.

Groupthink is always dangerous but people are actually getting fired and ostracized for having nonconforming thoughts.
Better be a team friendly deal where we have a way out without taking a big cap hit if he gets into trouble.

This I do agree with. Absolutely ensure there is protection for the team built into the contract.
Says the guy trying to hold 3 simultaneous arguments over basically nothing. You win, what people perceive is more important.

It's not my fault you and two others are arguing with me. And it's not about winning. That's why you miss the point. It's about acknowledging reality and how the world works The world works in ways I don't like. You know what? Tough. I can ether change it by how I live, can ignore it or deny it or adjust.
It's not my fault you and two others are arguing with me. And it's not about winning. That's why you miss the point. It's about acknowledging reality and how the world works The world works in ways I don't like. You know what? Tough. I can ether change it by how I live, can ignore it or deny it or adjust.

No, one should stand up and say take a hike with your crap- but you just tuck your tail between your legs and say "Yes Sir Three Bags Full Sir."
Dude, you are scarecrow and about ready to be eaten by a cow

Whatever that means.

It says something about your values and the glass house you live in that is all.

So basically you're confirming my point, i.e., that you can tell something about people based on their words, choices and action? :)

Yeah. I dont know what a strawman is but you are equating whistling at you wife, pre-marital sex and any other puritanical superstition into forming opinions.

Those are EXAMPLES not STRAWMEN. A dictionary can be your friend.

No no arguement as long as people own them and ensure they satisify your ever shifting standard that the media tells you to have

Huh? :huh:

NO what Im saying is what people do doesnt always have to sanitized to satisfy your judgements.

Huh? :huh:

The fact that you spend so much time and feeling it is your duty to form half-story judgements on everything must be exhausting. You are prosecution's dream juror

Even your insults don't make much sense.

well there goes 99% of the population. At least you admit you think negative of every football player on the team

What?!?!? Do you hear yourself? You're not making any sense whatsoever.

You strike my as a very sheltered and unconfident person.
:lmao: Says the man who doesn't know the difference between an example and a strawman.
Moreover, this entire conversation is a testimony to my confidence and universal perspective. I'm the one making the argument that what people do tells you something about them. You agree with me too because you tried to use my point against me. Yep, I'm so sheltered that you had to steal my argument but can't even admit it. :)

I said if "She" flet is was creepy. My definition of creepy is somewhat irrelvant. Of course this whole scenario that I would have a friend who would want to hit on my wife isnt a ridicuous strawman or anything

It's not a straw man. Again, go to a dictionary and search the word "strawman."
Second, the fact you acknowledge that your friend giving your wife the creeps - even though that's not illegal - underscores my point. More to the point, you are agreeing that what a person does says something about him even if it isn't illegal.
I like the fact you're agreeing with me. :D

The picture was in his apartment, he didnt ask for it to be public. He entrusted people. But his trust didnt meet your standard so blast away.

And how do you know this, i.e., that he only had the picture in his apartment? Who did he entrust? How do you know this? Or are you making this up?
Second, again, it's not a matter of my standard. It's a matter of observation. Guys who have and take pictures of guns spread out on a bed, a couch, a sofa are generally associating with a gangsta culture, particularly if they are black. It's interesting that you never deny this, yet you wax on about "my standard."
I made no judgment. I merely made an observation and said people will judge him accordingly.

You must also be a fan of Star and National Enquierer, hey even though Brad Pitt is having a picnic in a park with his kids, take 1000 pics becasue "Hey its public"

This is ssssoooo weak. :laugh:

Never trust a man who has not a single redeeming vice - Churchill
I havent a particle of confidence in a man who has no redeeming vices whatsoever. - Twain
I have no confidence in a man whose faults you cannot see - Dahlberg

"When People Show You Who They Are, Believe Them'' - Maya Angelou. :D[/quote]
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No, one should stand up and say take a hike with your crap- but you just tuck your tail between your legs and say "Yes Sir Three Bags Full Sir."

What?!?!?!? :huh:

No one is forcing you to engage me in conversation. Don't blame me that you don't have self-control.
Whatever that means.

So basically you're confirming my point, i.e., that you can tell something about people based on their words, choices and action? :)

Those are EXAMPLES not STRAWMEN. A dictionary can be your friend.

Huh? :huh:

Huh? :huh:

Even your insults don't make much sense.

What?!?!? Do you hear yourself? You're not making any sense whatsoever.

:lmao: Says the man who doesn't know the difference between an example and a strawman.
Moreover, this entire conversation is a testimony to my confidence and universal perspective. I'm the one making the argument that what people do tells you something about them. You agree with me too because you tried to use my point against me. Yep, I'm so sheltered that you had to steal my argument but can't even admit it. :)

It's not a straw man. Again, go to a dictionary and search the word "strawman."
Second, the fact you acknowledge that your friend giving your wife the creeps - even though that's not illegal - underscores my point. More to the point, you are agreeing that what a person does says something about him even if it isn't illegal.
I like the fact you're agreeing with me. :D

And how do you know this, i.e., that he only had the picture in his apartment? Who did he entrust? How do you know this? Or are you making this up?
Second, again, it's not a matter of my standard. It's a matter of observation. Guys who have and take pictures of guns spread out on a bed, a couch, a sofa are generally associating with a gangsta culture, particularly if they are black. It's interesting that you never deny this, yet you wax on about "my standard."
I made no judgment. I merely made an observation and said people will judge him accordingly.

This is ssssoooo weak. :laugh:

"When People Show You Who They Are, Believe Them'' - Maya Angelou. :D

The point of our whole interaction was about a picture of guns on a bed was support to your character judgement. Every "example" you have given is a strawman about friends and wifes and people who cuss and what not. You are exhibiting logical fallacy and moving the goal posts -or just plain being disingenuous if you put cussing as a brightline of passing your character test.

I dont feel the need to judge someone who has not harmed me, who has had is case dismissed and soon to be expunged. By all accounts every step outside of this case has been within the parameters of the law and this is supported by employer testimony to me.

Yes, I can get alot from you by your own admission of relishing your ability and innate need to judge others you know from afar with partial stories or because there were legal guns on a bed" because its "in fad to do so."

Nothing about your value system would I agree with. Especially with the
And how do you know this, i.e., that he only had the picture in his apartment? Who did he entrust? How do you know this? Or are you making this up?
Second, again, it's not a matter of my standard. It's a matter of observation. Guys who have and take pictures of guns spread out on a bed, a couch, a sofa are generally associating with a gangsta culture, particularly if they are black. It's interesting that you never deny this, yet you wax on about "my standard."
I made no judgment. I merely made an observation and said people will judge him accordingly.

I dont know if there ever was a pic, I thought there was testimony from a visitor that she took one, but I never saw a photo and dont seem to find one on the internet. So it was a private moment with a guest. Not homepage backdrop.

Examples of people having guns on a bed for a pic
  • To photograph a collection for insurance purposes.
  • To show someone if they ask to see you gun collection, a bed or couch is soft and keeps scratches off furniture and hardwood floors.
Your observations are only there for confirmation bias. You may have the last word because I knew it would only take time to get to stereotyping all judgemental puritans exhibit. I never needed to deny anything because this is the first time you outted as a "black and gang" issue. So I categorically deny that. Thanks

BTW being from East TN, I never saw a black person with a gun, so the above are white people examples if that helps you
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The point of our whole interaction was about a picture of guns on a bed was support to your character judgement. Every "example" you have given is a strawman about friends and wifes and people who cuss and what not. You are exhibiting logical fallacy and moving the goal posts -or just plain being disingenuous if you put cussing as a brightline of passing your character test.


Straw man
is a fallacy in which an opponent's argument is overstated or misrepresented in order to be more easily attacked or refuted.

Although the term straw man is a recent coinage, the concept is ancient. In the Topics, Aristotle acknowledges "that in argument it would be inappropriate to interpret as someone's position an opinion that he did not express or is not committed to, in virtue of what he said" (Douglas Walton, Methods of Argumentation).

My examples can't be strawmen because I'm not assigning those arguments to you or anyone. I'm merely using them as examples. You guys clearly don't know what a strawman is.

Neither can you understand context. Hence, your misinterpretation of my example of a person cussing and how that relates to the First Amendment.

I dont feel the need to judge someone who has not harmed me, who has had is case dismissed and soon to be expunged. By all accounts every step outside of this case has been within the parameters of the law and this is supported by employer testimony to me.

Good for you. But my point is so what if a person hasn't committed a crime or been convicted in court? People do a lot of things that aren't illegal, but that doesn't mean we can't discern things about a person based on what they say, how they act, and the decisions they make.
You guys are simply arguing to be arguing. What I'm saying makes perfectly good sense because it comports to human observation and human behavior.

Yes, I can get alot from you by your own admission of relishing your ability and innate need to judge others you know from afar with partial stories or because there were legal guns on a bed" because its "in fad to do so."

Huh? I don't even know what the above means.

I dont know if there ever was a pic, I thought there was testimony from a visitor that she took one, but I never saw a photo and dont seem to find one on the internet. So it was a private moment with a guest. Not homepage backdrop.

Of course, you don't know this. It's possible that he took the picture and showed it to people but didn't put it on the Internet. I have pictures I don't put on the Internet. But so what?

Examples of people having guns on a bed for a pic
  • To photograph a collection for insurance purposes.
  • To show someone if they ask to see you gun collection, a bed or couch is soft and keeps scratches off furniture and hardwood floors.
Your observations are only there for confirmation bias. You may have the last word because I knew it would only take time to get to stereotyping all judgemental puritans exhibit

First, can you please speak in a complete sentence and tie your concepts and words together? The "all judgmental puritans exhibit" doesn't make any sense. It's not a complete thought.
Second, it's not confirmation bias. It's observations that comport to reality. You have offered other examples. But let's be real: the common depictions you see of blacks who display guns is associated with the gangsta culture. And unless you think I'm trying to go racial, I'm black. I've ministered to people who are in gangs and young black men who carry weapons. And it aint for insurance purposes. :) I know the way they display guns. So while your examples may be valid, my observations are valid too.

BTW being from East TN, I never saw a black person with a gun, so the above are white people examples if that helps you

But I HAVE seen a black person with a gun. And I'm, unfortunately, all too acquainted with the gangsta images that pervade my culture, and the garish display of guns is part of the hip-hop gangsta culture. And those depictions cause people to make judgments and make evaluations, and that's all I've been saying. And we have no one to blame but ourselves because we perpetuate these images.

And that, my friend, is what I've been saying all these many pages. :)
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BTW, on the topic of ESPN clutching their pearls because Greg Hardy said "guns blazing" while they do far worse themselves, I didn't see it (and I'm sure the headline is overdramatized) but apparently on ESPN tonight Tony Kornheiser compared the Tea Party to ISIS and said they are trying to establish a Caliphate in the US.

Nope, no hypocrisy there!
guns have no bearing on the story.. it is superfluous. It becomes a check the box once the DV is issued and judges always ask to confiscate. My ex wife had hers confiscated.
my dad collects guns and has about 500 he has all over the house. Not one has been fired. Having a gun and having it out does not = criminal or deranged citizen. I know many want it to be so, but its just not.

BTW, on the topic of ESPN clutching their pearls because Greg Hardy said "guns blazing" while they do far worse themselves, I didn't see it (and I'm sure the headline is overdramatized) but apparently on ESPN tonight Tony Kornheiser compared the Tea Party to ISIS and said they are trying to establish a Caliphate in the US.

Nope, no hypocrisy there!

this was posted the other day by a wise member, it is long but interesting(thats what she said)

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