Halftime report. Garrett interview

I wouldn't say lot of love. He only got a smidgen of credit last week and I heard a lot of backhanded compliments at that. Some had to throw in the Johnny Football crap.

There's that word again...."credit". All folks have been talking about is the strength of our OL. We've even been ranked #1 on some power rankings. Johnny Football was a story at the time and I've read where folks give Jerry "credit" for not making the instinctual high profile pick and going for a solid OL pick in Martin. Those were fair assessments of some good things that the GM has done.

The compliments came to a screeching halt this week once he went to the sidelines of his stadium of his team checking on the health of his $100 million QB.

Now what gives him the right to do that?:rolleyes: Who does he think he is? The President/Owner/GM/CEO or something?:rolleyes:

Maybe because some of these announcers either played the game or coached it and they know how it may impact the game or the coach. They know it's not the norm, nor is during a contested game the right time to do it.

Sure it's Jerry's team. So what? Sure it's Jerry's stadium. So what? Sure he can do what he wants. So what? That doesn't make it the right thing to do in a football sense (checking on Romo not withstanding).
I mean they called Jerry to induct them. Players and even coaches like BP seem to tell a different story about Jerry than those who are not at Valley ranch. People form their own views but often the views are based on their own perceptions. Perception and Reality are often not the same.

... and they also form their views from various positions: the outside; inside; a bias; an agenda; scripted; etc., etc. That's why I think it's always safe to keep the judgements and opinions within the parameters of what you can control, what is your business, what you have experienced.

There is a wise saying: "don't judge a man until you've walked a mile in their mocassins." For those of you of little depth and don't know what mocassins are .... google it:D
There's that word again...."credit". All folks have been talking about is the strength of our OL. We've even been ranked #1 on some power rankings. Johnny Football was a story at the time and I've read where folks give Jerry "credit" for not making the instinctual high profile pick and going for a solid OL pick in Martin. Those were fair assessments of some good things that the GM has done.

Maybe because some of these announcers either played the game or coached it and they know how it may impact the game or the coach. They know it's not the norm, nor is during a contested game the right time to do it.

Sure it's Jerry's team. So what? Sure it's Jerry's stadium. So what? Sure he can do what he wants. So what? That doesn't make it the right thing to do in a football sense (checking on Romo not withstanding).

You said "so what"?
I have no further comment.
... and they also form their views from various positions: the outside; inside; a bias; an agenda; scripted; etc., etc. That's why I think it's always safe to keep the judgements and opinions within the parameters of what you can control, what is your business, what you have experienced.

There is a wise saying: "don't judge a man until you've walked a mile in their mocassins." For those of you of little depth and don't know what mocassins are .... google it:D

I can't control what the President or a politician does so I shouldn't have an opinion? I'm not a police officer so I can't have an opinion on some conduct, simply because I've never experienced it? I don't build cars or houses but I can tell you when one looks nice. I mean, what kind of logic is this? Defend whom you want to defend but this type of excuse is nonsense.

"So what?"....there, I said it again so you don't have to respond.
Lol that you can't see it

By the same token posters should realize that how coaches coach or how players play or what the media says we have no control over

Let me know when you will stop posting on message boards about anything you have no control over, in fact you have no control over what other posters think or post but that does not stop you from trying to do so

I am quite certain that this argument is too complex for you to follow or to appreciate the irony inherent in it so like I said.... Relax and stop trying to tell others what to post as long as it is within the rules

Look, I'm going to explain myself like I would to a 3rd grader so that perhaps you can better understand what it is I'm trying to say. I'll use a metaphor that your simple brain can understand.

Complaining about Jerry Jones walking the sideline during a football game in his stadium is like you complaining about your neighbor spending too much time in his front yard. Jerry Jones being on the sideline doesn't affect anyone but himself and he is free to do it because its his stadium and his team. It in no way affects the team or their play, which is what people on this message board come to discuss, the team and its play. NOT the actions of a man in his own house.

However, if your neighbor were in his front yard yelling obscenities or throwing things off his property at you, then yes it now concerns you. It affects the people around him. Just like if Jerry Jones where to go give his opinion to Garrett about what plays were being called, or try to side-line coach himself.

I'm not saying that we can't come here to post over things we have no control over, I'm saying that Jerry Jones in his own house can do what he wants as long as it doesn't affect the Cowboys on the field. It is his right. To discuss Cowboys football is one thing, to whine because you feel someone shouldn't enjoy their right to walk where they so please during the game without disturbing anyone is another.

There is no irony to appreciate in what you are saying, your argument is garbage. You sound like a boy who got his hand on a thesaurus for the first time and just spits out nonsense.

Edit: I just noticed your sig, and that'll explain the tantrum your throwing.
Look, I'm going to explain myself like I would to a 3rd grader so that perhaps you can better understand what it is I'm trying to say. I'll use a metaphor that your simple brain can understand.

Complaining about Jerry Jones walking the sideline during a football game in his stadium is like you complaining about your neighbor spending too much time in his front yard. Jerry Jones being on the sideline doesn't affect anyone but himself and he is free to do it because its his stadium and his team. It in no way affects the team or their play, which is what people on this message board come to discuss, the team and its play. NOT the actions of a man in his own house.

However, if your neighbor were in his front yard yelling obscenities or throwing things off his property at you, then yes it now concerns you. It affects the people around him. Just like if Jerry Jones where to go give his opinion to Garrett about what plays were being called, or try to side-line coach himself.

I'm not saying that we can't come here to post over things we have no control over, I'm saying that Jerry Jones in his own house can do what he wants as long as it doesn't affect the Cowboys on the field. It is his right. To discuss Cowboys football is one thing, to whine because you feel someone shouldn't enjoy their right to walk where they so please during the game without disturbing anyone is another.

There is no irony to appreciate in what you are saying, your argument is garbage. You sound like a boy who got his hand on a thesaurus for the first time and just spits out nonsense.

Edit: I just noticed your sig, and that'll explain the tantrum your throwing.

Regarding jerry undermining the authority of his HC by his actions , I will take the word of actual NFL coaches and players over your uninformed opinion

The fact that you can't accept that your point was idiotic to begin with tells me all I need to know
Regarding jerry undermining the authority of his HC by his actions , I will take the word of actual NFL coaches and players over your uninformed opinion

The fact that you can't accept that your point was idiotic to begin with tells me all I need to know

Keep whining kid.
I can't control what the President or a politician does so I shouldn't have an opinion? I'm not a police officer so I can't have an opinion on some conduct, simply because I've never experienced it? I don't build cars or houses but I can tell you when one looks nice. I mean, what kind of logic is this? Defend whom you want to defend but this type of excuse is nonsense.

"So what?"....there, I said it again so you don't have to respond.
Oh well, therein lies that breadth of depth again (not to mention nuance).
Oh man, there I go responding when you so thoughtfully asked me not too.
Look, I'm going to explain myself like I would to a 3rd grader so that perhaps you can better understand what it is I'm trying to say. I'll use a metaphor that your simple brain can understand.

Complaining about Jerry Jones walking the sideline during a football game in his stadium is like you complaining about your neighbor spending too much time in his front yard. Jerry Jones being on the sideline doesn't affect anyone but himself and he is free to do it because its his stadium and his team. It in no way affects the team or their play, which is what people on this message board come to discuss, the team and its play. NOT the actions of a man in his own house.

However, if your neighbor were in his front yard yelling obscenities or throwing things off his property at you, then yes it now concerns you. It affects the people around him. Just like if Jerry Jones where to go give his opinion to Garrett about what plays were being called, or try to side-line coach himself.

I'm not saying that we can't come here to post over things we have no control over, I'm saying that Jerry Jones in his own house can do what he wants as long as it doesn't affect the Cowboys on the field. It is his right. To discuss Cowboys football is one thing, to whine because you feel someone shouldn't enjoy their right to walk where they so please during the game without disturbing anyone is another.

There is no irony to appreciate in what you are saying, your argument is garbage. You sound like a boy who got his hand on a thesaurus for the first time and just spits out nonsense.

Edit: I just noticed your sig, and that'll explain the tantrum your throwing.

Like your post to the 3rd power :) but this has become fruitless.
The key there is when he used the term "token" posters.
To me, this has become like the multiplicity of "Romo" threads. Saying the same thing into infinity. Not very pleasing at all.
Regarding jerry undermining the authority of his HC by his actions , I will take the word of actual NFL coaches and players over your uninformed opinion

The fact that you can't accept that your point was idiotic to begin with tells me all I need to know

"Also cower and Deion talking about Jerry on sidelines. Saying he's just a passionate owner. It's good for the cowboys and good for football."

Bill Cower is a HC does that make you uninformed? lol

If Jerry is telling Garrett who to play or what to plays to run then I could see your point. Telling Jason what was going on with Romo is not undermining a damn thing. Face it you don't like it, that's fine you don't have to then again it is not your team it is his
Bill Cower is a HC does that make you uninformed? lol

Well, it's funny you should mention that.....


“It certainly makes it very challenging to stand up there as a head coach and to hold people accountable to make tough decisions,” Cowher said. “But one thing I will say about the guy: He’s not afraid to make change. He’s committed to winning. It’s a blessing and a curse. There is no question about it. It does make it difficult at times, but he is all in.”

As far as Jason Garrett, it’s difficult because the one voice should be the head coach, not the owner.”
Well, it's funny you should mention that.....


“It certainly makes it very challenging to stand up there as a head coach and to hold people accountable to make tough decisions,” Cowher said. “But one thing I will say about the guy: He’s not afraid to make change. He’s committed to winning. It’s a blessing and a curse. There is no question about it. It does make it difficult at times, but he is all in.”

As far as Jason Garrett, it’s difficult because the one voice should be the head coach, not the owner.”

One voice to the players about what needs to be done sure but Jerry and Jason are on the same side it is not like they are competing with each other. I think Jerry fully understand the role of the HC both as a former player and a man who has close relationships with HC both pro and college.
Well, it's funny you should mention that.....


“It certainly makes it very challenging to stand up there as a head coach and to hold people accountable to make tough decisions,” Cowher said. “But one thing I will say about the guy: He’s not afraid to make change. He’s committed to winning. It’s a blessing and a curse. There is no question about it. It does make it difficult at times, but he is all in.”

As far as Jason Garrett, it’s difficult because the one voice should be the head coach, not the owner.”

Pretty much OWNED Dooms

The funny thing is that unlike juvenile and uninformed posters like "Benson" Dooms knows better but still defends Jerry's moronic actions...... go figure
Pretty much OWNED Dooms

The funny thing is that unlike juvenile and uninformed posters like "Benson" Dooms knows better but still defends Jerry's moronic actions...... go figure

owned nothing I'm not some cry baby going on about Jerry on the sidelines. He and Garrett are on the same team they are on the same side. Jerry is not telling Garrett who to play or what to run but it is your own silly perception. BP had no issue with Jones and he worked for Jerry but I guess you know more.
owned nothing I'm not some cry baby going on about Jerry on the sidelines. He and Garrett are on the same team they are on the same side. Jerry is not telling Garrett who to play or what to run but it is your own silly perception. BP had no issue with Jones and he worked for Jerry but I guess you know more.

You gave me Cowhers example to say he was ok with Jerry's actions calling me uninformed. Dodger12 gave a direct quotation from cowher that Jerry should but out

Pretty much the definition of OWNED
You gave me Cowhers example to say he was ok with Jerry's actions calling me uninformed. Dodger12 gave a direct quotation from cowher that Jerry should but out

Pretty much the definition of OWNED

Cower then takes on different views

Why make this comment? "Also cower and Deion talking about Jerry on sidelines. Saying he's just a passionate owner. It's good for the cowboys and good for football."

Jerry went to tell Jason what the situation was with Romo, he did not tell him to play him or not that is not undermining that is not sending a different message to players. Jerry and Jason are on the same side they work together as GM/HC Jerry going down there does nothing to undermine Jason.
Regarding Jerry on the sidelines, one of the things that his players, coaches, and even ex players and coaches all say is that they love his passion for the team. Isn't that on display when he goes down there and is so fired up? If they love that about him, why do so many people hate it? I personally don't care. I've seen plenty of other owners down on the sidelines. The difference is they aren't media rock stars, and he is. Why is he? Because of his passion for the team and game.

Many love to despise him. ***muhaha***
Owner, president, GM....
I think he would appear even more passionate if he called a few plays every game..... Maybe every first down..... Just so people could know how passionate he is and what a rock star he really is

Don't keep those qualities hidden jerry, let 'em out...... Who cares if it you undermine the authority of your HC

What the heck does him being on the sidelines showing passion for the team....and who would deny he is passionate about the team....have to do with him calling plays or being a rock star?
Many love to despise him. ***muhaha***
Yeah, that and 5 bucks will buy you an overpriced coffee at Starbucks. But in the long run their dislike is worth about as much as the by product of that coffee.

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