Has anyone been watching LOST ?

Danny White said:
I think the orange in the mouth was an homage to The Godfather. The guy does look a little bit like Brando.

One other thing, IF you had the batteries to power a CD player, don't you think you'd be better served saving them for something more important?? Like a radio or a transmitter, or a flashlight?

I also can't help thinking what a tough life that doctor's had... first he loses his parents in a car accident and has to raise his four brothers and sisters by himself, then he gets in a horrific plane crash. Some people have no luck. :D

Is the doctor an alcoholic? I remember him pulling a little bottle of vodka, or something, out of his jacket pocket when he was stitched up. He can't be all that meets the eye. He was also quick to say that everyone deserved a second chance.
Danny White said:
I think the orange in the mouth was an homage to The Godfather. The guy does look a little bit like Brando.

One other thing, IF you had the batteries to power a CD player, don't you think you'd be better served saving them for something more important?? Like a radio or a transmitter, or a flashlight?

I also can't help thinking what a tough life that doctor's had... first he loses his parents in a car accident and has to raise his four brothers and sisters by himself, then he gets in a horrific plane crash. Some people have no luck. :D
The professor on Gilligan's Island was able to make a radio work without batteries for years :D
Great show, but boy they dont reveal much each week. ABC is brillant, theyve got us hooked and they are reeling us in :D
Monte51Coleman said:
Is the doctor an alcoholic? I remember him pulling a little bottle of vodka, or something, out of his jacket pocket when he was stitched up. He can't be all that meets the eye. He was also quick to say that everyone deserved a second chance.

He was going to use it as an anti-septic to keep the wound clean but he could well be an alcoholic...he has not shown many signs of such a problem, or at least the show has not shown him in that light.

However like you said he is quick to say second chances which leads me to think he may have been responsible for a patients death or some disability...just a hunch.
HeavyHitta31 said:
Great show, but boy they dont reveal much each week. ABC is brillant, theyve got us hooked and they are reeling us in :D

Yes you have that right, just little tidbits here and there...but it does keep you interested that is for sure.

One other part I like about the show is having such a diverse group of people...the irish or scottish rocker, the billy bad-arse tough guy, the dock, the girl who seemed innocent but we find out is a fugitive, the good guy that wants to help but we find out he was with the republican guard, the asian couple who does not speak english (these two should create some very good plot lines)...the heavy set guy, the pregnant girl...the estanged father and son relationship.

Very good stuff.
HeavyHitta31 said:
That f****** moron shot the guy in the chest and didnt kill him, what a dumba**.

I remember him telling that girl that he would do it for her, but I did not remember seeing him in the tent with her and I thought after the dying guy asked her to kill him, that she just gave him the gun to shoot himself.

Then the doc going in there and although it did not show it, it lead you to believe he finished the job.

That whole sequence was pretty wild and gripping.
it's an awsome show.But it's like 20 mins. a show than 30 mins. of comericals.Your right that dude is a dumba$$ he should've just went straight for his head....HEY BUT WAIT!!!!Isn't he the one that shot that bear,that was like 100 yards away that's pretty weird
.hey what if she realy shot him and mr. hero is trying to cover up for..well no that can't be right because she walked away.aw great now i'am starting to sound like a chick!
so i'll just stop right there. :p
BrAinPaiNt said:
He was going to use it as an anti-septic to keep the wound clean but he could well be an alcoholic...he has not shown many signs of such a problem, or at least the show has not shown him in that light.

However like you said he is quick to say second chances which leads me to think he may have been responsible for a patients death or some disability...just a hunch.

I just thought it odd that he had the alcohol in his pocket. There had to be a reason for it to be there other than to use as an antiseptic in the event of an emergency. And wasn't there a flashback scene where he was getting more from one from the stewardess? This kind of stuff is what makes it a fun series to watch. Plus the girl ain't too hard on the eyes either.
I agree with Monty that the sinister baldheaded guy is going to be a leftover from whoever was on the island before, and is some way connected to the recorded message that they heard when they went up to the higher elevation.

I also think the creatures are going to turn out to be some kind of mutated animals that were experimented on by the previous island occupants.

Kind of an "Island of Dr. Moreau" thing, where the experiments went bad, the cute little bunnies and monkeys, turn into grotesque 7 foot "swamp things", and begin eating people's spleens!!!

All in all, it’s held my attention so far, although the whole concept of the tail end of a commercial airliner at cruising altitude, severing away from the plane because of turbulence, then survivors being able to walk away from that… welllll, let's just say, Naaaa aghhh!!
Googled from this here... www.lost-tv.com

(Man, some ppl have WAY too much time on their hands!) :p

N E X T O N " L O S T "
13 October 2004 (8/7c)
Survivors are jolted awake in the middle of the night when wild island beasts invade the beach encampment. Kate and Michael join the mysterious Locke on a hunt for food - and a shocking secret about Locke is revealed. Meanwhile, some survivors are horrified by Jack's plan for the dead bodies still scattered among the wreckage, and Jack sees someone in the jungle who might not have been on the plane. Also, Jack flashes back at 12 years old, to find himself on the playground in an altercation with a bully, who ultimately beats him up, and later learns a life lesson from his father.
DallasCowpoke said:
I also think the creatures are going to turn out to be some kind of mutated animals that were experimented on by the previous island occupants.

Kind of an "Island of Dr. Moreau" thing, where the experiments went bad, the cute little bunnies and monkeys, turn into grotesque 7 foot "swamp things", and begin eating people's spleens!!!

You may be right about that...

One thing that I found odd is in the first episode when they first heard the movement in the jungle it sounded mechanical or like metal scraping against metal.

I actually at first thought it was the cock pit of the plane sliding down the moutian side as they just got done saying they needed to find the cockpit...but then the trees were falling and that bunked that idea.
Another great episode. The Locke stuff was great. They did great character development with him! In fact, they're doing fantastic character development given how many characters they're dealing with. I did guess his "secret" in the first 10 seconds... but it was still interesting watching it come out.

I didn't remember seeing ANYTHING about Jack "flashing back to 12 years old" did I miss something?

I have no idea who the guy in the suit is supposed to be.

Also wondering, of course, why Locke was unharmed by the "beast" and why he won't talk about it to anyone.

This is shaping up to be a fantastic new "can't miss" series.
The thought crossed my mind that it's going to be an "I see dead ppl" type plot twist by series end, which is sooner, *patooo, bad taste in mouth* rather than later.
Danny White said:
Another great episode. The Locke stuff was great. They did great character development with him! In fact, they're doing fantastic character development given how many characters they're dealing with. I did guess his "secret" in the first 10 seconds... but it was still interesting watching it come out.

I didn't remember seeing ANYTHING about Jack "flashing back to 12 years old" did I miss something?

I have no idea who the guy in the suit is supposed to be.

Also wondering, of course, why Locke was unharmed by the "beast" and why he won't talk about it to anyone.

This is shaping up to be a fantastic new "can't miss" series.

Agreed it keeps getting better.

The whole idea of him being an office worker but now almost a commando type person is interesting..reminds me of the bad guy in the Postman movie.

It is also pretty wild and I kept wondering why he was staring at his feet and legs when he was knocked down...but to find out he, prior to being on the island, was confined to a wheel chair.

I am also wondering why he did not say anything about seeing this mystery thing on the island.

Now I am more convinced that the Doc has lost a patient or loved one and has turned completely against religion by his actions last night...his history may be the most interesting of the bunch...I am wondering if the guy he is seeing...might be a former patient he lost. Also thought it was odd that this guy he was seeing was wearing a suit but wearing tennis shoes.

The show is really very good and I hope it continues to get better.
Seeing a show like this come along and then seeing the ratings support it, makes one wonder if people's taste may actually be taking a turn for the better, lol. I swear another new reality show, another csi or law & order spinoff, or anymore crime drama crap, I think I might kick my tv in, lol. This show is good though, isn't the same ole' cookie cutter cr*p every network seems to want to shove down our throats. But obviously that's what someone wants, which will probably ultimatlly mean the death of this show once the buzz settles down. Or when CBS & NBC throw on opposite of it CSI: Bum**** and Law & Order: Small Claims Court....i dunno.
Seeing a show like this come along and then seeing the ratings support it, makes one wonder if people's taste may actually be taking a turn for the better, lol. I swear another new reality show, another csi or law & order spinoff, or anymore crime drama crap, I think I might kick my tv in, lol. This show is good though, isn't the same ole' cookie cutter cr*p every network seems to want to shove down our throats. But obviously that's what someone wants, which will probably ultimatlly mean the death of this show once the buzz settles down. Or when CBS & NBC throw on opposite of it CSI: Bum**** and Law & Order: Small Claims Court....i dunno.

Good takes and I agree...I really liked the first CSI...but I could not get into the Miami one and even though I like Gary S., I just could not get myself to be interested in the NY version.

I swear the entertainment biz is really hurting IMO...they have lost so much creativity that they have resorted to making movies from old 60-70's shows, cartoons, videogames and anything else.

It seems rare these days to get a new show or movie that is fresh and creative...to many people not willing to take a risk outside of the box and too many people trying to follow what worked (aka cop shows, reality shows and so on).
So I had a new theory while watching this episode... that they're all really dead and in a sort of heaven, and/or in some kind of limbo/purgatory. That would explain Jack seeing his dead dad, as well as Locke being able to walk.

Then I came across this article on TV Guide.com and realized I'm not the only one to have thought of this. :(

Get Lost: The Mystery Solved!
by Ben Katner

Is it just us, or is watching ABC's plane-crash smash, Lost (Wednesdays, 9 pm/ET), a little bit like driving on the New Jersey Turnpike? You never know where the heck it's going to take you, and yet you can't escape it, either. In any case, while we may never find our way on Garden State thoroughfares, we can make sense of the trippiest series since Twin Peaks. Consider, if you will, the following scenarios to explain the weird occurrences on the ultimate survivor island, then click at the bottom of this story to vote for the option you find most plausible.

The survivors are all dead. Think about it! Where else but in heaven could an individual walk away from a plane wreck looking as yummy as Kate (Evangeline Lilly) or Boone (Ian Somerhalder)? Plus, only divine intervention would allow paralyzed Locke (Terry O'Quinn) to suddenly walk. On the other hand, would even a vengeful God trap sinners with a tree-shaking beastie, not to mention obnoxious hothead Sawyer (Josh Holloway)? Let's contemplate a variation on the theme...

They're in purgatory. That's the ticket! Maybe Jack (Matthew Fox) isn't the Dr. Nice Guy that he appears to be. Lord knows his fellow beachcombers are a mixed bag of misanthropes and mischief-makers. So perhaps they are all stuck together, cluelessly working toward an understanding of some highly personal life lessons. Bratty Shannon (Maggie Grace) must see that using people is wrong; druggy Charlie (Dominic Monaghan) must begin to just say no... you get the idea. And the quick-vanishing man in the suit? Why, he is to purgatory what Della Reese was to Touched by an Angel — a kind of celestial overseer.

They're in outer space. Yeah, yeah, it's a mind-blowing proposition, we know. But it's not out of the realm of possibility. What if some alien race decided to Xerox Earth? They'd want to see how close they'd come to an exact duplicate, wouldn't they? So, to test their prefab world, they "import" a bunch of the natives by knocking their plane out of the air. Gradually, the busybody ETs would figure out the same thing that their unwitting guinea pigs are: Something is amiss. That's why there was a polar bear in the tropics; the Martians knew there were such creatures on Earth, they just didn't quite pinpoint where they belonged. This may also be why Locke was able to ditch his wheelchair; the pseudo-atmosphere in which our gang now reside may be slightly altered, allowing for miraculous feats of, in this case, an old guy's feet.

They're in Jurassic Park. We give creator J.J. Abrams way more credit than to seriously think he'd tear a page from another writer's blockbuster. However, if he somehow found a way to isolate his crew on a prehistoric isle, letting them in the back door so that neither they nor the audience knew what to expect, well, that prospect might be too tempting to resist. In addition, short of a guest appearance by the Jolly Green Giant, it's going to take a creature of T. Rex-ian proportions to keep us from being disappointed by the eventual revelation of the monster in the brush.

They're part of a government study. Cue the X-Files theme. This is obviously the kind of conspiracy about which Mulder lived to theorize. A disaster from which nobody should've walked away... an island nobody ever heard of... a shady character as sharply dressed as the nefarious Cigarette-Smoking Man. Yeah, this has "Made in the U.S.A." written all over it. Perhaps the G-men want to see what effect all that violence in TV and movies has really had on people. (They wouldn't be disappointed, either: There've been fisticuffs and gunplay nearly every day.) Or maybe the whole downing of the plane was orchestrated to rub out Kate, who isn't the criminal we're meant to think she is but a fearless spy who knows too much. On second thought, forget the X-Files theme; cue the Alias opening. There may be a crossover coming...

They're about to meet seven other stranded castaways. All these weeks, we've been thinking we're watching a new drama. As if! When our heroes make it to the other side of the island, we learn that we've been duped into watching a sitcom and that there will be hilarity galore once the likes of goofball Charlie and ornery Sawyer start mixing and mingling with a certain skipper, his first mate and their gaggle of ill-fated tour-boat passengers (among them, a millionaire and his wife, a movie star and... you know, the rest). Silly as it is, we're kind of partial to this outcome, if only because we expect the Professor will have a much easier time fashioning a two-way radio out of coconuts with the help of Lost's resident Mr. Wizard, Sayid (Naveen Andrews).
BTW, what are the thoughts on the empty coffin???

Does that mean he was unsuccessful in getting his father on the plane? If so, why just bring the coffin?

Or does it mean that he did bring his father, and that somehow he really is gone and wandering around?

It wasn't clear at all to me.

Why would he then bash the coffin apart?

Any thoughts on this?
I had a thought that maybe they are in the Bremuda Triangle??

Who can explain that message?

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