Hate To Admit It But Cowboys Are Not A SuperBowl Team..


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Pick6TerenceNewman;2332359 said:
The Bucs spanked Carolina and has a very good D. The Saints still have MVP canadid Brees and Reggie Bush.

The bottom line here is that the Cowboys don't have much wiggle room because if the season had to end, for argument sake, the Cowboys would be fighting for dear life for the last WildCard spot!
I guess I won't be handing out the "Let's end the season at Week 6" petition this year.



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Kangaroo;2332383 said:
Yet in the long run it was the stupidest thing Jerry did we are paying for it in the long run. I was hoping for Rivera but I was really hoping Rex Ryan was ready to take over then the defense would be Rockin and Rollin

Well like I said, if Parcells had left after the Hawks playoff game, then a guy like Rivera would have had PLENTY of time to come in, learn the ropes quickly, and be here just in time for talent scouting.

However-he left like 2 weeks before the Super Bowl, which ended up giving Jerry a THIN window in his HC search process.

Same happened to the Giants and Pats when Parcells bolted them unexpectedly and late in the game. It was no coincidence they were stuck with Ray Handley and Pete Carroll, respectively.


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Boysboy;2332395 said:
Well like I said, if Parcells had left after the Hawks playoff game, then a guy like Rivera would have had PLENTY of time to come in, learn the ropes quickly, and be here just in time for talent scouting.

However-he left like 2 weeks before the Super Bowl, which ended up giving Jerry a THIN window in his HC search process.

Same happened to the Giants and Pats when Parcells bolted them unexpectedly and late in the game. It was no coincidence they were stuck with Ray Handley and Pete Carroll, respectively.
Rivera would not have been available until after the Super Bowl, or when Wade was hired.


The Proletariat
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Should we have expected it? Sure, every talking head said so and we as fans hoped so, but there's something to be said about chemistry.

This is Romo's 2nd full year as a starter, just the second season for our head coach and OC and how much experience do all of these guys really have together?

Sure they clicked pretty early, but in reality, they have their growing pains to live through and I don't think expecting a Super Bowl so fast is realistic. There was a 13 year drought between Cowboy Super Bowl appearances from '79 to '92, yet when Landry was fired, Cowboy fans had a fit.

Why the rush to expect so much so fast? I expected better - at least handily beat teams like Cincy and the Card's, but in the grand scheme of things, it's a bit much to expect a team to be just a matter of simply plugging in parts and expecting fantastic results. They're people and there are subtleties to learn about the teams schemes and building chemistry with each other.

I'll still get mad and complain, but the Cowboys are on the right track and we're going to have to live with their growing pains, with a few tweaks in between, but nothing major needs changing at this point.


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vta;2332429 said:
Should we have expected it? Sure, every talking head said so and we as fans hoped so, but there's something to be said about chemistry.

This is Romo's 2nd full year as a starter, just the second season for our head coach and OC and how much experience do all of these guys really have together?

Sure they clicked pretty early, but in reality, they have their growing pains to live through and I don't think expecting a Super Bowl so fast is realistic. There was a 13 year drought between Cowboy Super Bowl appearances from '79 to '92, yet when Landry was fired, Cowboy fans had a fit.

Why the rush to expect so much so fast? I expected better - at least handily beat teams like Cincy and the Card's, but in the grand scheme of things, it's a bit much to expect a team to be just a matter of simply plugging in parts and expecting fantastic results. They're people and there are subtleties to learn about the teams schemes and building chemistry with each other.

I'll still get mad and complain, but the Cowboys are on the right track and we're going to have to live with their growing pains, with a few tweaks in between, but nothing major needs changing at this point.
Nice post.


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Pick6TerenceNewman;2332008 said:
SuperBowl teams don't have stupid penalties the Cowboys did. The Cowboys had 12 for 93 yards.

SuperBowl teams don't give up the amount of sacks that the Cowboys offensive line did today. They gave up three sacks.

SuperBowl teams can't have a QB that continues to make mistakes each week and that is what Romo has done by fumbling three times and losing one.

SuperBowl teams are suppose to be able to establish the run, the Cowboys have shown an inability to do so.

You can't win if you don't have balance!

SuperBowl teams are suppose to convert on third-downs. Well, the Cowboys were horrible at that against an suspect secondary, going 6-15 on third downs.

If you expect to make it to the promise land, you can't continue with poor Special-Teams that gave up a TD on the first play of the game.

The Special-Teams, well that is al least the name that each team calls them, is not very special at all. Forget about the penalties for a second, but let's talk about a missed 36 yard field-goal by Folk. Let's talk about the poor average that Adam Jones has on punt-returns. Now, we can talk about penalties, which from what I can recall, we had about 4 on ST's. Oh, by the way, Folk also kicked the ball out of bounds, costing the Cowboys field position.

And...... last but not least.... SuperBowl teams don't have coaches that make poor decisions!!!! Ya, I said it, the coaching staff did a poor job especially Jason Garrett. Everybody is quick to make him head coach but Jason Garrett has come up small in big situations dating back from last year against the Giants in the Playoffs. This is now at least the third game that Jason Garrett just flat SUCK'D!!!! His poor play calling has cost the Cowboys a possible trip to the SuperBowl last year. Garrett, cost the Cowboys with his decision to not run the ball against the Commanders and today in over-time with 15 mintues left, throw the ball three times in the row, knowing that the O-Line has struggled protecting Romo all day. If Garrett is such a genius as some people say he is, then why not mix it up? The game in over-time is a new ball game and you just won the coin toss. Why not get Barber involved running the ball and some dump-offs to Barber?

Sorry, but Jason Garrett is to blame here. There was no excuses for his poor play calling in a tie game and have the momentum.

Hate to say it but the Cowboys are not a SuperBowl team. They may have the most talent in the NFL but talent alone win not win you a Championship, just ask the Yankees' whom like the Cowboys have a paper Championship team and will never win a Championship unless you have CHEMISTERY and SMARTS which the Cowboys lack in both areas.

right now We shouldnt even be talking about playoffs...We need to play alot better then what We have the last 3 weeks. Just ugly football.


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We can't worry about the playoffs at this point. If we do what it takes to get better and beat the teams we should beat, the playoff will take care of itself. Right now we just need to focus on each game. Unfortunately, we don't seem capable of doing that right now. We'd better kick it in gear.


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I disagree I say we mix it up on offense come out in more 3 WR sets and let Romo go to work. We need to pass spread the ball around more and then run....also Garrett needs to stop doing that BS draw play....I think we can win the superbowl the way the Rams did because I no longer have any faith in our defense whatsoever so let it fly talk off all the reigns and we will worry about it in the morning.


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I got a question, didnt the Giants win the superbowl last year. i was just wondering cause you just described the giants team last year.


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Ender;2332480 said:
I got a question, didnt the Giants win the superbowl last year. i was just wondering cause you just described the giants team last year.

One more time.......

1) They started off the season slow b/c they were still getting their feet wet learning Spagnuola's schemes, and Strahan missed all of TC.

2) They had alot of depth-when a couple of their key vets went down(i.e. Kiwi and Derrick Ward), their draft picks came in, got their feet wet in the system, and had it down pat by year's end.

3) Jeremy Shockey going down was a HUGE plus for them - he's nothing but a pain in the *** not only for the team, but for Eli as well. Eli started to look alot more comfortable when he went down.

4) Tiki was no longer in their locker room - when the Giants hit rough spots, it was much easier for them to stick together now that he was gone.

5) When they got rid of Luke "penalty machine" Pettigout, it was no coincidence that their OL went from one of the most penalized teams to one of the least.

6) Tom Coughlin has always been a very good coach - it took him a good bit to blend in with the Giants b/c they already had alot of established vets, unlike the VERY young Jaguars team he coached that needed a chain and a whip.