CFZ Have you been priced out of going to Cowboys games?


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Not priced out but don’t really get any joy of actually going to a game anymore. It’s a hassle and as I get older, crowds annoy me more :muttley:

We just pick one or two away games each season to see a stadium/city that I haven’t been to. The list is getting shorter and I don’t really want to go to Cleveland or Minnesota.
I have a friend who has made it a life goal to see a MLB game in every stadium with his son before he’s too old. That might be do-able but I don’t love baseball enough I guess, lol.


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It's not always about being priced out. Is it worth the money? When people decide to purchase something, it's not always about whether or not they can afford it. It can also be whether or not they think it's worth it. I can afford a 20 dollar bottle of water, but do I want to pay that much for it?
That's how I view it. I can go to 6 or 7 Dallas Stars games for the same price combined price as a single cowboys game in the 400 section. Extra bonus I don't even have to drive, Dart takes you straight to the AAC parking lot.

It's not that I can't afford it it's just the value proposition is not there.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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We have not been permanently priced out 'good seats' but I have only attended one game on an annual basis in Arlington for the past eight years or so. My wife (the not really serious Broncos fan) and I have been attending one or two games together or separately at the Superdome.

I have gone with her to New Orleans only to fulfill the language in our marriage contract UNLESS Dallas comes to town. It is not necessary for her to coax me in attending those Superdome games. I am only mentioning it because ticket prices are more favorable there than in Arlington.

There are many times when I have stated my opinion of Jerry Jones' motivation as a GM. However, there will never be a time when I shall say he is not greedy as an owner. His first-sell ticket prices are a reflection of that.

Of course, even Jones cannot be blamed for reseller ticket costs. There have been times when I have looked at seats on Ticketmaster, Seat Geek, etc., and have been floored at the naked greed. Some of it is pure insanity. And it is not just Jones or the NFL. It is everywhere.


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Last game I attended was the playoff loss to SF in 2021. The tickets were expensive but it was a playoff game so no big surprise. The reason I probably won't attend another game revolves more around convenience and atmosphere. It's too much of a hassle traveling to Dallas, getting to the game, leaving the game, etc. Easier to just watch it from the convenience of my own home. The atmosphere is another reason. Seems like the fans in the stands want to talk trash like they are actually a part of the game. There were tons of 49ers fans at that game and I got so sick of all of the trash talk back and forth between the 49ers and Cowboys fans. I went to watch the game, not idiots in the stands yelling back and forth at each other.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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I remember thinking in the 80s and 90s how underpriced NFL tickets were.

They’ve certainly made up for it since.

The ticket prices are now actually fair, but the PSL scam ought to be illegal. That’s a bunch of crap. Makes a time share look good.
The reseller prices are not illegal but they are definitely not fair in many instances.


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I’ve been lucky enough to go to Cowboys home games at all three stadiums in their storied history - the Cotton Bowl, Texas Stadium and AT&T Stadium. My Dad took me to my first Cowboys game in 1964 when I was only 6 years old. Eventually my Dad took my younger brother and me to games also over the years, and as a middle class family it was affordable. Those memories of going to Cowboys games were truly bonding experiences.

The 1964 game tickets my Dad had for the game at the Cotton Bowl were $6.00 each. So it was $12 for a father and son to sit on about the 25 yard line. That was then. The average single ticket price of going to a Cowboys game now is between $286 and $689 and that of course does not include parking and other items.

Trust me, I’m not here to say “everything was better in the good ol’ days.” Believe me they weren’t. I’m not against owners making big profits. But I am mystified by how much NFL ticket prices have gone up relative to everything else in society over the years. The experience I had with my Dad so many years ago seems harder and harder for the average person to experience.

The Cowboys have raised ticket prices approximately 20% since 2022. The cost of living/inflation has gone up but not at those percentages. I’m all for the free enterprise system but at what point does this become just a ridiculous level of pure greed?

So…I’m curious. How many of you have been priced out? I last attended a Cowboys game in 2018 and now that I am retired, I may have been priced out of ever going again. How many of you have attended games with your children and continue to do so?
I’ve had season tickets for about 20 years now and I live in Oklahoma about 3.5 hours from the current stadium (I was closer to Irving). I am pretty fortunate in that I have end zone seats that can usually be flipped if I’m not going to the game, at about a break even cost on average.

It seems as though if you have higher priced seats that it would be a bit harder to love those seats than end zone seats which are obviously more affordable.


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Last game I attended was the playoff loss to SF in 2021. The tickets were expensive but it was a playoff game so no big surprise. The reason I probably won't attend another game revolves more around convenience and atmosphere. It's too much of a hassle traveling to Dallas, getting to the game, leaving the game, etc. Easier to just watch it from the convenience of my own home. The atmosphere is another reason. Seems like the fans in the stands want to talk trash like they are actually a part of the game. There were tons of 49ers fans at that game and I got so sick of all of the trash talk back and forth between the 49ers and Cowboys fans. I went to watch the game, not idiots in the stands yelling back and forth at each other.
One of the not so great things about having a stadium that seats 100k is you usually can only get about 80k of Cowboys fans - at best. About 20k of the fans (or more) are fans from the opponent.

I attended many games at Texas Stadium over the years and I honestly never saw more than a couple dozen fans from other teams. Course Texas stadium only held 65k.

big dog cowboy

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So…I’m curious. How many of you have been priced out?
Not us. We still go when the schedule allows. It's a little pricy but skip buying anything at the stadium, take the trolly to the game to avoid parking and things like that to game day cost down. We always have a blast and if it cost a little more than it used to then it does. Everything in life cost more. But you can't take it with you.


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It's not always about being priced out. Is it worth the money? When people decide to purchase something, it's not always about whether or not they can afford it. It can also be whether or not they think it's worth it. I can afford a 20 dollar bottle of water, but do I want to pay that much for it?'s about value.

When Dlaw says things like "we were just tired" after the loss to the Packers, it reinforces my opposition to throwing away good money for bad effort.


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I went to Texas Stadium several times in late 1980s/early 1990s. I went to the JerruhDome once in the opening season. I knew that would be my one & only game there. It's too much money, sure... but I honestly prefer watching on TV with my own refrigerator & bathroom nearby.


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Not us. We still go when the schedule allows. It's a little pricy but skip buying anything at the stadium, take the trolly to the game to avoid parking and things like that to game day cost down. We always have a blast and if it cost a little more than it used to then it does. Everything in life cost more. But you can't take it with you.
Yes, but most of us aren't in your tax bracket.

We'd have to do the standing room only section and put 3 of us in one long trench coat to afford it.....oh, the humanity of being outside of the 1 percenters.


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I’ve been lucky enough to go to Cowboys home games at all three stadiums in their storied history - the Cotton Bowl, Texas Stadium and AT&T Stadium. My Dad took me to my first Cowboys game in 1964 when I was only 6 years old. Eventually my Dad took my younger brother and me to games also over the years, and as a middle class family it was affordable. Those memories of going to Cowboys games were truly bonding experiences.

The 1964 game tickets my Dad had for the game at the Cotton Bowl were $6.00 each. So it was $12 for a father and son to sit on about the 25 yard line. That was then. The average single ticket price of going to a Cowboys game now is between $286 and $689 and that of course does not include parking and other items.

Trust me, I’m not here to say “everything was better in the good ol’ days.” Believe me they weren’t. I’m not against owners making big profits. But I am mystified by how much NFL ticket prices have gone up relative to everything else in society over the years. The experience I had with my Dad so many years ago seems harder and harder for the average person to experience.

The Cowboys have raised ticket prices approximately 20% since 2022. The cost of living/inflation has gone up but not at those percentages. I’m all for the free enterprise system but at what point does this become just a ridiculous level of pure greed?

So…I’m curious. How many of you have been priced out? I last attended a Cowboys game in 2018 and now that I am retired, I may have been priced out of ever going again. How many of you have attended games with your children and continue to do so?
We own 4 seats at the stadium. And prior to covid, we would try to go to at least one game a season. The reason being that we live out of state.

The tickets, per game, aren't too costly. But on the secondary and third markets, I can understand your point.

The reason I bought seats was because they were more affordable per game that way. I could pick and choose which games to attend. As well as playoff games. And sell the rest. I never "hit anyone " over the head so to speak. But what I sell allows me to attend a game(s) for basically no cost.

Always enjoy your topics/posts. Hope you are enjoying your retirement.


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I've never been to a game and will never pay that price to go. Front-row seats in front of my screen, along with chicken wings and beer, work well for me.


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I have season tickets, and I've actively been trying to sell my PSL's. I had a guy accept, but never submitted payment. I was forced to buy the tickets this year (up 3x now since 2020), so I'll be selling all of them. I have no desire to attend any home games. I may go to Pittsburgh this season. Our home games SUCK. I hate everything about our games, and the way they're ran.


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best time is set at home costs you a lot less and you can affort a lot of what you want to eat for what they charge to get in most certain a big t-bone and you don't have to worry for parking and getting out of a game after it is over and just might send a message to dumb and dumber about there management of players


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I’ve been lucky enough to go to Cowboys home games at all three stadiums in their storied history

Being from NJ, yes i been priced out. Airline ticket, hotel, rent a car or ubers. After paying for all that I'm not going to get some crappy seat at the stadium, plus food and booze at the stadium. If i add all that up i can travel somewhere nice for a week or two compared to one Cowboy's game, it's just not worth it, now if it was a NFCCG then maybe it's worth it, but they better not lose or it's lost moneys and wasted time.


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Oh, yes. And it's not just that the ticket price itself. It's the parking, concessions, etc. Just checked on Vivid seats and the cheapest seats are $129 plus fees, plus $42 for parking and about $15 for a hot dog and drink. Total $186.00.Counting the grandson, for all 6 of our family that are adults (not counting grandson but he'll have to eat but left that out). So over $1,100 for ONE game.

That's two car notes, about 4 nice dinners out where I live or several movies at the theater etc.

Just not worth it....