CFZ Have you been priced out of going to Cowboys games?


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League should set the prices and those prices should be subsidized by the massive TV contracts to keep prices low. Stop raising the damn cap so much every year which will keep player salaries from exploding exponentially annually, players still get paid ridiculous amounts, tickets stay lowered, owners still make windfall profits, everyone's happy.
I think the cap formula is a negotiated part of Collective Bargaining Agreement that the players fought to get. I could be wrong but I think that is a big reason for the cap fluidity. It benefits the owners, players, and agents…just not the fans.


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I never been to a game until 2021 when my son surprised me with tickets. It was the Thanksgiving game against the Raiders. That was when he came home for leave in the Army. Otherwise, I still wouldn't afford tickets. The concessions alone would break me. I mean, it was like 10 bucks I think for a can of beer. Just nuts.

nate dizzle

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I think the cap formula is a negotiated part of Collective Bargaining Agreement that the players fought to get. I could be wrong but I think that is a big reason for the cap fluidity. It benefits the owners, players, and agents…just not the fans.
Yeah I know, it's my utopian view of how it should work. I feel bad for your average middle income families that have to give up going to the games because they've now been priced out, or have to likely spend a half a month's salary just to go to a game. God forbid you're an out of state fan flying in.


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My brother (who lives in the Aransas, TX area) and I decided to have "bro's" Cowboy's home game getaway a couple of years ago.

We had a great time at the stadium and enjoyed the trip quite a bit. HOWEVER, in hindsight, we both thought we would have been far better off going deep-sea fishing on Saturday and then watching the Sunday game on his 85 inch OLED TV from the comfort of his home.

Priced out of the market? No, we can still afford it. Are there better value options for the money that still allow us to enjoy the game? Absolutely


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I think tickets in the US for any event are ridiculous, not just sporting events.
I've saw a story recently of Taylor Swift fans travelling to Paris because it was actually cheaper than watching her in Miami.

I can afford it, but I don't want to pay the jacked up prices.



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I was just there for the Carolina game nice stadium, huge cowboys fan base in the area loved it. Parking etc downtown is nuts
Yeah, I'll just uber there esp if I'm gonna have some drinks! Don't drink and drive.


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Price has absolutely nothing to do with not buying anything Cowboys in the past 10-15 years. I’m a broken record as to why. It’s called reality. I change when a I see an effort with this front office trying to get better. I find it hard to believe that profitability and relevance are not more important to the Jones than winning SBs. They’ve been in it too long to make as many blunders as they do in building a team. Accountability is the biggest factor with the Boys.


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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I’ve been lucky enough to go to Cowboys home games at all three stadiums in their storied history - the Cotton Bowl, Texas Stadium and AT&T Stadium. My Dad took me to my first Cowboys game in 1964 when I was only 6 years old. Eventually my Dad took my younger brother and me to games also over the years, and as a middle class family it was affordable. Those memories of going to Cowboys games were truly bonding experiences.

The 1964 game tickets my Dad had for the game at the Cotton Bowl were $6.00 each. So it was $12 for a father and son to sit on about the 25 yard line. That was then. The average single ticket price of going to a Cowboys game now is between $286 and $689 and that of course does not include parking and other items.

Trust me, I’m not here to say “everything was better in the good ol’ days.” Believe me they weren’t. I’m not against owners making big profits. But I am mystified by how much NFL ticket prices have gone up relative to everything else in society over the years. The experience I had with my Dad so many years ago seems harder and harder for the average person to experience.

The Cowboys have raised ticket prices approximately 20% since 2022. The cost of living/inflation has gone up but not at those percentages. I’m all for the free enterprise system but at what point does this become just a ridiculous level of pure greed?

So…I’m curious. How many of you have been priced out? I last attended a Cowboys game in 2018 and now that I am retired, I may have been priced out of ever going again. How many of you have attended games with your children and continue to do so?
The last game I went to was in 2011 against Detroit, and the only reason I went is because I was given free tickets. As far as the topic is concerned, I'm not priced out, I just refuse to give my money to an idiot owner who doesn't give 2 spits (use a different rhyming word...) about winning


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A lot of people have been "priced-out" of even watching the games on TV.


NFL Historian
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Priced out? No not specifically so, although I always had to budget air travel into it. But priorities in life change and I’m more interested in visiting my friends on the mainland than spending a ton of money on games, airfare and hotel.


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It's not always about being priced out. Is it worth the money? When people decide to purchase something, it's not always about whether or not they can afford it. It can also be whether or not they think it's worth it. I can afford a 20 dollar bottle of water, but do I want to pay that much for it?
That’s what priced out means in this context. I’m sure everyone on here can find 400-800 bucks if they have to.


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Football is better on TV. I live in NJ. I went to a few Giants games and honestly, I almost froze my tush off. The last time I went two guys got in fight behind me because one guy spilled his hot cocoa on the other guy's wife's fur coat.


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Football is a better TV sport anyway. I can watch the Cowboys at home with some drinks off my shelf and DIY cooked wings for like $10. Or even if I head to a sports bar and go for it with the food and drinks, I'll be out like $50. I doubt you could even park at an NFL stadium for that.

I did make one trip to Jerry World to scratch it off my bucket list, and I am glad I did. I'm not a big traveler at all, but the famous museums and sights of the world I've seen never really impressed me. Sears Tower, Big Ben, whatever... they were just tall buildings, you've seen ones like them before. Jerry World was a different experience. It truly felt huge in an awe-inspiring way, it truly felt like no expense spared, and somehow, the view from even the cheap seats was fantastic. I was blown away.


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I've been to games the last couple of years, but it's definitely a financial commitment (especially since I don't live where an NFL team lives, so I have to go to find Dallas wherever they're playing). It's fun, and I love a good trip, but you do drop some coin and deal with things that aren't as fun as you're getting older. Last game I went to I dropped $150 on just drinks and food during that game. Then we had some guy sitting in front of us (that you could watch his drunk-o meter filling up as the game wore on) that started to get lipping with an old lady (yes, an older lady) about her fandom of the other team. Some of us guys had to regulate him, and he actually got kicked out, but it's those kind of things you have to deal with when you go. An uncomfortable seat, long lines, overpriced drinks/food, and some tough guy that likes to talk smack to older women. :rolleyes:

big dog cowboy

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Football is a better TV sport anyway.
We go to a game every weekend. High school, college or pro. If there is football being played we love to go and watch. The stadium experience can't be beat. Trying to count off the top of my head...I believe we went to 16 games last year. Best college game was K-St and Baylor. I predicted then Beebe would be a Cowboy. Best pro game was Thanksgiving watching Bland set the int record.