the kid 05;1959931 said:
the Elite uses the "falcon" chip is smaller thus cooler.
The people who state they have gone through 4-5 360's are either a) sony fanboys (such as you seem to be) or b) r-tards that shove the thing into a tiny space with no breathing room.
I stand corrected about the numbers. MGS4 is coming to the 360 its a timed exclusive just like the gta series and previous MGS games, Resistance 1 sucked big ones the only thing it has for it is the 60 multiplayer action but seeing how PSN is still laggy from the lack of dedicated servers ( dont try and say they have them cuz thats why the xbox live cost money to keep their dedicated servers running and lag free gaming) it will run like crap just like R1 did, I do love me some GT though
I was waiting for the "fanboy" tag. But then you see that creates somewhat of a conundrum perhaps. Am I fanboy because I see better qualities in the PS3 or are you a fanboy because you see better qualities in the 360? Or perhaps I'm completely unbiased and make my judgements based on what I like and what pleases me as a consumer.
The fanboy tag doesn't apply to me because I've owned almost every system besides the original attari's and clocovision(however it's spelled). Do I show a little more favor towards one system? Maybe...but I'm far from a fanboy. I bought the 360 2 years before I go the PS3. Why? The price was sufficient, the games were great and I'm a gamer. I almost never had any intentions of getting the PS3. However my first 360 bit the bullet after having it an a well ventilated place for quite some time it finally died. The 360 I have now on ocassion gives me fits and has even scratched a few of my games causing disc read errors.
Fanboys are generally kids or teens who's parents only buy them one system. Thus they become defensive when possible negative qualities are pointed out about said system. They also get high and mighty when they can find flaws in a rival system not in theirs. The whole "fanboy" tag is abused and I don't know many guys my age to care one way or the other. A gamer is a gamer, being a gamer I can still objectively look at each system and critique if I want.
When the price of the PS3 dropped and I saw a few games I liked I finally plunged and I got it. Needless to say I'm quite pleased with it.
My personal experience or yours means little though. What matters really are the stats. And the stats show that the 360 has a much higher hardware failure rate than the PS3 or the Wii. The 360 was rushed to launch causing massive overheating issues, something which has taken M$ a couple years to seemingly finally resolve. Did I pay the price for getting my system around launch? Yea I did, but it doesn't excuse so many system failures. PS2 didn't have hardware failures to the likes of the 360 and it was notorious for them.
As far as exclusives go. MGS4 so far is only known to be an exclusive to the PS3 right now. There is actually a petition at the 360 IGN message board to get MGS4 on the 360. A petition wouldn't be necessary if the Xbox community felt confident that MGS4 was coming to the 360. MGS4 to 360 related news is merely speculation and rumour at this point.
Resistance was a great FPS, not quite GOW good but it was very well done. Resistance 2 will very likely push the bar a little bit and make for another great FPS. Then there will also be Killzone 2 in the near future. I don't foresee the PS3 having any Halo killer type games but it will have some quality exclusives that will appeal to the average consumer. This is why I think the PS3 sales will continue to climb.
One more thing, like I said I plan to get the "Elite" 360 soon. Im just going to wait until I get out of boot-camp. (Marines). I feel right now that the 360 I have now is winding down and close to being on it's last leg.