Health Thread **merged**

So, just reading between the lines, I can't diagnose here? Can I start a "Get Your Diagnosis Here" thread?
Not sure if you are trying to be funny or just trolling.

In any case, anyone looking for a diagnosis from regular people online is wasting their time. People should always go to an actual doctor for diagnosis when they have health issues.
Not sure if you are trying to be funny or just trolling.

In any case, anyone looking for a diagnosis from regular people online is wasting their time. People should always go to an actual doctor for diagnosis when they have health issues.
LOL, just fyi, I am always trying to be funny, that is the main reason I am here, self-amusement Doesn't always work but I do give the effort. I would not choose to be serious on a sports site.

I thought I had been on here long enough for you to realize that as well as I would never diagnose someone's health issues, but thanks for playing along. This is a first for me, actually explaining that I am not serious.
LOL, just fyi, I am always trying to be funny, that is the main reason I am here, self-amusement Doesn't always work but I do give the effort. I would not choose to be serious on a sports site.

I thought I had been on here long enough for you to realize that as well as I would never diagnose someone's health issues, but thanks for playing along. This is a first for me, actually explaining that I am not serious.
I tend to a be a very (extreme) literal person especially while working so if there are no additional signs or hints something is meant as humor, I assume it is a serious post. Not your fault of course, but just like sarcasm fails to be recognized by a lot of people in online text, I have that issue with humor and other emotions when no additional context or hints are applied.

All good though!
I tend to a be a very (extreme) literal person especially while working so if there are no additional signs or hints something is meant as humor, I assume it is a serious post. Not your fault of course, but just like sarcasm fails to be recognized by a lot of people in online text, I have that issue with humor and other emotions when no additional context or hints are applied.

All good though!
S'ok, I thought you knew I was just screwing around. It is safe to assume I am in the future.....unless I am not and I can't tell you because it will ruin the effect.

In your position, I would be literal as well. Some poster starts talking about hanging out a shingle in a thread and playing doctor, can't ignore that. Now, please drop your pants, turn your head and cough. How long have you had that cough?
I don't really have any health issues and don't get sick very often. With that said, battling something now. For a week or so, my eyes had constant discharge(mucous) and when I would wake up, the eyes would almost be dried up. Sleep dried up all around the eyelids, corners, etc. once I cleaned all that up, the eyes continued to discharge all day.

So, went to an opthomologist to have it looked at. Turns out I have MGD and blepharitis. My glands stopped producing lipids that mix with the tears to keep eyes moistened. I am now on a regimen of two kinds of drops every 5 hours, occular heat treatments and eyewashes.

It has been five days since my dr visit and the eyes are about 70% better but the problems are still there, just lighter. The Dr said if this doesn't work, I will need something called manual glandular extraction. No idea what that is or entails but I will bet good money that it is something that I will not participate in :lmao2:
I'm so sorry to hear you're sick, Yosemite. You've got to take care of yourself or this forum will descend into chaos. Please tell us you sat in the Giants section and coughed at everyone during the game. That would be the only fun we could get out of you being sick. It would be extremely entertaining to believe those fans went home with a little extra "souvenir" to remember us by. Now go sit your azzes at home and contemplate your NFL choices ALL OFF SEASON! (It doesn't take long for the power to go to my head.)

If you didn't have such a classic avatar, we'd half expect to see a picture of Hector.
He probably forgot how to change his avatar, so I'll skip the part about not giving him any ideas......but you need to be more careful in the future!
LOL, just fyi, I am always trying to be funny, that is the main reason I am here, self-amusement Doesn't always work but I do give the effort. I would not choose to be serious on a sports site.

I thought I had been on here long enough for you to realize that as well as I would never diagnose someone's health issues, but thanks for playing along. This is a first for me, actually explaining that I am not serious.
Wait, so you've just been kidding all this time???
I don't really have any health issues and don't get sick very often. With that said, battling something now. For a week or so, my eyes had constant discharge(mucous) and when I would wake up, the eyes would almost be dried up. Sleep dried up all around the eyelids, corners, etc. once I cleaned all that up, the eyes continued to discharge all day.

So, went to an opthomologist to have it looked at. Turns out I have MGD and blepharitis. My glands stopped producing lipids that mix with the tears to keep eyes moistened. I am now on a regimen of two kinds of drops every 5 hours, occular heat treatments and eyewashes.

It has been five days since my dr visit and the eyes are about 70% better but the problems are still there, just lighter. The Dr said if this doesn't work, I will need something called manual glandular extraction. No idea what that is or entails but I will bet good money that it is something that I will not participate in :lmao2:
Oh man, that sounds horrible.
I need to get my eyes checked. I thought the thread title said Heath, so I'm reading all these responses and no one is discussing Heath. I thought strange, so I scrolled to topthe and saw it was Health. LOL.

I started a thread a few days ago regarding the benefits, or issues, with CBD oil as a treatment for inflammation associated with arthritis.

I got a lot of good feedback on CBD, but more importantly, the thread spawned a number of conversations about homeopathic medicine - something I would like discuss in more detail
I don't really have any health issues and don't get sick very often. With that said, battling something now. For a week or so, my eyes had constant discharge(mucous) and when I would wake up, the eyes would almost be dried up. Sleep dried up all around the eyelids, corners, etc. once I cleaned all that up, the eyes continued to discharge all day.

So, went to an opthomologist to have it looked at. Turns out I have MGD and blepharitis. My glands stopped producing lipids that mix with the tears to keep eyes moistened. I am now on a regimen of two kinds of drops every 5 hours, occular heat treatments and eyewashes.

It has been five days since my dr visit and the eyes are about 70% better but the problems are still there, just lighter. The Dr said if this doesn't work, I will need something called manual glandular extraction. No idea what that is or entails but I will bet good money that it is something that I will not participate in :lmao2:

I had this very thing when I was a teen. Lasted about a month, visits to my family Dr. and Eye Dr. solved nothing, they prescribed various eye drops ... and mentioned to my Mom some of the possibilities. My eyes cleared up about 2-3 weeks later. Basically just flushed my eyes every morning and put the eye drops in. It sucks when your eyelids do not want to open, and when you are a teen it's a little unsettling.
I don't really have any health issues and don't get sick very often. With that said, battling something now. For a week or so, my eyes had constant discharge(mucous) and when I would wake up, the eyes would almost be dried up. Sleep dried up all around the eyelids, corners, etc. once I cleaned all that up, the eyes continued to discharge all day.

So, went to an opthomologist to have it looked at. Turns out I have MGD and blepharitis. My glands stopped producing lipids that mix with the tears to keep eyes moistened. I am now on a regimen of two kinds of drops every 5 hours, occular heat treatments and eyewashes.

It has been five days since my dr visit and the eyes are about 70% better but the problems are still there, just lighter. The Dr said if this doesn't work, I will need something called manual glandular extraction. No idea what that is or entails but I will bet good money that it is something that I will not participate in :lmao2:
Damn, I don't care what word you put between manual and extraction, that makes me twitch as I am typing. Hope you get to that next 30% level.
I need to get my eyes checked. I thought the thread title said Heath, so I'm reading all these responses and no one is discussing Heath. I thought strange, so I scrolled to topthe and saw it was Health. LOL.

YOU TOO? I couldn't understand why Jeff Heath was being discussed so low in the forums.
And never google your symptoms, you go from healthy to dying in 6 clicks.
I stopped going to them. They are like the Roadrunner and turn you into Wylie Coyote. You end up placing the anvil over your own head.

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