This post is very difficult as well as much needed, healing of sorts if you will.
I have received more then a few emails, PM's and texts over the last 5 months from many of you wondering if I was ok and where I was at. I apologize for the lack of response. The last 5 months have been a very trying and difficult time in my life and I have been on a self seeking mission of sorts.
Shortly after the season began my wife and I started to have some issues. I noticed something was wrong but working so many hours and being on the road a lot I was missing signs and missing facts. I soon found out my wife of 15 years had been having an affair and we seperated. It was very hard on myself and my 3 children. I went through a stage of depression, stopped caring about life and everything I enjoyed. I was just hanging on trying to make it. It stayed that way for a good time and then I decided I could let it control me or use it to my advantage.
I discovered a lot about myself again as a person and as a father. Finally right after Christmas I made a major decision. I'll keep that to myself but long story short, I moved back to NY from SC and I have my 3 children with me. My relationship with my wife is stressed at best and a resolution looks impossible but I have been blessed and I'm preparing to start over.
I'm currently in the process of trying to get permanent custody of my 3 children and starting to enjoy the things I gave up on. For a long time just coming to this board to check in was difficult, for the first time in my life I believe I may have caught a total of 3 hours of Cowboys football. None of it was important to me but I missed it.
The good news is while I still have a lot of healing to do I'm back. I have my 3 kids, I'm enjoying things again and I'm finding there is a life out there for a single father of 3! Matter of fact, having your crap together and being a single father is a bit of a bonus when it comes to the attention of the ladies.
I just wanted to stop in and thank all of you that have reached out for your concern and support and those that have offered prayers I ask that you keep me in mind and the journey and healing is not yet over.
Thanks again!:starspin