Herd w/Colin Cowherd: Tyron Smith, "Have they wasted his career?"


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Other teams waste careers of great players, but very few do it for a Jason Garrett experiment at QB, right after a decade long experiment at HC in Jason Garrett..
Prime example of just making Jerry comfortable. Thats the priority here!


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How many other teams have players that this can be said about....oh, it is not Dallas players, so who cares.

Our own fans love this type of stuff. :facepalm:
Always going to be one of the 'horsemen' that post this type of stuff.
(But that legion has grown over the last six weeks.)


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Always going to be one of the 'horsemen' that post this type of stuff...
I mean it’s true in this case.

No other team waste players careers? He’s a first ballot HOF and about to cash in again next week


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Always going to be one of the 'horsemen' that post this type of stuff.
(But that legion has grown over the last six weeks.)
Always here to protect the :starspin:STAR:starspin: from foreign and domestic homers!


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If you watched, its not just about just wasting Tyron's career, they wasted having one of the top offensive lines in the league.
2016 was the peak of the oline.
Tyron, Fredbeard, Zack all All Pro.
Leary strong. Free average.
All Pro RB.
And they went with Dak over Romo for the playoffs. Sad.
Good case could be made for 2014 oline being better, as Free was much better then.

To be fair to Dak and Jerry, it was never the same after 2016.
Leary leaves. Connor Williams too weak for LG a couple of seasons.
Tyron started back problems in 2017. Missed 2020 and 2022.
Fredbeard out in 2018 with GBS. Not the same in 2019. Gone in 2020.
Zeke not the same player as 2016 ever again.


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Wasted career?

If you wanted to experience a truly wasted career then you could go back to the days before free agency and salary caps.

Archie Manning

The guy should be in the NFL history books but he couldn't get out of New Orleans until very late in his career. It took the Saints 22 years before their first winning season and Archie Manning's career was in the middle of that period. In his 11 years there, the Saints won more than five games twice. Manning made the pro Bowl both those seasons, despite neither being winning seasons.

The Cowboys had their opportunities with Tyron Smith and didn't get it done. That's a big difference from never even getting an opportunity.

Tyron's time here was not a wasted opportunity, just unfulfilled.

nate dizzle

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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
2016 was the peak of the oline.
Tyron, Fredbeard, Zack all All Pro.
Leary strong. Free average.
All Pro RB.
And they went with Dak over Romo for the playoffs. Sad.
Good case could be made for 2014 oline being better, as Free was much better then.

To be fair to Dak and Jerry, it was never the same after 2016.
Leary leaves. Connor Williams too weak for LG a couple of seasons.
Tyron started back problems in 2017. Missed 2020 and 2022.
Fredbeard out in 2018 with GBS. Not the same in 2019. Gone in 2020.
Zeke not the same player as 2016 ever again.
The line has ranked in the upper 1/4 tier of the league since Dak came into the league. We've won 2 playoff games.


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Winning a Super Bowl is a team achievement, not an individual achievement, so it hardly counts as a "waste" if an individual doesn't win one.

Tyron is a 5x All-Pro, All-Decade player, surefire Hall of Famer, and arguably the best Cowboys tackle ever. He's had about as good of a career as humanly possible. You could argue that the Dallas Cowboys as a team underachieved during that stretch, but Tyron as a player sure as hell didn't.


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Meh the guy was a good player on a mediocre franchise. Over rated as all good Cowboy players are. Never elevated his teammates. Never held others accountable. Never held himself accountable. Never got it done when it mattered. Made lots of money with no real pressure or expectations. You can't waste something that was never meant to be more than it is.