Here is a stat for ya


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Just heard this. The Cowboys and the Iggles have had 4 common opponents this season. The Cowboys have outscored those opponents by 113 pts. The Eagles have outscored them by 30.

Keep telling yourself how mighty the Eagles are.

By the way, after we beat the Eagles, it wont take but 2 minutes before someone says... big deal, now beat them on the road.
They for sure will find a reason to say their Eagles lost the game and we didn't beat them they beat themselves lol

I think the narrative is always gonna be do it in the playoffs or I'm not impressed which we did do the whole big score net points against Tampa Bay but also that didn't count because it was just Tampa Bay that's the annoying word of the year is put just in front of any of our wins when like you pointed out go look at the other teams differential like the Buffalo Bills only beat just the giants 14 to 9... Too many examples to list but yeah it's not just the Eagles now there have gone to this

now when I look online it says that we're purposely running up the score to pad our stats that's what they're saying they're saying we're doing all this scoring like in the fourth quarter and that we should have power our starters like like a halftime... Literally that's what's going around on the Internet by our wonderful opponents fan base and some of ours they're saying that all these fancy numbers they're all at garbage time and all when we're running up the score I mean literally what do they want us to do pull all our starters at halftime at some mercy rule? Maybe we should dump the game down so we can keep it closer so then people can complain that we don't beat them by enough like last year's Houston game they basically said that win doesn't mean much because you had to do it on the last drive and yet that's all the Eagles been doing this year is having the win on the last drive or two of the game which is good for them look kudos to the Philadelphia Eagles they are winning and they keep winning but they aren't that impressive to me they are not our Achilles heel we can beat the Eagles I am very confident that in most games we're gonna split with the Eagles...

It's the 49ers we all know it that's one of the hardest teams to stop in the NFL because of all they can do on all three phases and coaching I don't care what their record is I still put them ahead of the Eagles...


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Thanks TO for sending your QB TE and LB to Cabo before the playoffs.
You still realize that that meant nothing to the game it may not have looked good to the public but it had zero to do with their focus they study they had their iPads they knew what they needed to do most of the guys who played the worst in that game did not go to Cabo.... I don't think Patrick Creighton went to Cabo and he was one of the worst players on the field that day that's the Patrick Creighton game he pulled up on a route and he also dropped the third down pass he literally was one of the main issues in that game and there were a few and it wasn't the dudes who went to Cabo that made the most mistakes it was all the other guys maybe they were jealous maybe they laid down maybe they just you know purposely lost...

Can we please stop with all the nonsense that that game somehow was affected by them going to Cabo you act like they didn't care whether they won or lost like they didn't study they didn't practice look it wasn't their off day so they went out of town who cares.... If you really truly believe them going to Cabo affected the loss then you really are separated from reality you're truly clueless that what things were going on in their mind because you think you did like somehow you think they took the giants lightly and I guarantee they did not...

Yes I'll give you on the surface it wasn't a good look but it was a day off it was a weekend off I guarantee they had their iPads I guarantee they were studying their responsibilities and they came in when they were supposed to come in and practice and we simply got beat because of a few bad plays by a few players that were not the ones that went to Cabo..


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Id rather take Wins and not Margins.
But isn't it both I mean that's what we're doing but people are not impressed but they should be why aren't we talking about the Eagles barely winning then because last year against Houston that's all we heard from our own fans that we need to bring that back here I bet we could find that old thread from barely beating Houston or unhappy that we didn't score the most points against the Indianapolis Colts till the game was almost over all that nonsense comes from our own fans in here in the zone!!

Those were wins by the way but yet they were criticized because they said we were playing down to our competition well are the Eagles playing down to their competition I believe I mean I guess that must be the narrative for them they don't take the game seriously they're sleepwalking through the game maybe they're not preparing maybe they're overlooking them maybe it's a trap game for the Eagles every week because that's what it looks like....

So please can we stop now we're upset over giant lopsided wins because they don't mean much because a win is a win but when we are barely beating these teams the last couple of years this place would go nuts with all the insinuations and the name calling to our team they weren't prepared they didn't seem focused and blah blah blah

what it really means any given Sunday parody typically is week to week,,, we're the only team that's just dominating these teams like this and yet I realize it's unimportant as this net differential is it's still impressive regardless because it's not supposed to happen especially four times.. I also believe that we have like a 20 point win differential at home and we're undefeated at home I guarantee if it was only a four points every game we are winning by this place would make a big deal about it...GUARNTEED!

So interceptions only matter when it's Prescott but when it's one of the other big name quarterbacks which there's a whole bunch of this year with an awful lot of turnovers it's no longer a media frenzy we're not having special threads about it we're not watching the practice interceptions we're not tallying all the mistakes that would be moving the goal post the same with this if we were only winning these games by less than one score it would be a big deal but when other teams are doing it it doesn't matter it's not a big deal....

how about the narrative about can't score in the red zone? that narrative was also ridiculous cause the entire league red zone scoring was down early.. but hey we can't talk about interceptions so let's talk about the red zone lest find something to whine about but thats long gone now its net point big blowouts dont matter LOL .

wait now it's simply stat padding and selfish and showboating like bully's that one just surfaced, apparently we need a mercy rule.


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It makes no difference how much we outscored those common opponents, Philly still beat us and is currently 2.5 games ahead of us. They don’t pass out trophies based on margin of victory against common opponents. It’s silly that any fan would think it has a bearing on anything. I said it last year and I’ll say it again, if Philly has home field throughout the playoffs, they’ll end up in the Super Bowl.
and Ill say it again... philly doesnt scare me. Crown them if you want. They literally had the ball bounce their way and got LUCKY to get a victory against us in the first match up.

I guess we should just forget about this season, as we likely dont get HFA.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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and Ill say it again... philly doesnt scare me. Crown them if you want. They literally had the ball bounce their way and got LUCKY to get a victory against us in the first match up.

I guess we should just forget about this season, as we likely dont get HFA.
I’m sure you were spinning they didn’t scare you the first time we played them. It’s obvious the blowout wins we’ve had against bad teams have you pounding your chest. We can pretty much forget about reaching the Super Bowl having to play on the road in the playoffs. All three of our losses this season have been on the road. The Cowboys haven’t been the same team on the road.


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I’m sure you were spinning they didn’t scare you the first time we played them. It’s obvious the blowout wins we’ve had against bad teams have you pounding your chest. We can pretty much forget about reaching the Super Bowl having to play on the road in the playoffs. All three of our losses this season have been on the road. The Cowboys haven’t been the same team on the road.
"Pounding my chest?" nah, I dont play the games, dont get a check.. dont give 1 f about how big we win by. But if you dont think common opponent *** whoopings start to paint a picture on the quality of this team... well, we can agree to disagree. As others have pointed out.... at some point all those close wins where everything went your way come back to the mean. See the Giants and the Vikes for proof of that fact. The Chiefs fumbled within the 5 and dropped a game winning TD. Dallas... well we know how every little thing went their way. They cant count on that crap over and over to get wins.


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The Eagirls are very much like the Vikings from last year. Vikings won bunch of close games then got beat by the Giants in the playoffs. I can see similar thing happening to the Eagirls this year.
I'm not saying this is the case, but, do you think it is possible that both KC and philly have targets in their backs, especially KC. Do other teams measure themselves based on how well they perform against last year's SB teams. Are they getting every teams "A" game? If so, may explain at some of what we are seeing.


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You still realize that that meant nothing to the game it may not have looked good to the public but it had zero to do with their focus they study they had their iPads they knew what they needed to do most of the guys who played the worst in that game did not go to Cabo.... I don't think Patrick Creighton went to Cabo and he was one of the worst players on the field that day that's the Patrick Creighton game he pulled up on a route and he also dropped the third down pass he literally was one of the main issues in that game and there were a few and it wasn't the dudes who went to Cabo that made the most mistakes it was all the other guys maybe they were jealous maybe they laid down maybe they just you know purposely lost...

Can we please stop with all the nonsense that that game somehow was affected by them going to Cabo you act like they didn't care whether they won or lost like they didn't study they didn't practice look it wasn't their off day so they went out of town who cares.... If you really truly believe them going to Cabo affected the loss then you really are separated from reality you're truly clueless that what things were going on in their mind because you think you did like somehow you think they took the giants lightly and I guarantee they did not...

Yes I'll give you on the surface it wasn't a good look but it was a day off it was a weekend off I guarantee they had their iPads I guarantee they were studying their responsibilities and they came in when they were supposed to come in and practice and we simply got beat because of a few bad plays by a few players that were not the ones that went to Cabo..
"now when I look online it says that we're purposely running up the score to pad our stats" that's absurd. If that were the case it would be so obvious. If that were the case we would still be playing our starters well beyond the point where the game was out of our opponents reach. Ridiculous.


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The Eagles are far more talented than the Vikings were last year. They just keep finding ways to win and that’s something that good teams do. But to be fair I also get your point abt one score games. Being that close too often will eventually bite you in the butt.
Thats the point you bring up. They don't get blown out. They rarely blow out anyone. But they are able to put out wins in close games. It's the mind set. We don't have it yet. We had a chance and made all mistakes possible to pull defeat from jaws of victory. In Eagles game and against AZ.


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I am guessing the 4 common opponents are New England, LA Rams, Jets and Washington? The point diff for Dallas against those teams is 113. The point diff against those teams for the Eagles is 24.

This does not count the 49ers who beat Dallas by 32. Considering Dallas already lost to the Eagles I don't think this stat means anything. Let's see what happens with both teams facing some good teams going forward.


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I had hoped Det could get 1st seed but they are not looking like it although they have easiest schedule down the stretch.

These next 3 games ( Bills, SF & Dal) for Egirls will determine. If they win at least 2 out 3 they should get it.
You’re right.

My brain didn’t update yet after Thursday.

In fact if Philly loses enough to blow the one seed, we are more of a candidate to grab it than Det.


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I want the Bills to win so the Eagles homers around here can be quiet for a while.


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You’re right.

My brain didn’t update yet after Thursday.

In fact if Philly loses enough to blow the one seed, we are more of a candidate to grab it than Det.

SF/ Phil game next week could determine it. If SF wins that , the way they are playing could run the table.

I still believe SF is best team in NFC when they are healthy.
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The Eagles are better than Dallas. Not by a lot, but they are better.

The 49ers are better than Dallas, by a lot. They are a terrible matchup for Dallas


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Just heard this. The Cowboys and the Iggles have had 4 common opponents this season. The Cowboys have outscored those opponents by 113 pts. The Eagles have outscored them by 30.

Keep telling yourself how mighty the Eagles are.

By the way, after we beat the Eagles, it wont take but 2 minutes before someone says... big deal, now beat them on the road.
More regular season bravado and chest puffing. Let’s see them in January before we declare greatness.


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More regular season bravado and chest puffing. Let’s see them in January before we declare greatness.
stop putting words into my mouth. There is zero chest puffing and nobody has said a word about GREATNESS. But if you think we stand no chance against the mighty Iggles... you are simply blind.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
stop putting words into my mouth. There is zero chest puffing and nobody has said a word about GREATNESS. But if you think we stand no chance against the mighty Iggles... you are simply blind.
Of course we have a chance. I just don’t understand the declaration.


Well-Known Member
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Just heard this. The Cowboys and the Iggles have had 4 common opponents this season. The Cowboys have outscored those opponents by 113 pts. The Eagles have outscored them by 30.

Keep telling yourself how mighty the Eagles are.

By the way, after we beat the Eagles, it wont take but 2 minutes before someone says... big deal, now beat them on the road.
I'm still convinced the reason we haven't won a super bowl in so long is because cowboys fans are just bad karma.