News: Here Is Why The Cowboys Should Hang On To Rolando McClain


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Here Is Why The Cowboys Should Hang On To Rolando McClain

Rolando McClain has been suspended. Again.

Whether you were all aboard the "Freight Train" McClain or not, his presence on the field offered the Cowboys a better situation than when he wasn’t. It’s easy to nitpick his performance and say he was taking plays off or milking his injuries or whatever, but the skills he brings to the linebacker position was something the Cowboys defense welcomed with open arms. McClain is a tough guy. He’s football savvy. He may whiff here or there, but more times than not he knows what’s going on during the progression of a play. He’s a good football player.

The Cowboys have mythological linebacker Jaylon Smith on ice until the 2017 season so the team was really crossing their fingers that McClain could just do them a solid and stay out of trouble for one more season. But apparently, that was asking too much. The milk has been spilled. He’s out of action for 10 games. Since he is missing the greater part of the season, it becomes real easy to just toss him to the curb. Our own Tom Ryle has had enough. Good riddance.

And our own Joey Ickes makes a good point about using this unfortunate event to make a statement to anyone else thinking of failing another drug test. The front office could show everyone that they have had enough and end this relationship right now. The Cowboys gave him a chance and he blew it. Now, hit the road.

But is that the right play here? Imagine you are sitting there after ten games and the Cowboys have a record of 7-3 and right in the thick of the playoff hunt. Wouldn’t you welcome McClain back at that point? However the defense had been playing, he would bolster this group for the final stretch and be available for a deep playoff run. Or imagine Sean Lee gets hurt in week eight. McClain’s services certainly could show up at the right time, right?...


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Here Is Why The Cowboys Should Hang On To Rolando McClain

Rolando McClain has been suspended. Again.

Whether you were all aboard the "Freight Train" McClain or not, his presence on the field offered the Cowboys a better situation than when he wasn’t. It’s easy to nitpick his performance and say he was taking plays off or milking his injuries or whatever, but the skills he brings to the linebacker position was something the Cowboys defense welcomed with open arms. McClain is a tough guy. He’s football savvy. He may whiff here or there, but more times than not he knows what’s going on during the progression of a play. He’s a good football player.

The Cowboys have mythological linebacker Jaylon Smith on ice until the 2017 season so the team was really crossing their fingers that McClain could just do them a solid and stay out of trouble for one more season. But apparently, that was asking too much. The milk has been spilled. He’s out of action for 10 games. Since he is missing the greater part of the season, it becomes real easy to just toss him to the curb. Our own Tom Ryle has had enough. Good riddance.

And our own Joey Ickes makes a good point about using this unfortunate event to make a statement to anyone else thinking of failing another drug test. The front office could show everyone that they have had enough and end this relationship right now. The Cowboys gave him a chance and he blew it. Now, hit the road.

But is that the right play here? Imagine you are sitting there after ten games and the Cowboys have a record of 7-3 and right in the thick of the playoff hunt. Wouldn’t you welcome McClain back at that point? However the defense had been playing, he would bolster this group for the final stretch and be available for a deep playoff run. Or imagine Sean Lee gets hurt in week eight. McClain’s services certainly could show up at the right time, right?...


The guy is never in shape at the beginning of the season when he isn't suspended.

Why would I want him coming back week 11 if I'm 7-3 and gumming up all the works?

Go be fat somewhere else Rolando.


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Its time. Missing voluntary otas was one thing. Not being there for your team once again and getting suspended for 10 games is entirely different. They have to part ways.


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I see 0 reason to keep a player who you can't depend on even being there for you. McClain has no interest in playing ball he wants his pay. I would take a guy with lesser talent that I can depend on vs a more talented player who does not give a damn and can't be counted on.


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If you didn't have not one, but two other starters also suspended you maybe could sort of try and pretend to make this case for "what if in Week 11..."

But as is, do you really want to send Gregory the message that if he does get that next suspension for 10 games that the team is just going to welcome him back with open arms, no worries?

Plus, as mentioned, the odds that McClain shows up in Week 11 in any kind of football shape is remote at best. Not worth it.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Cut him now, and see if a LB can step up. Why play 10 games, especially if things are going well. Then let Ro come back. Which is a reason they may just keep him around. If it's not going well, then he will be able to play. Which is a reason I normally would use to say keep him around. But I am done trying to use those reasons to defend why he should be kept. Get rid of him now.

Cut the guy now, move on, don't look back. And see if someone will step up. Have trust in the LB's you been drafting. Have more trust in Wilber that the coven so much too.

Richmond Cowboy

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Its time. Missing voluntary otas was one thing. Not being there for your team once again and getting suspended for 10 games is entirely different. They have to part ways.

In my opinion, him missing OTAs tells me everything I need to know. At that point he had to know that he had failed the test (or at least knew there was a chance he may have failed) and instead of trying to compensate and do as much as possible to prove to the team he cares, he opted to stay home. He needs to go and fast. It sets a poor example for the younger players (Gregory et al) that we are soft. He should have been released immediately after the suspension was announced yesterday IMO.


Cowboy Fan
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Screw that ......... this guy should be cut immediately

He embodies everything that is wrong with modern day pro athletes.


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A question to those who know more about these things. If they kept him, does he take a spot on the 53? Or is he off it on some suspended list until he is activated?


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Been a while since I've posted anything on here but.... "He has got to go!" Whatever production he gives this team is not worth this mess any longer, sends the wrong message to the other two pot heads (and I'm not against it) who need to understand they are in the prime of their lives and while playing football they need to quit the herbal essence until they retire. Then they can do what they want but if RoMac can't quit smoking for a couple mil a year compared to our meager salaries he needs to be jettisoned now, selfish. SHAME, SHAME, SHAME , SHAME, I'd make him walk down the street naked if he was built like Cersei.


Regular Joe....
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Yep, you should keep him, even though he will be out of shape and probably still using. You should definitely do this so that you can show young players like Gregory what happens in the NFL if you don't grow up and treat this thing like a job. Yeah, for the couple of games he might be able to contribute a few tackles to, he should be kept, yet again, for using and putting the team in a bad position. Whomever wrote this piece should be immediately elevated up in rank.


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Here's why we shouldn't: keeping McClain tells everyone in the building that actions don't have consequences.