me and my friend always get into arguements such as who is a better safety Roy Williams or Rodney Harrison, or who is a better QB Tom Brady or Troy Aikman, and just recently we were talking through AIM and he decided to flip out on me and this is what he had to say about troy and roy.
"dude u can ask that guy on who is better brady or aikmen and even he would say brady...tom brady is twice the qb aikmen was..the only reason aikmen is in the hof is b/c he has 3 rings...he had **** for stats every where else. See this is why people get mad when u argue w/ them. u always do what u just did and act like ur mr hot shot that knows everthing and always thinks he's right and u will keep saying the same thing u will go by single statistics u will go by single seasons but u dont look at the whole picture..which is their whole career. sure aikmen finished w/ a 99 rating 1 season but what did he finish w/ 81.6. brady's is already higher than that and i know it can still go down b4 his career is over but for right now brady is the better QB. and rodney over the past few yrs except for last yr and prolly this yr cuz of an injury(even tho i guess i cant use that as an excuse b/c u would say he should be good enough not to get hurt) has been better than roy...if u calculate their number even w/ rodney out for a whole season worth of stats he is still only 20 tackles behind roy and he has more sacks.the only thing roy beats him in is INTs and def TDs(which r numbers that arent rele accoisated w/ safeties) know tell me how aikmen is better than brady and roy is better than rod "