Must have missed your post game rant so I wont hold you to it
However If I find out that you are secretly Skip Bayless....benching might be the least of your worries.
Yeah well and I thought you were going to support the team throughout the season with plats too.
We don't always get what we want.
The Eagles and Giants are FINALLY reaching the difficult parts of their schedules.
I expect this game will decide the division.
strength of Schedule. Win percentage of opponents.
Games played:
Cowboys 58%
Eagles 49%
Giants 46%
Games to play:
Cowboys: 51%
Eagles: 55%
Giants: 70% yikes!
The Cowboys certainly will not let Hurts break outside containment like the Packers did. They will keep him in the pocket and have Parsons and Williams rush some from the inside.
Skip Bayless aka Baseless in fact and good judgement. Another version of clickbait. If its wasn't for social media he would be a 2 bit writer working at a mid-lever newspaper covering Division 3 football.