Hey There, Ho There, Hi There


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PhillySpecial wants to say "Hello"

As you can see I'm an Eagles fan. I enjoy reading forums of division rivals and gameday rivals, though I seldom post. I've been reading here for a couple of weeks and it seems like I could interact with most of you.

As much as I like to talk smack, I save that for face to face with people who know me and know it's all in good fun. And I take as good as I get. It's a lot more fun watching a game when not everybody in the room is rooting for the same team and the smack talk starts flowing.

Have a good day. And thanks for having me.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
PhillySpecial wants to say "Hello"

As you can see I'm an Eagles fan. I enjoy reading forums of division rivals and gameday rivals, though I seldom post. I've been reading here for a couple of weeks and it seems like I could interact with most of you.

As much as I like to talk smack, I save that for face to face with people who know me and know it's all in good fun. And I take as good as I get. It's a lot more fun watching a game when not everybody in the room is rooting for the same team and the smack talk starts flowing.

Have a good day. And thanks for having me.
Welcome to the best forum of the best team in football! :laugh: Well, we will be again...someday.

Congratulations on getting a ring! Must feel good to finally get that monkey off your back!

BTW, this is the first time I've ever been happy that Rowdy is the default avatar! Lol


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Welcome to the best forum of the best team in football! :laugh: Well, we will be again...someday.

Congratulations on getting a ring! Must feel good to finally get that monkey off your back!

BTW, this is the first time I've ever been happy that Rowdy is the default avatar! Lol

I recognize your name from the DC forums. Thanks for the welcome.

Win or lose, I love my Eagles. SB or no SB, they were/are my team.

I didn't realize Rowdy was a default avatar. I'm pretty much computer illiterate. I'll have to learn how to upload an avatar now.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I recognize your name from the DC forums. Thanks for the welcome.

Win or lose, I love my Eagles. SB or no SB, they were/are my team.

I didn't realize Rowdy was a default avatar. I'm pretty much computer illiterate. I'll have to learn how to upload an avatar now.
That's good that you stick with your team, win or lose. Same here, obviously.....If there's one type of fan I strongly dislike, it's a fairweather fan.


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Hello PhillyNeeds, nice to meet You.
Just remember that no matter if We win or lose, Our uniforms are much prettier than yours.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Hello PhillyNeeds, nice to meet You.
Just remember that no matter if We win or lose, Our uniforms are much prettier than yours.
"PhillyNeeds".... That's just mean! ....Well, not just mean. It's funny too.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I recognize your name from the DC forums. Thanks for the welcome.

Win or lose, I love my Eagles. SB or no SB, they were/are my team.

I didn't realize Rowdy was a default avatar. I'm pretty much computer illiterate. I'll have to learn how to upload an avatar now.
NO!! You are not allowed to get rid of our beloved mascot that easy. You must admit to undying manlove for Romo and provide proof that you did not cheer the night Irvin lay on the Vet's green concrete floor.


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NO!! You are not allowed to get rid of our beloved mascot that easy. You must admit to undying manlove for Romo and provide proof that you did not cheer the night Irvin lay on the Vet's green concrete floor.
There is no "LOVE" button here, so I have to let you know how much I "LOVE" your comment.

Welcome PhillySpecial. Football has all kinds of fans and our favorite are die hard fans. Don't let Coach convince you that Rowdy is beloved. I secretly cringe when no one is watching. I think Cowboy fans deserve better than a cartoon character for a mascot. John Wayne would be so much better or Clint Eastwood, heck even Paul Blart the Mall Cop wouldn't be as bad. Ahem, I've gone off on a rant. Sorry, welcome to the forums and we appreciate your introduction. Tis far, far better to cordially introduce yourself than to come in foaming at the mouth over your team winning a Super Bowl. We've got some of those and the bug bombs have not worked.

I will for the first (and quite possibly only) time congratulate the Eagles for winning the Super Bowl. I have nothing but respect for your new coach.


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See, told ya they'd get sticky!!!!!

Go wash thyself and hie thee to a nunnery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
See, told ya they'd get sticky!!!!!

Go wash thyself and hie thee to a nunnery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Too late, we've infected the nuns. They're all wearing their habits with bacon bikinis underneath and Rowdy heads.


Well-Known Member
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I cant stand your team. Its in my blood to have a dislike for them. I'm not sure who put that in my bloodstream. Its been running there since 1972. Also, I cant stand pants. Never wear them.. ever. Hated them since 72 as well.


Fattening up
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
It may not always seem like it, but we consider every fan of the Eagles special around here. Welcome aboard.


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Hello PhillyNeeds, nice to meet You.
Just remember that no matter if We win or lose, Our uniforms are much prettier than yours.

I'll agree with the color portion of the uniforms. Although I like the midnight green over the Kelly green. A lot of Eagles fans prefer the Kelly green. I never cared much for the Kelly green.


Active Member
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Hello PhillyNeeds, nice to meet You.
Just remember that no matter if We win or lose, Our uniforms are much prettier than yours.

Thanks for the welcome, Londonboy. Very funny (I like subtlety) replacing "needs" for "special" I award you 2 points.


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NO!! You are not allowed to get rid of our beloved mascot that easy. You must admit to undying manlove for Romo and provide proof that you did not cheer the night Irvin lay on the Vet's green concrete floor.

No love, man or otherwise for Romo.

I can't prove a negative. As you get to know me, you'll be able to convince yourself that I was not one of the those fans who cheered any injury to any player. Ever.


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There is no "LOVE" button here, so I have to let you know how much I "LOVE" your comment.

Welcome PhillySpecial. Football has all kinds of fans and our favorite are die hard fans. Don't let Coach convince you that Rowdy is beloved. I secretly cringe when no one is watching. I think Cowboy fans deserve better than a cartoon character for a mascot. John Wayne would be so much better or Clint Eastwood, heck even Paul Blart the Mall Cop wouldn't be as bad. Ahem, I've gone off on a rant. Sorry, welcome to the forums and we appreciate your introduction. Tis far, far better to cordially introduce yourself than to come in foaming at the mouth over your team winning a Super Bowl. We've got some of those and the bug bombs have not worked.

I will for the first (and quite possibly only) time congratulate the Eagles for winning the Super Bowl. I have nothing but respect for your new coach.

Thanks for the welcome, Xelda.

I recognize Coach from the DC forums. Pretty funny guy. I always enjoyed reading his posts.

I can think of better mascots for the Cowboys, but we'll leave that alone.

I wouldn't gloat on another team's forum. Now if a fan from another team were come to an Eagles forum and insult the Eagles, that's a different story.

I love that Pederson's aggressive in his playcalling. If we're going to lose, I'd rather lose being aggressive but smart, than lose by playing not to lose. The way Jags did vs. the Pats.


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I cant stand your team. Its in my blood to have a dislike for them. I'm not sure who put that in my bloodstream. Its been running there since 1972. Also, I cant stand pants. Never wear them.. ever. Hated them since 72 as well.

I understand your dislike for the Eagles. But the rest is just TMI. I hope you live in a warm weather climate.