Speaking of real streets; DC OG Montana; DC Gorilla Family
No where on the level of Gang Starr, just acknowledging some should be aware of this rule in modern game as it obvious to some and not to "others", etc. In Summary: be aware of where you are and who you are dealing with (not what they show on TV/Movies). Something as simple as spitting on the street from your car (harmlessly, etc.) can have gunshots sprayed at your car (more of a warning).
Rural area to avoid: Rainelle, WV. Mom is from nearby town and stayed in a hotel there recently and was warned by the clerk that my car might be broken into bc of my DC plates?

Meth labs knowingly overlooked by LE, broad daylight robberies and burglaries. I grew up in DC 80s/90s and was scared in that town (not stereotype bigot references)

"Get me the F outta here..."