History's not on our side

As expected after age properly gauged -

scatter mode

Nors said:
Odds are actually on Bledsoes side. I researched everyone, their age and # of Pro Bowls played in. Vast majority had played in 4+ Pro Bowls as has Drew. 24 QB's won in their 30's. 5 at age 29. Throw out Brady and Montana's 5 won under age 30 and that leaves only 5 other QB's under age 29 that have ever won a SB....

Zero ex baseball players who sat out 3 seasons in that grouping..... Odds are against HENSON.

Starr 33,34
Dawson 35
Unitas 38
Staubach 30,36
Griese 30
Bradshaw 31,32
Stabler 32
Plunkett 35,38
Theisman 34
Simms 33,37
Williams 33
Montana 33,34
Rypien 30
Aikman 30
Young 33
Elway 37,38
Johnson 36

Good use of facts to support your argument, Nors. :cool:
Waffle said:
Good use of facts to support your argument, Nors. :cool:
Thanks -

Irks me when its slanted a 33 year old Bledsoe is "too old" to win a SB.

What people forget about Bledsoe is when Parcells drafted him #1 overall, he was just 20 years old!

Just watched Steve Young on NFL Network win his SB, AT AGE 33!

I'll shed a tear when Parcells, Bledsoe, Jones hoist a Lombardi. I feel a special era starting again....
history doesn't mean anything.

before emmitt, no rushing leader won a super bowl.

before us, no 0-2 start won a super bowl.

before us, no team won 3 super bowl's in four years.

on and on and on.

history doesn't matter.

go make your own history on the field.

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