Hit the breaks on thinking Cincy will roll over - our soft


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stealth;2300827 said:
hate to break it to you guys, but jerry is way too smart to even consider firing Wade mid-season.

Yah well Jerry is also smart enough to know that Stewart is expendable and he'd be a good example of what happens around here when our defense goes soft.


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Cincy has a terribe, terrible defense. We should be able to run all over their linebackers. I want to see at least two time consuming drives this Sunday for an easy 31-10 victory.


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Hostile;2300738 said:
I could have made book on this thread despite his "you guys want me to leave I will."


Dayton Cowboy

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Cincy is usually one of the games that I have the choice to watch. The thing that the Bungals haven't done so far is put CJ in the slot. I think that might change. Also they have a little WR in the Moss and Randle El mold named Chatman. He's their slot guy that could cause problems if they don't get a jam on him.


Federal Agent
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CrazyCowboy;2300903 said:
It is hard to believe .....Uncle Felix no touches.

Dude... you HAVE to be on medication. There's just no other explanation.


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Peter King said Garrett would not be including that Skins game on his resume' when he applies for a HC job.
King and Mad Dog both kinda said, back off Wade, this is on JG - he gets paid a whopping sum of money and he called that game like a clown. 8 touches for the best RB in the NFC, NO touches for the electric rookie.

As of now? - I want no part of Garrett as my HC.


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JohnnyMac;2300961 said:
Peter King said Garrett would not be including that Skins game on his resume' when he applies for a HC job.
King and Mad Dog both kinda said, back off Wade, this is on JG - he gets paid a whopping sum of money and he called that game like a clown. 8 touches for the best RB in the NFC, NO touches for the electric rookie.

As of now? - I want no part of Garrett as my HC.

We have Brian Westbrook Clinton Portis Steven Jackson or Frank Gore at the RB position for us????


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
JohnnyMac;2300961 said:
As of now? - I want no part of Garrett as my HC.

That makes the rest of us feel so much better for wanting him to be the next head coach.

JohnnyMac;2299683 said:
If you ppl want me to leave - I will.

Another lie.


The Duke
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JohnnyMac;2300961 said:
Peter King said Garrett would not be including that Skins game on his resume' when he applies for a HC job.
King and Mad Dog both kinda said, back off Wade, this is on JG - he gets paid a whopping sum of money and he called that game like a clown. 8 touches for the best RB in the NFC, NO touches for the electric rookie.

As of now? - I want no part of Garrett as my HC.
That must be from the 5% portion of your "superior football knowledge," because that was feeble. Oh well those are the breaks when you hit the brakes on something just to show your butt.



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Hostile;2300973 said:
That must be from the 5% portion of your "superior football knowledge," because that was feeble. Oh well those are the breaks when you hit the brakes on something just to show your butt.


what part of what I said was feeble? - did he or did he not give Felix 0 carries? did MB3 not only get 8 carries?

Spin it anyway you like - Garret's gameplan was gutless, and cowardly. As of now, Jason Garrett isn't even Norv Turner, let alone a real NFL HC.


The Duke
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JohnnyMac;2300987 said:
what part of what I said was feeble? - did he or did he not give Felix 0 carries? did MB3 not only get 8 carries?

Spin it anyway you like - Garret's gameplan was gutless, and cowardly. As of now, Jason Garrett isn't even Norv Turner, let alone a real NFL HC.
Every alarmist word of it. You would think that anyone who ever rose to the ranks of Head Coach never had a bad game as a Coordinator. That thinking is simply beyond stupid. It borders on we should feel sorry for you.

No need to do that though, as you've already got that covered. You poor victim of oppression.


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JohnnyMac;2300698 said:
Corners may be just what Palmer - Chad Johnson and TJ Houshmanzadah ordered.
Palmer , if given time can hurt ANY defense and they have weapons -they also added Cedric Benson this week , I would guess for short yardage.
I know we can move the ball on them and I think we will win, but lets not act as if they didn't just give the Giants all they could handle.
And we know , we don't have the defense or head coach that New York does: that may hurt, but swallow it , because it is true.

We need to come out early and stick a 14-0 Spot up on this team and go from there, the longer you let them hang in , the tougher the game gets, and the more pouty the fair weathered Dallas crowd will get.

Also - Peter King said today on XM Radio : MadDog Unleashed, that Jason Garrett was awful, in every way possible - mainly not giving Felix one touch of the football.

This whole team needs to get their heads on straight.

Would that be the same Bungals that also went in and pretty much did nothing against a bad Cleveland defense?

I know you're going to say "they didn't have Palmer" and if he wasn't as hurt as he is I'd grant you that. But even having Palmer this weekend shouldn't matter cause I doubt he makes it through the whole game, if his coach even allows him to play with that banged up elbow.

Just to clarify do you plan to tell everyone, every week, how we COULD lose to the team that week? Cause if so you could save yourself a whole lot of trouble, everyone realizes that every week has a 50/50 shot at a loss.


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Hostile;2300992 said:
Every alarmist word of it. You would think that anyone who ever rose to the ranks of Head Coach never had a bad game as a Coordinator. That thinking is simply beyond stupid. It borders on we should feel sorry for you.

No need to do that though, as you've already got that covered. You poor victim of oppression.

Oh, see, it's not just one game it goes back to last season against Washington and carried over into the Giants game where he was SOUNDLY embarrassed by Spagnola as he was Soundly embarrassed by Washington.
Lets also not forget that we had trouble thru the air v.s. GB save a prayer to Austin at the end of the game.

Again - as of now, JG is further away from a HC more than ever. Lets also factor in penalties by the offense has partially his fault as well. I.E. false starts etc mental, discipline stuff - he never reacts, he just reads his card for the next play.

JG has a long way to go to impress me.


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JohnnyMac;2301000 said:
Oh, see, it's not just one game it goes back to last season against Washington and carried over into the Giants game where he was SOUNDLY embarrassed by Spagnola as he was Soundly embarrassed by Washington.
Lets also not forget that we had trouble thru the air v.s. GB save a prayer to Austin at the end of the game.

Again - as of now, JG is further away from a HC more than ever. Lets also factor in penalties by the offense has partially his fault as well. I.E. false starts etc mental, discipline stuff - he never reacts, he just reads his card for the next play.

JG has a long way to go to impress me.

And I'm sure he's just scrambling as fast as he can to make sure he is able to impress you.


The Duke
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JohnnyMac;2301000 said:
Oh, see, it's not just one game it goes back to last season against Washington and carried over into the Giants game where he was SOUNDLY embarrassed by Spagnola as he was Soundly embarrassed by Washington.
Lets also not forget that we had trouble thru the air v.s. GB save a prayer to Austin at the end of the game.

Again - as of now, JG is further away from a HC more than ever. Lets also factor in penalties by the offense has partially his fault as well. I.E. false starts etc mental, discipline stuff - he never reacts, he just reads his card for the next play.

JG has a long way to go to impress me.
You sure it's only 5%? I didn't think it could get worse, but it did. This is reaching feeble at epic speeds. I actually feel sorry for Confucius at times like these.

Danny White

Winter is Coming
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Hostile;2301006 said:
You sure it's only 5%? I didn't think it could get worse, but it did. This is reaching feeble at epic speeds. I actually feel sorry for Confucius at times like these.

This is like watching Kimbo Slice fight Stephen Hawking. :lmao2:


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A great sports forum philosopher once said - "Your team's success will attract morons like a candle draws moths."