I just have complete contempt for those that think everything can be put on a graph
It doesn't require a chart at all.
Costner has flown too close to the sun a few times with these monster epics he wants to write, produce and star in.
This thread was first person opinions having seen the movie.
The chart was offered to explain what was asked and meant....
MY complete contempt lies with those who are too lazy to do their own homework yet cry and whine about the evidence provided once asked for. -- not directed at you specifically FWIW but in general on this board.
This film currently sits just below 50% on rotten tomatoes. It is well-written but has like 5 competing storylines and wanders.
It is clear it was intended to be an epic given its name and the try hard part there was a bit much for many people's tastes.
3 of those stories woven into a 2-hour movie IMO would have gone over very well!!!