Horror Film Recommendations


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I've pimped it before...

"Jeepers Creepers" (2001)

Overall it's a good film.

The first 45 minutes are about as good as a horror movie can get.

The last half goes down a more typical monster movie path–but wow! that first half.

Jeepers Creepers was different.
It was a new, fresh and unique idea and character.

- And the creator did a great job making the Creeper, creepy, raggedy, dark and mysterious.
Put viewers in that " figure him out "..." figure it out " mode as movie moved alone.

- i also did not expect the ending that happened, the way it ended and signed off..
Because usually its' a final climax clash with the" bad guy " being defeated, destroyed. .
But that also was good because it was not predictable.

- Creepers 2 brought more characters - and victims into the mix, .in the way of high school teens.
Creepy scarecrow scene
And had more of the usual climatic, strategic bad guy battle ending.