I never imagined that the Super Bowl in January of 1996 would be the last time in my life that I would see the Cowboys participate in that game.
Everything in the past that they achieved, everything that they were, everything that they stood for and symbolized has been flushed down a drain because one man thought that he had the right to practically victimize millions of loyal fans with his delusional self-adulation.
He may have had the legal right, but considering the social and cultural effect that pro sports teams can have, did he really have the moral right?
Jerry's profile on the official site refers to Jerry owning the team as a "stewardship". Jerry needs to pick up a dictionary....
Stewardship: Careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care.
Jerry is a failure in everything he claims to be as the owner of the Dallas Cowboys. All his billions won't change how history records his destructive imprint on the legacy of this once proud team.