How bad is Mazi?


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I know in some respect these are getting as popular as Dak threads, but I had some time this morning and wanted to do a semi deep dive into the guy from the Philly game as he should be getting a bump in snaps this week. This is going to be a simple +/- or no grade scale so it'll be pretty basic like a PFF type of score so take from that what you will.

Eagles Game
7:18 - Mazi on the field, false start offense, Mazi taken out. No grade

:50 - Lined up at 3T, No issues with the get off, screen play, Mazi reads it and falls back, Philly with a nice design here sending #0 to the right side to make it look like a screen to the right, ends up going to #88 on the left. Mazi a non factor, read the play but to the wrong side. No grade.

:12 - Lined up at 3T, Slightly slow off the ball, gets absolutely destroyed and washed out of the play. -

3:07 - Lined up at 3T, no issues with the get off, pass play, runs into a C/G double team. Both DTs slanted to the right, Mazi makes a move to go around the C, but overall a pretty weak rush move. No grade

2:33 - 3T, No issues with the get off, Pass play, draws the double team, but no impact on the play. No grade

14:24 - No issues getting off the ball, Holds ground, zero penetration, draws double team, nice split of the double team but it came too late. Solid gain in Mazi's direction but #1 and #14 were both unblocked because Mazi kept the double team engaged and they should have made the play for a minimal gain. I'll give Mazi a +

13:40 - No issues getting off the ball again, pass play, straight bullrush move and not a very good one, #90 came untouched forcing the ball out quick. No grade

12:02 - Slow get off, pass play, straight bull rush move and a much better one this time. Gets his arms extended on the Olineman and looks to have him off balance. Not a bad play by Mazi but seems to lack a pass rush move off the bull rush, if he had one he was in perfect position to execute on this play but didn't. No grade

11:56 - Slight delay on the get off, trap play by Philly, Mazi gets easily washed down. From the All 22 tape his first step was inside like he was supposed to be A gap which played right into the play Philly had on. I think this is simply right play at the right time by Philly but gotta give Mazi a - as he needs to read that better and at least do a better job of fighting back once the G starts to wash him down like that.

2:52 - No issues with the get off, RPO turned pass, Mazi gets washed out of the play as he plays the run. A non factor in the play but he is playing his responsibilities here. No grade

2:19 - No issues with the get off, 1v1 from either a 2 or 3T, couldn't tell for sure with the G and Mazi does a nice job of holding ground. RB runs right into a wall of players (mazi included) for a loss of 1. +

1:34 - No issues with the get off, pass play, Mazi takes on two players (C/G) with a straight bull rush, falls down when DLaw runs into him from behind - No grade

9:40 - No issues with the get off, pass play, singled up on the G and just holds ground. Good job getting his hands up, extended, and to the chest of the G but the rip move he uses is pretty weak. No grade


* His official snap count was 13, I only found 12
* Strictly a 3T until the Hankins injury
* I gave him 2 +, 2-, and a bunch of nothing
* Him being slow off the ball seems to be overblow. Happens on occasion but not a consistent issue.
* Constantly in a stance with his weight back. This tells me the Cowboys are not asking him to be the explosive player we want him to be, and are letting him be more of a read/react guy, which aligns with his college film. This will be an interesting piece to watch next season with Mazi. If they alter his stance over the offseason it'll be a sign that we are going to see a different style of play from Mazi.
* Small sample size but it seems difficult to move Mazi 1v1, although if you can get him off balance he's basically on wheels.
* Seems to be improving on playing the double team
* The trap play was worrisome to me. Granted it's easy for a 1T to get washed down on those traps he has to fight through it better. Goes back to he's tough to beat straight up, but it seems teams can attack him from an angle easily.
* Excellent bull rush as a pass rusher, did a nice job a times getting extension and his hands in place to make a move, but clearly needs work on his moves that play off the bull rush

Clearly a project player still, but I see what the Cowboys liked in the guy. I haven't really watched Mazi film since early in the year and must say it looks much better right now. As a pass rusher he's clearly got potential but still needs to really develop actual moves. His bull rush will play at this level, and works well with his hands, but he needs something to play off it to actually get pressure on a QB. Right now his best attribute on passing downs is probably as a slow rusher who can move laterally to take away the run lanes for the QB. As a run stuffer I actually didn't hate what I saw. Granted I was expecting the tape to be horrid in this area I didn't notice a huge difference from when Hankins was in the game. The key for Mazi with getting more snaps is really going to be avoiding the ugly plays rather than making more plays. If I'm Buffalo I'm getting some run plays ready where I can throw some traps, reach blocks, etc Mazis way to see if I can move him and open up the middle.


Groupthink Guru
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I know in some respect these are getting as popular as Dak threads, but I had some time this morning and wanted to do a semi deep dive into the guy from the Philly game as he should be getting a bump in snaps this week. This is going to be a simple +/- or no grade scale so it'll be pretty basic like a PFF type of score so take from that what you will.

Eagles Game
7:18 - Mazi on the field, false start offense, Mazi taken out. No grade

:50 - Lined up at 3T, No issues with the get off, screen play, Mazi reads it and falls back, Philly with a nice design here sending #0 to the right side to make it look like a screen to the right, ends up going to #88 on the left. Mazi a non factor, read the play but to the wrong side. No grade.

:12 - Lined up at 3T, Slightly slow off the ball, gets absolutely destroyed and washed out of the play. -

3:07 - Lined up at 3T, no issues with the get off, pass play, runs into a C/G double team. Both DTs slanted to the right, Mazi makes a move to go around the C, but overall a pretty weak rush move. No grade

2:33 - 3T, No issues with the get off, Pass play, draws the double team, but no impact on the play. No grade

14:24 - No issues getting off the ball, Holds ground, zero penetration, draws double team, nice split of the double team but it came too late. Solid gain in Mazi's direction but #1 and #14 were both unblocked because Mazi kept the double team engaged and they should have made the play for a minimal gain. I'll give Mazi a +

13:40 - No issues getting off the ball again, pass play, straight bullrush move and not a very good one, #90 came untouched forcing the ball out quick. No grade

12:02 - Slow get off, pass play, straight bull rush move and a much better one this time. Gets his arms extended on the Olineman and looks to have him off balance. Not a bad play by Mazi but seems to lack a pass rush move off the bull rush, if he had one he was in perfect position to execute on this play but didn't. No grade

11:56 - Slight delay on the get off, trap play by Philly, Mazi gets easily washed down. From the All 22 tape his first step was inside like he was supposed to be A gap which played right into the play Philly had on. I think this is simply right play at the right time by Philly but gotta give Mazi a - as he needs to read that better and at least do a better job of fighting back once the G starts to wash him down like that.

2:52 - No issues with the get off, RPO turned pass, Mazi gets washed out of the play as he plays the run. A non factor in the play but he is playing his responsibilities here. No grade

2:19 - No issues with the get off, 1v1 from either a 2 or 3T, couldn't tell for sure with the G and Mazi does a nice job of holding ground. RB runs right into a wall of players (mazi included) for a loss of 1. +

1:34 - No issues with the get off, pass play, Mazi takes on two players (C/G) with a straight bull rush, falls down when DLaw runs into him from behind - No grade

9:40 - No issues with the get off, pass play, singled up on the G and just holds ground. Good job getting his hands up, extended, and to the chest of the G but the rip move he uses is pretty weak. No grade


* His official snap count was 13, I only found 12
* Strictly a 3T until the Hankins injury
* I gave him 2 +, 2-, and a bunch of nothing
* Him being slow off the ball seems to be overblow. Happens on occasion but not a consistent issue.
* Constantly in a stance with his weight back. This tells me the Cowboys are not asking him to be the explosive player we want him to be, and are letting him be more of a read/react guy, which aligns with his college film. This will be an interesting piece to watch next season with Mazi. If they alter his stance over the offseason it'll be a sign that we are going to see a different style of play from Mazi.
* Small sample size but it seems difficult to move Mazi 1v1, although if you can get him off balance he's basically on wheels.
* Seems to be improving on playing the double team
* The trap play was worrisome to me. Granted it's easy for a 1T to get washed down on those traps he has to fight through it better. Goes back to he's tough to beat straight up, but it seems teams can attack him from an angle easily.
* Excellent bull rush as a pass rusher, did a nice job a times getting extension and his hands in place to make a move, but clearly needs work on his moves that play off the bull rush

Clearly a project player still, but I see what the Cowboys liked in the guy. I haven't really watched Mazi film since early in the year and must say it looks much better right now. As a pass rusher he's clearly got potential but still needs to really develop actual moves. His bull rush will play at this level, and works well with his hands, but he needs something to play off it to actually get pressure on a QB. Right now his best attribute on passing downs is probably as a slow rusher who can move laterally to take away the run lanes for the QB. As a run stuffer I actually didn't hate what I saw. Granted I was expecting the tape to be horrid in this area I didn't notice a huge difference from when Hankins was in the game. The key for Mazi with getting more snaps is really going to be avoiding the ugly plays rather than making more plays. If I'm Buffalo I'm getting some run plays ready where I can throw some traps, reach blocks, etc Mazis way to see if I can move him and open up the middle.
Best breakdown of the player I have. Thank you for the works. Its going really interesting to see if they play Mazi at 1T significantly with Hankins out, and how he fares if they do. His snap counts by position align well with your takes here. He has played mostly at 3T, some at 1T and some at 4i, but the vast majority at 3T. It seems the role they want to have right now is power rusher


You Have an Axe to Grind
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He’s been a bust. That’s how bad he’s been. With Hankins out he’s going to have to play more. If he doesn’t play well, the team will be looking for another DT during the offseason. No way can we bank on Mazi going into next season if he doesn’t start showing some noticeable improvement.


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I think this is a pretty generous grading, but good breakdown.

One thing - he's not really playing 3T. He might line up in that gap, but he's not looking to penetrate like a 3T does. What they're really doing is shifting gaps so that they either have Mazi or Hankins in the "A" gap without having to shift. It's a design to prevent run schemes from having significant numbers advantages in the run game without having to get out of nickel.

Mazi is a bust if he can't rush the passer, and he has shown absolutely nothing in that regard.


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It seems the role they want to have right now is power rusher
I think that is spot on, and that's the role he's played no matter where he has lined up so far. Obviously the current priority is seeing how well he does this week with Hankins out, but in 2024 I wonder if he continues as a straight power guy or do they expand his role with a full offseason.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
He’s been a bust. That’s how bad he’s been. With Hankins out he’s going to have to play more. If he doesn’t play well, the team will be looking for another DT during the offseason. No way can we bank on Mazi going into next season if he doesn’t start showing some noticeable improvement.
A bust? Only in the eyes that don't know what is being asked of him at this point. He was ever asked to be a pass rusher in college. And they plan to work him into that for Dallas. It can't happen all in one year for most players.

He is abust to many because he does not have 25 sacks already, for something not asked of him. He is doing what he is supposed to do. Did you read all the play breakdowns in the OP.
Double teamed...that is his assignment for now. That allows other players, the actual pass rushers to be free to get to the QB or the RB.


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He’s been a bust. That’s how bad he’s been. With Hankins out he’s going to have to play more. If he doesn’t play well, the team will be looking for another DT during the offseason. No way can we bank on Mazi going into next season if he doesn’t start showing some noticeable improvement.
Give it up already...plenty of DTs that didn't catch on their rookie season. Besides, MM has said Mazi is improving. Just give it a little more time and if by this time next season Mazi hasn't caught on, then it's ok for you to spew your hate.


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I think this is a pretty generous grading, but good breakdown.

One thing - he's not really playing 3T. He might line up in that gap, but he's not looking to penetrate like a 3T does. What they're really doing is shifting gaps so that they either have Mazi or Hankins in the "A" gap without having to shift. It's a design to prevent run schemes from having significant numbers advantages in the run game without having to get out of nickel.

Mazi is a bust if he can't rush the passer, and he has shown absolutely nothing in that regard.
Mostly agree. He's playing a completely different style of 3T than what OSA does for sure. It's just DQ creating another type of hybrid role for his defense. I will be interested to see if they can expand that role for 2024 though. He seems to have the athletic ability to switch into that gap shooter at times, but I can also see where that'll get him in trouble as the player he is today.

Personally I really like the foundation he has to be a pass rusher. The guy still needs to develop ten fold to become a 5+ sack guy every year, but his hand and foot work seems to be really good.... at first. The guy simply has no feel for what to do to finish.


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Give it up already...plenty of DTs that didn't catch on their rookie season. Besides, MM has said Mazi is improving. Just give it a little more time and if by this time next season Mazi hasn't caught on, then it's ok for you to spew your hate.
They can't help it. They need instant gratification for interior players. But when mazi turns it around old kjj will be nowhere to be found.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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A bust? Only in the eyes that don't know what is being asked of him at this point. He was ever asked to be a pass rusher in college. And they plan to work him into that for Dallas. It can't happen all in one year for most players.

He is abust to many because he does not have 25 sacks already, for something not asked of him. He is doing what he is supposed to do. Did you read all the play breakdowns in the OP.
Double teamed...that is his assignment for now. That allows other players, the actual pass rushers to be free to get to the QB or the RB.
Up to this point he’s been a bust. He’s clearly been a disappointment. He’s not starting, and he hasn’t played that well when he has gotten opportunities. The criticism isn’t just coming from the fans. It’s coming from some in the media. He’s not being judged on sacks. He’s not an edge rusher. He continues to be slow off the ball. It’s been a problem from training camp and it continues to be a problem.


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I still laugh when I see posters call a rookie a bust. Especially one that has shown improvement from the start of the season. I know we have been spoiled with multiple first round picks in the last decade or so hitting the ground running and been a pro bowl or even all pro caliber player from day 1, but kids playing a position that normally takes a few years to catch on in. He’s a long term investment. We made the short term investment in Hankins to counter act this. Some yall just need to chill :laugh:


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Couple of these no grades sure sound like -
Very well could be, and a few I woudln't argue. I grade these pretty conservatively as we don't know the exact assignments. I only give a + if he's positing himself to make a play or eat the double team for another player to make the play. I only give a - if he's contributing to a negative play. Most of these no grades are simply plays where you could have any JAG on the field and get the same results. A harsher grader could easily make those as - plays.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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They can't help it. They need instant gratification for interior players. But when mazi turns it around old kjj will be nowhere to be found.
He was a first round pick, and should be playing better than he has. The jury is still out and we’re all pulling for him. I’ll be as happy as anyone if he starts living up to his draft status. If I’m wrong about him, I’ll be the first one to admit it. I’m not going anywhere, that’s not my style.


Groupthink Guru
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I think that is spot on, and that's the role he's played no matter where he has lined up so far. Obviously the current priority is seeing how well he does this week with Hankins out, but in 2024 I wonder if he continues as a straight power guy or do they expand his role with a full offseason.
Its an interesting. A comp I made before is actually the guy that we have had playing 1T. Remember back in 2014-15 when they had Snacks, NY played Hankins as a power 3T


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Up to this point he’s been a bust. He’s clearly been a disappointment. He’s not starting, and he hasn’t played that well when he has gotten opportunities. The criticism isn’t just coming from the fans. It’s coming from some in the media. He’s not being judged on sacks. He’s not an edge rusher. He continues to be slow off the ball. It’s been a problem from training camp and it continues to be a problem.
There is a thing call ... read and react ... could be that is what is asked of him for now.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Give it up already...plenty of DTs that didn't catch on their rookie season. Besides, MM has said Mazi is improving. Just give it a little more time and if by this time next season Mazi hasn't caught on, then it's ok for you to spew your hate.
What else is McCarthy supposed to say? I’m sure he’s improved some over the course of the season, but it’s hard to notice, because of his light workload. If he was playing real well, he would be playing more. With Hankins out he’s going to have to play more and it will start to become evident if he’s improving or not.


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They can't help it. They need instant gratification for interior players. But when mazi turns it around old kjj will be nowhere to be found.
KJJ has a track record for hitting on some of his negative predictions, such as Deuce Vaughn. So I won't go all sour on him/her. Me personally, I thought Mazi was a 2nd round prospect who got drafted too high and needed more development time, which is essentially what happened. Maybe he wouldn't have been available in the 2nd, which would explain why the Cowboys took him in the 1st. But that's not the player's fault. Blame the Cowboys. KJJ should know better, but he gets trigger-happy with his opinions, as if he's going to get paid something extra to go along side his/her welfare check.