How do i watch the game


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It's on Amazon Prime so your going to need to have a prime membership. It's shouldn't be a problem since you can get a free trial but if you don't want to do that there are other ways know.



Well-Known Member
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It will be on twitch also. If you live in Texas, NFL network list a game at 7:15 but it doesn't say if it's that game or if it's a replay. It does list the game as a replay later.


Well-Known Member
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Nationally televised game and you have to have an account that costs money. NFL is splitting up games and racking it in. Don’t know why they don’t simply come up with their own officially licensed streaming network. They could charge money all the way around. Have team packages or individual game packages or Sunday ticket package. Make all the money yourself and cut everyone else out.


Well-Known Member
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Fly in and watch the game live. Or at a sports bar. :muttley:
Two thumbs up for the sports bar option.
A couple of decades ago, it was a nauseating experience -- too many frat boys, twenty-somethings posturing, and wanna-be thugs just there to be obnoxious to make an afternoon\evening of watching NFL competition unbearable.
But over the last half decade the atmosphere in the venues I venture out to on occasion has evolved into a social outing that fans can enjoy.
Everyone behaves.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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It will be on twitch also. If you live in Texas, NFL network list a game at 7:15 but it doesn't say if it's that game or if it's a replay. It does list the game as a replay later.
The Cowboys/Seahawks will be a replay on NFL Network.


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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Just pay for prime.....cheapskate! Lol
It's not about being cheap. When I was a kid I used to love watching the Ali fights on TV, with Howard Cosell announcing. Those were the days. But I haven't seen a single fight since they went PPV, which started in 1981. Its all about greed and trying to milk as much money out of people as possible.

If the NFL ever goes this route, which they seem to be headed towards, I will be done with professional football.

How would doing this help the fans? It would only hurt us more. The amount of money people pay to go see an event live wouldn't change, and now you make it worse by forcing the less fortunate to pay fees to watch their favorite team on TV?

I will be saying screw the NFL if or when this happens. I love the sport and have loved playing it since I was a small child, But I won't love it enough to support corporate greed. We already have enough of that as it is.