I'm against them. I've had some friends that were professional bodybuilders, pro wrestlers and other pro athletes that have used them.
I've read a lot on them...probably more than somebody that has never taken them should be reading on them.
In a sense, I feel it's a bit like smoking cigarettes in that it will shorten your life cycle in general. One is not going to kill you. But, there will always be that person...like the people that smoke...that lives until they are 95 years old using the thing. They are the exception, not the rule.
The common theme I have heard from these friends of mine that used them is that they were worried more about the 'now' and didn't care if it takes 10 years off their life and they only live to 70 years old because in their words what am I going to do when I'm 70 years old?
But what happens is that their body breaks down much more quickly and you still need to move around well in your 40's and 50's and so many of them have regretted taking them now that they are older and broken down.
From what I've been told, the human body can essentially hand all of the muscle that one grows naturally. But once you start growing muscle unnaturally, the joints, bones and ligaments can't hold it.
My feeling on the government is that its duty is to protect the citizens. And sometimes you have to protect citizens from themselves. So when I see athletes, entertainers, etc. using PED's I have a disdain for it because it starts to encourage children to use these drugs.
This is what happened in the steroid era of baseball. Many kids wanted to get the advantage that the pros were getting and now you were getting kids on the PED's. And I would think it would be very difficult to tell for a parent if a kid is using PED's because the symptoms (muscle growth, anger issues, acne, etc) are similar to what happens when you go thru puberty.
So first and foremost, I'm against it for public health concerns.
As far as sport goes, I'm against it because it starts to eliminate who is the best skilled and most athletic and starts to replace that with who has the best doctors and best medication.