How do you guard against peaking too early?


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Poser Giants Fan said:
Aaron Rodgers - I can't sleep , I'm salivating to play Dallas - I'm watching film and trying to control my smile - this kid is gonna light us up - he's Big , mobile and an excellent intermediate route QB - I can easily see him at 22 of 29 for 315ish easily

How'd that work out for you, genius?

I mean, aside from the fact that you used the word "easily" twice in the course of 10 words, you also completely whiffed on what you thought Aaron Rodgers was going to do to our secondary, and are now claiming that you never bought into the Packers offense anyway.

Meanwhile, the Giants were scratching out a win against one of the worst teams in the league. The vastly overrated Eli Manning threw what should have been an epic pick in overtime right before hitting Toomer for the long play, and that overrated defense blew a late lead and might have blown the game if the Bengals hadn't mismanaged the clock co badly.

Sit down.


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Hostile;2284697 said:
They were dominant before the game, now they aren't?


Are you by any chanced an animated cricket?

Oh, so we should pick up Rudi Johnson who is on the Lions. Good plan. How do you propose we do that? I think I'd rather not have a tampering charge and loss of draft picks, but that's just me.

I have a shovel. I've done my fair share of digging. I think you're crying about nothing again.

Where do you live? I want to invest in Kleenex there.
