How do you rank Manning now?


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I'd still rank Manning as a colossal douchebag...only now he feels validated by finally winning something...anything...of consequence, even though it was a pathetic game, against the most pathetic opposing QBs, in sloppy conditions.
(Wo)Manning should be thankful that the Pats beat that Chargers.

Maybe if Rivera becomes our coach, he can call Zimmer for some defensive tips.


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ABQCOWBOY;1359318 said:
Same as I did before. Just behind Brady in todays game.

I rank Manning just ahead of Brady (and did before this game), but only barely. I love Brady, in fact he reminds me a lot of Staubach, but Manning reminds me of Unitas, who I have ranked ahead of Roger. Manning has had to carry his team a lot more than Brady has. NE has had one of the best defenses in the league during Brady's tenure while the Colts have stunk on defense throughout most of Manning's years.

Manning has better WRs but that is a about it, he also calls his own plays much of the time which gives him extra points in my book.

If I had one game to play and had to take a QB I would take Brady but if I were building a team and had to choose I would take Manning. Either way I wouldn't be disappointed, both guys are excellent but have different styles of play.


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I can't stand ANY of the Mannings...... It took Peyton How long to win his first SB.....


Commanders Forever
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Hostile;1359171 said:
He is in my top 5 all time QBs and by the time he finishes his career I may be saying he is the best ever.

I agree. He still has a suspect D, and yet still wins.

He is a technician. And makes adjustments throughout games.

We shall see.


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1fisher;1359355 said:
I can't stand ANY of the Mannings...... It took Peyton How long to win his first SB.....

How do you feel about Elway? How long did it take him to win his first SB? Or Marino?


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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I know people do not like Manning for this or that reason.

But I really do not see how anyone can say he is not one of the best already.

There have been other great QBs that never won a Superbowl (Marino).

Manning may be one of those rare ones that have both the crazy stats and a superbowl ring. Who knows if he gets more.

So...I think much of this is probably just hatorade vs Manning because people get tired of seeing his face in commercials (oh and get ready to see even more now that he has won the superbowl), some just don't like him because of the Manning family thing, some don't like him because the NFL pumps him up.

But honestly...he has the stats and now a Superbowl...who knows how he will finish up his career but at this pace he may lead most of the stat categories and might get another superbowl win.

So...if you just take away reasons for hating him...look at what he has done in the NFL in both the stats and now Superbowl area...I just don't see how people could not rank him as one of the best by the time is career is over.


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AmericasTeam31;1359441 said:
How do you feel about Elway? How long did it take him to win his first SB? Or Marino?

I believe Elway was in his 15th season before he finally one the big one. The Broncos had the #1 offense and #4 defense that year as well as a healthy Terrell Davis gaining 1750 yards and 15 TDs on the ground.

No QB, regardless of how great they are, can win a SB by themselves. Brady has a LOT more help than people want to believe.

Manning is 10 times the QB that Bradshaw was and Marino close to that but Terry has 4 rings. Stupid argument counting rings. Football is a TEAM sport folks and rings are won by TEAMS not individuals.


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Chocolate Lab;1359456 said:
Any justification for that?

And ESPN hype doesn't count. ;)

Didn't you know, Young has a higher QB rating than Aikman. Man, you must not be paying attention to what's important. :rolleyes: :laugh2:

The truth is that Young played in a system that maximized his stats. He won only a single SB despite having a great team around him. In fact we whooped them twice in the NFC Championship game and would have won again in 1994 if not for spotting them 21 points right off the bat.

Aikman was better than Young in the eyes of anyone who actually saw the two of them play unless you are counting which one was the better runner.


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THUMPER;1359453 said:
I believe Elway was in his 15th season before he finally one the big one. The Broncos had the #1 offense and #4 defense that year as well as a healthy Terrell Davis gaining 1750 yards and 15 TDs on the ground.

No QB, regardless of how great they are, can win a SB by themselves. Brady has a LOT more help than people want to believe.

Manning is 10 times the QB that Bradshaw was and Marino close to that but Terry has 4 rings. Stupid argument counting rings. Football is a TEAM sport folks and rings are won by TEAMS not individuals.

Brady had one good superbowl. The other two were more "bus driver" efforts than anything else.... If there is one QB in the league who is over hyped it's not Manning, its definaltely Brady.


Regular Joe....
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THUMPER;1359327 said:
I rank Manning just ahead of Brady (and did before this game), but only barely. I love Brady, in fact he reminds me a lot of Staubach, but Manning reminds me of Unitas, who I have ranked ahead of Roger. Manning has had to carry his team a lot more than Brady has. NE has had one of the best defenses in the league during Brady's tenure while the Colts have stunk on defense throughout most of Manning's years.

Manning has better WRs but that is a about it, he also calls his own plays much of the time which gives him extra points in my book.

If I had one game to play and had to take a QB I would take Brady but if I were building a team and had to choose I would take Manning. Either way I wouldn't be disappointed, both guys are excellent but have different styles of play.

I agree, both are excellent. For me, Brady's ability to find a way to win sets him apart from Manning. Manning is a great QB and I would not be unhappy if I had to settle for Payton Manning as opposed to Brady but I do like Brady better. In the end, I would hate to have to live off the difference of the two. JMO of course.


This is a house of learned doctors
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I don't believe that Manning is top five right now, possibly at #7. Give him another five seasons of what he has already done, then he is probably in the discussion for best of all time. Brady as well.


1st Round Pick
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ABQCOWBOY;1359318 said:
Same as I did before. Just behind Brady in todays game.

Me too Tom Brady is still the best Quarterback in the league in my opinion.

He proved it this year by getting his team as far as he did and almost got them to the Superbowl.

Manning did everything he could to screw it up in the playoffs but his team around him just wouldn't let him screw it up.


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CATCH17;1359480 said:
Me too Tom Brady is still the best Quarterback in the league in my opinion.

He proved it this year by getting his team as far as he did and almost got them to the Superbowl.

Manning did everything he could to screw it up in the playoffs but his team around him just wouldn't let him screw it up.

Yeah for once Manning was the one who got help instead of helping carry his team, like he has for so many years. Think about what the guy actually does on the field, he is an offensive coordinator who plays the game too.... Brady is a product of a system, not a great Qb.


This is a house of learned doctors
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CATCH17;1359480 said:
Me too Tom Brady is still the best Quarterback in the league in my opinion.

He proved it this year by getting his team as far as he did and almost got them to the Superbowl.

Manning did everything he could to screw it up in the playoffs but his team around him just wouldn't let him screw it up.

While I agree with you on the Brady just above Manning thing and your assessment of Manning in the first two playoff games, it is hard to ignore that Manning shredded the Pats in the thirty-five minutes of the AFC Championship game and he was pretty good last night after adjusting to a rain-soaked ball. He is a great QB.


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ABQCOWBOY;1359489 said:

I could not disagree more.

Why? He's played behind a top 10 defense his entire career, Manning hasn't. Plays in what was and still is the weakest division in the AFC, giving them homefield advantage more often then not. And hasn't won anything without Crennel and Weis. So tell me why would you disagree....


Rising Star
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They are both great QBs but I give the nod to Manning. Saying Brady is more clutch then Manning is ridicilous, Manning has had more then his fair share of comebacks and game winning drives, none bigger then the AFC Champsionship game. Brady has clearly played on better oveall teams until recently and Manning has won the last 3 times they have played.

As for the Aikman vs Young debate, I would give the nod to Troy based on one factor. If you put Young in a non West Coach system he wouldnt have near the success that he did, where as I think Aikman would of been good in any system.

I think too much stock gets put into 1 player. Like the Urlacher isnt all that thread because there whole defense got pushed around. Its just silly there are 11 players on both sides of the ball. Favre couldnt get past the Cowboys until Dallas started slipping and the Packers got better, it doesnt mean Aikman is better then Favre or vice versa it just meant Dallas was better then Greenbay.