How does Dehaven keep his job?

Bigdog24;1144045 said:
The coaches defently have to answer for this game....That is TWO weeks in a row the Kicks have beeen blocked, Fool me once shame on me fool me twice shame on the Coaches....

Skins saw the game film of the panthers....

I thought the block in the Panthers game came from the right side. Not up the middle. I don't think they really relate, but who knows.
CantonBound08;1144057 said:
I thought the block in the Panthers game came from the right side. Not up the middle. I don't think they really relate, but who knows.

Thats two weeks in row with Blocked kicks......nutin is wrong there::)
Bigdog24;1144077 said:
Thats two weeks in row with Blocked kicks......nutin is wrong there::)

The one against the panthers didn't really count since John Fox called a timeout. I'm sure the blocker must have heard the whistle, right?:rolleyes:
CantonBound08;1144138 said:
The one against the panthers didn't really count since John Fox called a timeout. I'm sure the blocker must have heard the whistle, right?:rolleyes:

Your right it.....But it did count today...right ;) nutin wrong with that tis just a one game
I'm with you, Michael.

I've never liked the hiring, and as time goes on I like it even less. It's his job to make sure everyone is focused, and I'm he's not getting it done. Special Teams is so important for setting a tone and firing up the team, and our ST is doing just the opposite.
How in the he77 do we not block everyone in a game winning situation like that? How?

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