How long will it take?

The more important question is - When Owens loses it, and he will, I wonder how long it will take before all the people who spoke out against the move, and refuse to drop it, become completely unbearable?

I pray that I am wrong but I am very confident that I'm not because we see the exact same pattern playing out all over again. So how long before you become completely unbearable?
dmq said:
Ewww, TO sits with the defense. Story at eleven.

Give me a break. Tomorrow's story, T.O. has tea with special teams.

Given the circumstances, I would say TO sitting with the defense was obviously a problem, IF TRUE, unless TO and Haley (?) already got it fixed up. Otherwise, he was showing his disdain for the offensive team he was on.

Superpunk said:
The more important question is - When Owens loses it, and he will, I wonder how long it will take before all the people who spoke out against the move, and refuse to drop it, become completely unbearable?

I pray that I am wrong but I am very confident that I'm not because we see the exact same pattern playing out all over again. So how long before you become completely unbearable?

I agree. I'm beginning to see that many posters here have anti-TO agendas.

Some of you guys who are giving me heat for "hating on TO" need to get it straight. I really do want TO to succeed here. I want to be proven wrong. I won't though, turn the other cheek, if I see something bad happening.
Of course he's going to blow up. Most players do.

I think his tantrums this year will be a little bit less than what they will be next year, but sure, it'll happen.

All that I am going to say when he catches a TD pass is "Nice pass Bledsoe!".

They all blow up.

For T.O. though, it'll take more than one year for me to warm up to him.

Man, I hate Free Agency! :)
Crown Royal said:
I wouldn't care about what Owens did if his actions didn't affect what happened in football (like Irvin). That's the whole point.

Do not get me wrong because I love Michael Irvin but his actions did effect this team.

Our downfall began in 96 and it is no coincidence that Irvins antics played a large role. Drugs, strippers, arrests, scissors, and convictions certainly didnt help and Michael was the poster boy for the devil may care attitude that inevitably destroyed a dynasty.

Sure you had Larry Allen being sued here and Alvin Harper having a house there but Irvin did more to create an debauched atmosphere than anyone.
How long will it take before TO loses it? Won't be this season. He is all about $$$ and his $10 mil should make him the highest paid WR in the game.
big dog cowboy said:
How long will it take before TO loses it? Won't be this season. He is all about $$$ and his $10 mil should make him the highest paid WR in the game.

Well, he'll get his $10mil regardless this year whether he has a meltdown or not.

My point is that he is still showing the same pattern of being separate from the rest of the team, of being "special" and that will cause problems before long with the other players. His making a grand entrance every practice by coming out after the rest of the team is just the start.
Well, he'll get his $10mil regardless this year whether he has a meltdown or not.

My point is that he is still showing the same pattern of being separate from the rest of the team, of being "special" and that will cause problems before long with the other players. His making a grand entrance every practice by coming out after the rest of the team is just the start.

But if he wants to get paid the same amount next year then he will have to keep his mess together.

The deal is actually structured so that he can be cut and the team doesnt eat accellerated cap charges.

Basically if he wants to continue receiving nice paychecks he needs to keep himself together.
Sometimes its good to have controversy to iron out problems.
Some of us need that to come to a conclusion on matters we're unsure of. Successful people challenge things all the time in order to make them better. I see it as a good thing when a player shows passion.
Crown Royal said:
Because it's useless. Much like this thread.

yep...useless...and about the 1000'th time a post identical to it has been made

When called to a meeting with his position coach he sits with the defense.

How does it feel to fly off the handle prematurely about some unconfirmed report? Is it great? Is that why people do it?
When Owens loses it, and he will, I wonder how long it will take before all his bandwagon fans turn on him.

All you people who welcomed him with open arms and bought his jersey, bobble-head, and book. You all forgave him, made excuses for him, re-wrote history for him, and turned a blind eye towards everything he has done.

Well folks, nothing has changed with him, NOTHING! He is still all about T.O. and could care less about his teammates. He comes out last so that he can make his grand entrance. When called to a meeting with his position coach he sits with the defense. When he doesn't get the ball he calls it to everyones attention.

This is San Fran and Philly all over again folks because nothing has changed with Owens. My other question is, why did you think it would?

I pray that I am wrong but I am very confident that I'm not because we see the exact same pattern playing out all over again. So how long before you toss that #81 jsersey into the rag pile?
The pattern is cry babies like you keep spouting off. Just shut up. We get it you don't like TO...

"HE **** on the star!" or "He is all about TO" You say.

I don't care if he helps us win a superbowl. A rational, intelligent person wouldn't care about what happened in Philly and San Fran if he helped make this team better, but I guess you aren't rational or intelligent.
I was opposed to the TO signing and still concerned about problems he may cause this team. However I don't plan on going out of my way to slam TO, if there is a true issue that comes up I'll speak my mind but I'm not on a witch hunt looking under every rock to find a problem. All TO needs to do is the job he was brought here for and keep himself under control and I will have no problems with TO on this team
Doomsday101 said:
I was opposed to the TO signing and still concerned about problems he may cause this team. However I don't plan on going out of my way to slam TO, if there is a true issue that comes up I'll speak my mind but I'm not on a witch hunt looking under every rock to find a problem. All TO needs to do is the job he was brought here for and keep himself under control and I will have no problems with TO on this team

I like that stance Dooms.

I don't care if people forgive his past or not. I don't care if they embrace him or not. I just wish they'd put the microscope away.

I think we'd be foolish to expect that we won't see some incidents with TO. He is who he is. But I'm not gonna go looking under every rock for them, wring my hands, worry, worry, worry, fret, fret ,fret, predict doom and gloom, and lament his signing at every turn.

Accept what has happened and hope for the best. Some people act like we've never had players who are a distraction before. Gimme a break.
CoCo said:
I like that stance Dooms.

I don't care if people forgive his past or not. I don't care if they embrace him or not. I just wish they'd put the microscope away.

I think we'd be foolish to expect that we won't see some incidents with TO. He is who he is. But I'm not gonna go looking under every rock for them, wring my hands, worry, worry, worry, fret, fret ,fret, predict doom and gloom, and lament his signing at every turn.

Accept what has happened and hope for the best. Some people act like we've never had players who are a distraction before. Gimme a break.

I'm not going to make a fuss over minor things that I see from many players even some on this team other than TO. However when it comes to the big issue like slamming teammates and coaches to the media I will draw the line. I don't think there is any room for that in team sports no matter who you are or how good you are.

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