it is easy to just look at our record, and say 'oh Cowboys are 8-6 now, not bad' but you have to look at it from game per game basis....
Anyone here that thinks that Cowboys have even the slightest chance in hell to win in the playoffs playing like they did over the past six weeks (now pay attention in how I said 'playing like they did over the last six weeks') is just plain blind.
Now they can sure turn my opinion around by winning decisively one of the next two games or just win both games, but if they turn out to be 8-8 maybe 9-7, I think things will need done in offseason.
I believe change needs to be made in the coaching.These are the following changes that need to be in coaching for those that are responsible for :
- Defense, we have talent on defense, just our defense is too timid alot of times, plays scared. need to be more aggressive and take more risk. cannot play read and react all the time. Defenses that are top of the line are the attack style defenses. We all know who the defensive coach is and he has been here for awhile. Can you teach old dogs new tricks, new styles.... don't think so.
- Offense, about same thing... where is the creativity? Why are we not seeing the weaknesses of the opponents? I see very little adjustments in style of offense. Why do we continue to beat a dead horse? If the running game is not working, then you need to open the offense. You can not just have deep ball plays on the books, need to work on plays that work well with an aggressive defense. Other teams do it to us all the time.
Cundiff just needs to go. He scared me every time we had to try a 40 yard fg try before, why in the hell do you bring him back? 40 yards? that is a shoe in for most FG kickers, but ours, its like asking for blood from a stool.
perfect example of lack of offensive adjustments is the Commander game in 3rd quarter, sack after sack, what do we do? Keep Bledsoe and ask him to throw again... and keep asking. Have to get an IQ test on whoever was responsible for keeping Bledsoe in... oh, thats right, according to BP, it was Bledsoe's decision to stay in. There is a coach in control there.
sure you can respond to this and plaster that 9-7 number for the season as your argument, but that would be to accept that as a constant number rather than one that is adjusted according to how the season plays out. Yes Flo went out, and that hurt us real bad, but are you seriously gonna use that as your argument.
That would be like my daughter being late for school because she didn't have a clean uniform to wear. Yes, she can argue she can't go to school without a clean uniform and I would be forced to agree with her if that is how narrow my focus was. That would be to forget that one must be prepared ahead of time and be assured she has clean uniform ahead of time. Everyone and maybe even our grandmother argued for some more line depth at the Tackle position, but no BP said and I probably could quote it that no, we are going with who we have into the season.
hmmm reminds of alot of people, look at now not tomorrow.... don't worry about what might happen... well then I guess we are what we are - a possible 12-4 team playing like an 8-8 team