How many super-bowls does Tony Romo win with the 2016-2024 Cowboys?

how did this thread go from hating Dak to now Hating Romo. do you even listen to yourself? do you even read your own responses? or just having emotional reaction comments.

and I appreciate what you just did proving my point about 20 comments ago. People around here take sides and argue incessantly, they spin, excuse, they love, hate one player or another. seemingly you Love Romo (can I say that?). and now because I am not drooling over romo agreeing with your man crush, then I must hate Romo! right? because it has to be binary!!! right? its Love to death or Hate with passion?

and I never said don't criticize Dak. I have criticized Dak and the rest of the team. but you want me just to criticize Dak and nothing else. because can I dare to say you hate Dak (didn't you just say I hate Romo).

and we get to the final point. what I have said about 10 comments ago. you are trying to decide with a loser and a bigger loser. the end result? losers. does it matter? or are you just into moral victories. but I am glad after having tried to spin in so many of your comments, that you finally expressed it clearly.

again. does it matter who is a bigger loser? if that's all you are trying to accomplish, then you missed the forest because of the trees. step back a bit. but if you are into moral victories. then have it it. enjoy. gloat. whatever floats your boat. go for it. don't wait for my approval.
I have no idea what you are talking about, and no actual care what it is anyway.

I hope you have a great day! Go COWBOYS!
If allowed to return to his starting job in 2016. I think we win that SB. His body would not have held up for anymore full seasons after that.
1 SB is my best guess.
I'll go out on a limb here and say...........ya zero that sounds about right!

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