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Superstitsion do you ahve about the cowboys winning during the week

Like well when i did this tey lost, and when i did this they win.

I aint gonna lie, just about everything i do all week helps the cowboys when or lose. It's funny.
The only superstition that I have about the team it if they wear those ugly throwback jerseys they are three times more likely to lose. You'll see come Thanksgiving.
I know sometimes Feel if I move when I'm watchin a cowboys game they will mess up and lose, but thats only when i get supersticious when I do though, if I move they lose and if i don't they win.But its probley all in my head.
I used to be supersticious, but then I found Jesus, so I go with the flow :)
I have to find some combonation of jersey/hat to wear Sometimes I am in my Keyshawn throwback and we arent doing well so I throw on My throwback Cap, if that doesnt work I change jerseys, maybe switch to the sideline cap and then sometimes I end up in no Cowboys apparel at all if I feel like I am hurting them to much.

(last week I only wore my sideline cap)
dargonking999 said:
Superstitsion do you ahve about the cowboys winning during the week

Like well when i did this tey lost, and when i did this they win.

I aint gonna lie, just about everything i do all week helps the cowboys when or lose. It's funny.
I don't have any but I try to respect folks who do.
Whenever someone posts a blowout on our behalf........I fire off an email to the football gods, begging their forgiveness.
There are far too many. Let's see, me and my fellas have to drink Mountain Dew Livewire, with Ham & Pineapple pizza every sunday. My girlfriend's stuffed animals also play a huge part. We have the penalty pig, rufus the defensive molerat, and the PAT duck. Also, one of us has to wear an actual cowboy hat, and if we're losing I wear one of my cowboys ball caps inside out for a rally cap, and the cowboy hat goes on sideways.
When I was younger, I believed in gameday rituals (as a fan, that is).

Age has generally taught me about my irrelevance.

I just try to enjoy the ride while understanding that nothing I do matters in the least in the outcome of any game.
And here I thought this thread was going to have some silly posts in it...silly me.
I have to wear my Blue Roy Williams Jersey and Sideline cap. I put my Autographed Cowboys Helmets on the coffee table pointing teh direction we are playing. Some of the fellas have to move to the office and watch the small tv, this varies depending on how we are doing, if it seems to help they can't come out. Some of them change shirts throughout the game looking for the right combination.

All very normal (lol).....Err uhh . . .
Back when Aikman was still playing, I had to wear my Aikman autographed hat while the team was on offense, and my old ratty Cowboys hat when we were on defense. I don't do that anymore, because influencing Troy would only make him a better broadcaster, which doesn't help us win games. These days I just wear my jersey, drink out of my Cowboys cup, and for big games I bring out a blue towel to gnaw on. Does this help us win games? Absolutely.
I can't talk to Hostile on game day and we win, if I speak to him we lose.
Somewhat unrelated -- I play on a rec inline hockey team and have found that hockey players are the WORST when it comes to superstitions. We were going through a rough stretch last season, and our team captain tried everything he could. He tried putting his left skate on first when he got dressed, then he tried his right skate, then he tried his elbow pads first, then he tried wearing different attire to the rink. None of it worked (shocking .. I know). He even forced me into the act. I always wear a certain hat to the rink on gameday, and one day I forgot it. We won, so I wasn't allowed to wear a hat until we won again. The guy is insane about superstitions.
I forgot to mention the whole family has to wear their gear on Gameday no matter what. All Blue Roy Williams Jerseys, we are going to branch out to some Demarcus Ware and others after this season. But the Cowboys apparel has not arrived in Phoenix yet. Looking for the now Mid level jerseys with the sewn on names and numbers.
Cowboys blanket next to me, on the couch. Can't leave room when they're playing, even if I can still see TV. No negative jokes on any Cowboy player. Lots more... lol
JackMagist said:
The only superstition that I have about the team it if they wear those ugly throwback jerseys they are three times more likely to lose. You'll see come Thanksgiving.

On the Monday night game against the Skins I told my wife that I didnt want to watch the Boys play because of the jerseys they were wearing. LOL. I felt confident all week until I saw the uniforms.

Does anyone know their record when they wear the throwbacks?

I think Dallas won against the Bears last year in their throwbacks.
I have two superstitions. Listen to acdc and wear no cowboy gear.

I did in the mid 80's and it led to pain, suffering and a trainwreck. Its a hideous and vile route to go. Turn back!

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