How much sleep do you get?

5 or 6 hours a night during the week and 6 or 7 on the weekends.
Generally 7 - 8 hours a night but I toss and turn a little.
In bed at 9 and awake at 3-3:30. I sleep soundly almost the entire time so I get good rest and never set an alarm because my body wakes me up naturally. Once I wake up I can never fall back asleep, but like Hostile when I am sick I will sleep all day.
I have the worst sleep habits in the world. I'm naturally a night owl, so most night's it's difficult to get to bed before 1-2am, and I have to get up at 6am, so I get maybe 2-5 hours a night. It doesn't help that I also have sleep apnea on top of it, so I'm sure I'm getting less sleep. On the weekends, I can sleep anywhere from 8 to 12 hours easy.

I'm trying to correct it, but it hasn't been easy, and I'm reluctant to take any type of sleep aid, since I have apnea. I really envy people who can go right to sleep, or can pop up right out of bed when it's time to wake up, and not be tired.
Lately, I usually go to sleep around 11pm - midnight, and wake up around 7-8ish. If I wake up any earlier, then i'll need a siesta after lunch.
I usually get around 6.5-7 hours most days. If I slept until I woke up it would probably be about 7-8.
3 hours, I work nights 11pm - 730am and i usually have alot of energy when first get off work so i just stay up and work on computer related stuff
ayuh i need atleast 6 hours or im worse off the next day. weekends, 12 hours easy.

ive been sleeping really bad the last couple months. im tired all day and then catch this strange second wind that keeps me up until 4 or 5am some nights.

i went to a job interview last week on 2 hours of sleep. when i get that tired i feel like i downed a shot or two. kinda unpleasant.
Joshmvii;3897011 said:
9 hours of sleep is too much and not good for your health besides.

I get about 6.5 a night, sometimes 7. I need more time in the day, not less, so I could never sleep more than that. I get up at 5 on weekdays to work out, and on the weekends I get up at least by 8. I have too much to do to sleep any more than that.

..really? Isnt it more dependent on your age? I thought adults were supposed to get around 8.And,p eople under 25 should get more, because their brain is still developing?
8 hours but even if I go to bed @ 4am I still wake up around 830.
locked&loaded;3897725 said:
..really? Isnt it more dependent on your age? I thought adults were supposed to get around 8.And,p eople under 25 should get more, because their brain is still developing?

Children need more sleep, and I don't know how old they should be before they stop needing as much, but I know a full grown adult doesn't need 9 hours.

Honestly, most everyone I know who sleeps that much does so because their health is bad and they're sluggish. I guarantee if I put somebody on a diet where they actually get vitamins, and make them actually get their heart rate going with some real exercise 3 to 5 times a week they wouldn't be able to sleep that much anymore.

I know that from firsthand experience, because I used to be one of those people.
Since I got sick in december i've been unable to sleep, so im currently on Ambien and usually get around 7hrs a night of sleep.
Joshmvii;3897831 said:
Children need more sleep, and I don't know how old they should be before they stop needing as much, but I know a full grown adult doesn't need 9 hours.

Honestly, most everyone I know who sleeps that much does so because their health is bad and they're sluggish. I guarantee if I put somebody on a diet where they actually get vitamins, and make them actually get their heart rate going with some real exercise 3 to 5 times a week they wouldn't be able to sleep that much anymore.

I know that from firsthand experience, because I used to be one of those people.

Everything I find says adults should get between 7-9 hours. But there are many factors.

Here's a quote:

Based on the results of these and other studies, most experts believe that between seven and nine hours of sleep per night is the ideal amount of sleep for most people. As a generalization, younger people need more sleep than older people. Teenagers may require a full nine hours, while seniors usually feel their best at around seven hours or even less. Although some people, usually older adults, report feeling their best when they get only five or six hours of sleep each night, there may be unforeseen health effects if the current studies hold true.

Read more at Suite101: What is the Ideal Amount of Sleep?: Find Out How Much Sleep is Really Needed to Stay Healthy
Joshmvii;3897831 said:
Children need more sleep, and I don't know how old they should be before they stop needing as much, but I know a full grown adult doesn't need 9 hours.

Honestly, most everyone I know who sleeps that much does so because their health is bad and they're sluggish. I guarantee if I put somebody on a diet where they actually get vitamins, and make them actually get their heart rate going with some real exercise 3 to 5 times a week they wouldn't be able to sleep that much anymore.

I know that from firsthand experience, because I used to be one of those people.

Anything to back that up? I took a psych class from a world renown sleep researcher (look him up, James Maas) and never once in his class did he say that for a full grown adult 9 hours is too much sleep. It isn't always so much the amount of sleep, but the TYPE of sleep. You should be going through all the different stages of sleep, and the most important one is REM sleep.
Joshmvii;3897831 said:
Children need more sleep, and I don't know how old they should be before they stop needing as much, but I know a full grown adult doesn't need 9 hours.

Honestly, most everyone I know who sleeps that much does so because their health is bad and they're sluggish. I guarantee if I put somebody on a diet where they actually get vitamins, and make them actually get their heart rate going with some real exercise 3 to 5 times a week they wouldn't be able to sleep that much anymore.

I know that from firsthand experience, because I used to be one of those people.

I work out 4 days a week and stay active at an above average rate. I also hardly, if ever, drink soda. On top of all that I don't like sweets and rarely have potato chips.

I eat pretty well, is what I am trying to say. Yet, I need atleast 8 hours.

Today I got 8 hours, and have been feeling the urge to nap the whole afternoon.

Really though, I have gotten better this year. I used to need 9 atleast, I would be a zombie with 8. I can kind of wake up spry with 8 these days though.

On a side note, I am jealous of eveyrone that can live with 5 hours. I doubt Ill ever be a morning person, or content with that amount of sleep.
locked&loaded;3896961 said:
I dont understand people saying they get 5 hours. I need 9.5 to be happy, but can deal with 7-8. If around 7, a nap is in my future.

Conditioned I guess Military you never sleep enough in basic or in the field a 12-14 hour day plus guard duty crap.

Nightshift then school in college as well so I say trained my body and even as a kid I was only a 7-8 hour type of kid most the times

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