Video: How the Cowboys dynasty lived and died at the hands of Jerry Jones


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Really, how do you know? He's not losing sleep for sure and he's not giving up his evening drink of choice to drown in warm beer.
Ya know? As much as I dearly truly do love my Football Dad,,,I'd venture down to the very seventh level of Hell itself ,,,er,,,if it could erase the memories in the witnessing of that "Football life" ,As the veracity & creedance of the prerequisite club membership bylaws for the: "He-Man of super Fandom Jerry Haters Club" could be easily identified their within, upon viewingo_O

* SHEESE,,,, and if I'd only Google-foo'd something like " Hairy chested virile midget male club warrior's in the land of topless amazon jungle ho's on ******* instead that one time,,,CRAP!


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Jerry wants to win very badly. But the thing is he wants to feel like he led the team to a title. And that means as owner, GM, and someone who is even contributing in coaches’ meetings. If he lets go and allows someone else be the architect it will be empty to him. It’s not about the Cowboys winning a championship, it’s about Jerry Jones winning a championship. He’ll never live down Jimmy being seen as the real architect in ‘92, ‘93, and even ‘95.

This approach has really been working well. If this is truly his mindset then he’s a bigger clown than we thought. Plus his quest for some kind of ‘credit’ did this team more harm than good. Sad really. People keep harping on how bad Jerry wants to win but a quarter century of crap tells a completely different story! That’s a pretty large window and if someone truly wanted to win in that time span then changes would actually have to be made to accomplish that.


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Amen. Good leaders are not afraid to hire people smarter than themselves. I’ve been amazed for years how insecure Jerry is for a billionaire. He could probably hire a HC infinitely more talented than Garrett and he could have long ago delegated the GM duties to someone more qualified and knowledgeable. The fact that he does none of those things says all we need to know about how bad Jerry wants to win.
I had to roll you a solid ,in the "like" department, there bullet Bob,,, irregularities in the baseline standard of prevalently irregardlessness of it's reasoned soundness,,,is tearing me Apart,,,I CAN'T TAKE IT Na-MOORE ,dang-ito_O


Cowboys Diehard
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All will be good as long as Jerry continues to fade into the background with Stephen continuing to get more and more power.

Now days, Dallas is the best drafting team in the league. They have the second most wins the past three seasons, and their salary cap is in great shape and they are ready to sign all of their home grown players that they’ve drafted.

This isn’t the 1996-2009 Cowboys anymore.

Thanks, Asthma -- I needed that more than words can say! I'm now visualizing Jerry fading into the background. Ya gotta love it. :)
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Well-Known Member
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Amen. Good leaders are not afraid to hire people smarter than themselves. I’ve been amazed for years how insecure Jerry is for a billionaire. He could probably hire a HC infinitely more talented than Garrett and he could have long ago delegated the GM duties to someone more qualified and knowledgeable. The fact that he does none of those things says all we need to know about how bad Jerry wants to win.

Well said. Lets dispense with the myth "Jerry really wants to win" and replace it with the reality of "Jerry really wants to play NFL GM and play with his toys".

The Quest for Six

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I'm no fan of Jason Garrett but if he were to leave or even if he were fired, he would have a new job instantly in the NFL. Some people forget how awful some of the other coaches in the league are.

Garrett is very mediocre, but there are wayyy worse options out there.

Well, then why would Jerry keep such a very mediocre head coach, that doesn't seem to jive with your contention Jerry wants to win narrative???


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Really, how do you know?

You should know by now....If he really wanted to win, he wouldn't have Garrett as HC. He would hire a competent GM. He would search high
and low for a decent QB like Brady and he would pattern his team after the Pats. Until he lowers his ego, he ain't winning nothing.


I'm not dead yet......
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Don't have to read it sadly I was there for the whole thing


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Really, how do you know? He's not losing sleep for sure and he's not giving up his evening drink of choice to drown in warm beer.
If for no other reason Jerry knows there has to be at least some level of success to keep the Cowboy brand as strong as it is. We saw what losing consistently did to the brand in the late 1980's, which is what allowed Jerry to buy the team in the first place. Then there is the fact that the drive to be on top is what has made Jerry successful in business too, and it doesn't make much sense to think his attitude would be different with football.

I think Jerry's biggest problem is that while he very much wants to win, his ego won't allow him to believe that he is standing in the way by insisting on controlling everything himself. In other words, he wants to win, but he also wants to play with his toy and be able to say they won based on him doing things his way.


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This approach has really been working well. If this is truly his mindset then he’s a bigger clown than we thought. Plus his quest for some kind of ‘credit’ did this team more harm than good. Sad really. People keep harping on how bad Jerry wants to win but a quarter century of crap tells a completely different story! That’s a pretty large window and if someone truly wanted to win in that time span then changes would actually have to be made to accomplish that.
I never said it was working or that I supported it. But it’s 100% his mindset. Jerry only wants a championship that he thinks he will get most of the credit for. He’s not interested in a “hands off” championship. Think of it this way, do you think Romo winning a title as Dak’s backup would have been fulfilling to him? No way, it would be an empty feeling for him. Jerry winning a title where the perception is he gave up control and allowed others to steer the ship would be empty to him as well. He already has won three of those so why would he care about winning another when you think about the ego that is involved here?


Beyond tired of Jerry
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The downfall has been his hiring of HCs other than Jimmy and Bill.

That Jerry clashed more with those 2 HCs than his less successful choices is the problem.

Jerry's desire to win is tempered by his desire to win AND get the accolades for being "a football guy".


Cowboys 24/7/365
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
A commonly held assumption is that people think and act just like everyone else. The problem is that every person is different, sometimes significantly so. One perspective rarely talked about is the possibility Jerry Jones has the type of personality combining these two traits:

a) excessively ambitious
b) presumptuously self-confident

There have always been people in the world who have this kind of mindset. I believe Jones is one of them. It is possible Jones is the type of person who has both an insatiable desire for fame and fortune and self-belief he is the most qualified individual on this planet to run an NFL franchise. Observers should not be necessarily fooled by lip service from such individuals. What they say does not always reflect their actual thoughts and intentions.


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Really, how do you know? He's not losing sleep for sure and he's not giving up his evening drink of choice to drown in warm beer.
The question is how do you know? Do you talk to Jerry on a frequent basis? Your assessment is conjecture. The dude has built the number one brand (the star) and you believe that is all he cares about.

That's just your opinion and just like my opinion I disagree with you. Forum fun.


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I never said it was working or that I supported it. But it’s 100% his mindset. Jerry only wants a championship that he thinks he will get most of the credit for. He’s not interested in a “hands off” championship. Think of it this way, do you think Romo winning a title as Dak’s backup would have been fulfilling to him? No way, it would be an empty feeling for him. Jerry winning a title where the perception is he gave up control and allowed others to steer the ship would be empty to him as well. He already has won three of those so why would he care about winning another when you think about the ego that is involved here?

I was being sarcastic! His approach sucks!


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The question is how do you know? Do you talk to Jerry on a frequent basis? Your assessment is conjecture. The dude has built the number one brand (the star) and you believe that is all he cares about.

That's just your opinion and just like my opinion I disagree with you. Forum fun.

IMVHO, it's just fine if we disagree on this. I will list my reasons why Jerry is not sweating at nite about winning:
He's the GM...obvious problem
He hired Garrett...obvious and continuing problem
OC is unproven...most likely will prove to be a major problem
QB is not SB quality or ready for primetime...will cause problems if they extend him
No championship or SB appearances for 25 years...none that I can see on the horizon
Wedded to old or declining players...Jerry has not learned anything from the Pats
Jerry's Ego...too old to change and too rich to care