1. Hire talent scouts. Not scouts that hunt for players, but for coaches and management.
2. Hire someone to make the personell decisions that actually knows a lot about the process, and allow them to assemble a staff without interference.
3. Have an oversight committee in place for each department, so everyone always has someone to answer to, and hold them accountable to keep me informed of everything going on within each department of the organization.
4. Personally interview and meet each person that is up for a position, but leave the final decision up to the people I have put in place to do just that.
5. Hire an assessment crew that will sit with the personell director and evaluate each and every potential roster member, and agreeing on who to keep and who to cut, taking the job out of ultimately being in one man's hands, so that personal preference or bias can't intervene.
6. After the management and roster positions are filled, hold a team meeting with every single person on the payroll to inform them of the state of the franchise, and what I expect from each and every one of them.
7. Inform everybody as a group, and reassure them individually that laziness, selfishness and lack of effort will not be tolerated.
8. Let everyone know that their starting job is not a guarantee, and that regardless of salary, anyone is subject to dismissal for failure to perform, or live up to what is expected from you. Reiterate that egos will not be tolerated, and everyone will live by the same rules. Also inform players that during football season, they are expected to live and die football. Inform them that their free time is theirs, but to use it wisely.
9. Assemble with guidance from professionals, the greatest medical staff ever put together.
10. Start workouts, training, etc. to evaluate and condition players. Limit access to the media for all of training camp/minicamps/preseason, just to make sure everyone remains focused.
11. Promote the hell out of the team, including offseason accomplishments, and the direction the team is taking.
12. No matter what the situation, always maintain a zero tolerance policy. You will never call out teammates or staff, and staff will never blame or point fingers.
Just a rough outline, but I think it could work for anybody.