How would you feel about a new silver-dominant uni, w/ white+blue accents?

Google search found these...




... thoughts?

And let me add one more of my own before turning it over to others...

I'm not anxious to see any change from what we've got, personally, but one option I would favor is that, if a team has made it to the Super Bowl, they're granted the latitude to use some special never-before-worn uni for that special event in their franchise's history.

(And wouldn't the NFL merchandising arm love that?)
I just threw up in my mouth!!! Excuse me while I go brush my teeth. LOL
i personally just want the pants to match the flipping Helmet whether it's on the blue or white jerseys
agree-read story once that the reason the pants are that unusual shade is because in the days of black/White that color came thru as silver. DK if its true but could explain how they got that color
I like the all grey as the color rush option once or twice a year. The only thing I would like to see changed is for the pants to match the helmet and all the blue trim to match the star on the helmet. So grey/silver pants and only one blue throughout the whole uniform. Done! Still classic looking but updated and sharp.
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Hell I like them, but its hard to mess with the iconic look we already have. I think it would be cool to see those a couple times a year though.
I feel like I would find another team to support if we wore any of those uniforms
I would personally ask for the death penalty for anyone that changes those home whites for even the smallest detail.

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