How would you feel about a new silver-dominant uni, w/ white+blue accents?

Posted this in the other thread but I really would like to see a change and have these be the new home uniform (and also the equivalent white version for road). Pay tribute to the original 1960 team! I love the white helmet




I agree that I love the look.

Can't agree to anything (again including the blues), though, replacing our tried-and-true look for home games, and every other regular season game... if I had my way.

So, I'd be okay, though, with it as the jersey for our Thanksgiving game every year.

Going back to another post, I'd like to see the league allow teams to choose any uniform from their past for their post-season games... would just add another level of cool to the achievement, imo.
Top unis are a go. Especially if they could incorporate a metallic looking fabric with some sheen to it.

The rest are hot garbage and our silver helmet should never be under any consideration to change, especially to white although I did like the alternative unis for TG etc. Most iconic symbol in sports other than the Yankees interlock NY.

The only "consideration" for an alternate helmet would be an all chrome unit with the same symbol. I think that would look tight on HD TV's.
I dont get it
Cowboys classic white is as well known as the Yankee pinstripes. Why are we even F'ing around with it. Whats next-copying the Bucs old tangerine orange?
The unis on this post look like crap.
As an old fan I'm begging-Please stop messing around with the Unis
yeah the one thing I dread is if they get new uni's like other teams have.
most of the new unis for other teams suck.
Posted this in the other thread but I really would like to see a change and have these be the new home uniform (and also the equivalent white version for road). Pay tribute to the original 1960 team! I love the white helmet




Love the original inspired whites w/shoulder stars as alternates and especially love the white helmets but would not want to replace the iconic whites w/silver helmets.
Hate the white pants on the these uniforms...should be silver.
Like seeing the stars on the shoulders, but don't like the nike logo squeezed in between the number and the star.
Hate the white pants on the these uniforms...should be silver.
Like seeing the stars on the shoulders, but don't like the nike logo squeezed in between the number and the star.

White on white is amazing. I love silver pants too
Gotta love the traditionalists that get up in arms about change completely oblivious to the fact the uni's have changed numerous times over the course of the franchise's existence.

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