I am CONVINCED Pac Man is done as a Cowboy


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Zimmy Lives;2337717 said:
Not only is Jones a major cancer and diistraction but he is also very mediocre as a DB. Is this average player worth it?

Take your drugs elsewhere.


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Zimmy Lives;2337717 said:
Not only is Jones a major cancer and diistraction but he is also very mediocre as a DB. Is this average player worth it?

WOW. Are you serious? Really?


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Zimmy Lives;2337717 said:
Not only is Jones a major cancer and diistraction but he is also very mediocre as a DB. Is this average player worth it?

Have you watched the Cowboys the last couple of weeks? His only problem was that he couldn't even catch a cold.


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the kid 05;2337703 said:
which is always your opinion as to what lies between the lines and what happens in the lockerroom

can i get a link to this story

I think the sky is green but doesn't make it true. and again link to the story with your "quotes"

For the exact quotes from Jerry go listen to the press conference he gave the day the story broke about the fight. The quotes about Bradie James asking JOnes to apologize to the team was an article I read today...trying to find it now. And Greg Ellis on YESTERDAY said something is about to go down and he said "I am very dissapointed in this organization"

So yes.....since most guys won't come out and SAY things exactly...or name names...you have to read between the lines. Again, I think these guys are crazy..he is the best CB we have right now...but I get a sense something is not right in that lockeroom.


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i think Pac is playing like a CB that hasn't played in a year, so for that I think he is playing very well. When he FULLY gets back in the swing he will be great barring no trouble.:D

the kid 05

Individuals play the game, but teams beat the odds
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bbailey423;2337741 said:
For the exact quotes from Jerry go listen to the press conference he gave the day the story broke about the fight. The quotes about Bradie James asking JOnes to apologize to the team was an article I read today...trying to find it now. And Greg Ellis on YESTERDAY said something is about to go down and he said "I am very dissapointed in this organization"

So yes.....since most guys won't come out and SAY things exactly...or name names...you have to read between the lines. Again, I think these guys are crazy..he is the best CB we have right now...but I get a sense something is not right in that lockeroom.

i want links. Hostile (our loveable board's Admin) has proven just your word and ears are not worth much in the time when people come aboard and act like a "fan". So get me the links and ill listen and read to what ever you post. Ellis is a cry baby and cries if his toast is to done


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the kid 05;2337755 said:
i want links. Hostile (our loveable board's Admin) has proven just your word and ears are not worth much in the time when people come aboard and act like a "fan". So get me the links and ill listen and read to what ever you post. Ellis is a cry baby and cries if his toast is to done
are you suggesting I am not a fan. I mean are you admitting that you have not heard the press conference Jerry gave? If so I question your fanhood. Are you suggesting that you did not read the quotes Ellis gave from the lockeroom. The ONLY article I am having trouble hunting down is the fact that Bradie asked Pac Man to apologize in front of the team. In fact, a reporter last week asked Wade if Pac apoligized to the team....after a 5 second delay Wade said yes. Why do you think Wade paused? Because he knew that just that quickly that info had been leaked to the media.


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bbailey423;2337682 said:
crap...well, I guess we will raid somewhere else.

wow, even the very basic research necessary to make a decent post eludes you.


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AbeBeta;2337769 said:
wow, even the very basic research necessary to make a decent post eludes you.
I knew we cut him...I knew the Ravens picked him up...thought they put him on there practice squad....no problem....I have no problem admitting when I am wrong.


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bbailey423;2337652 said:
You have to read between the lines....Ellis said I am very dissapointed in this ORGANIZATION right now. James made Pac Man get up in front of the team and apologize. Read between the lines. Micheal Irvin has taken to Pac. Deion has taken to Pac. I think the old Cowboys are jealous of the attention Pac is getting from these HOF players. Not to mention the attention he gets from the owner. I mean Jerry Jones came out and said "I manage ALL of Pac Mans money" Jerry Jones has a 24 hour security detail following Pac Man. This is a lot of attention for a guy that many of the players feel "has not earned his stripes" as a Cowboy. It's petty...it's high schoolish. But I get the feeling the old school Cowbosy don't like what he brings to the lockeroom.

When it comes to Ellis i would say he better shut up. he is not a leader he is a little boy who always is scared about security. we had same guys as pacman in the 90s on the team and i think you need some of those. and whats more pacman is as fired up as all the players need to be but aren't.

he is a leader and he leads by his play also. ellis better start taking some responisbility on the fied and play with intensity. we don't need friendly guys on defense we need angry *******s like charles haley. without being a bada** you can't win in this league. that's what one of our problems is on defense. too many nice guys.


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bbailey423;2337652 said:
You have to read between the lines....

In other words take a random quote and apply it to fit your personal agenda


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Pacman is playing well as a DB and punt returner. What he does (legally) in his own time is his business. If the NFL went to prohibition of alcohol, 90% of the players wouldn't be able to play.

This alcohol ban for certain players is total BS. And in my opinion, illegal. Same standards for all players. Alcohol is ok in society, so it should also be in the NFL (of course, not during the game).

Do you think Michael Irvin would escape the commissioner's grasp if he were playing today? No way.

And Pacman's out just might be the ADA (Americans with Disability Act). Obviously, he has some sort of mental disorder. Get some shrink to confirm and Pacman is good to go.

Royal Laegotti

Dyin' ain't much of a livin', boy!
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TheCount;2337670 said:
You do understand this is Greg Ellis we're talking about right? He's always dissapointed in someone or something.

I'd be dissapointed to if I were with a team for 11 years and still looking for my first playoff win.


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ninja;2337870 said:
Pacman is playing well as a DB and punt returner. What he does (legally) in his own time is his business. If the NFL went to prohibition of alcohol, 90% of the players wouldn't be able to play.

This alcohol ban for certain players is total BS. And in my opinion, illegal. Same standards for all players. Alcohol is ok in society, so it should also be in the NFL (of course, not during the game).

Do you think Michael Irvin would escape the commissioner's grasp if he were playing today? No way.

And Pacman's out just might be the ADA (Americans with Disability Act). Obviously, he has some sort of mental disorder. Get some shrink to confirm and Pacman is good to go.

Problem with that is PAC is on probation and one of the terms of the probation is NO ALCOHOL. So if the reports are correct he is in violation of his probation. Part of his reinstatement to the league was to abide by the terms of his probation. Goodell has him by the nads if the reports are substantiated and maybe even if they are not, because there seems to be no due process rights when it comes to his status with the league.


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ninja;2337870 said:
Pacman is playing well as a DB and punt returner. What he does (legally) in his own time is his business. If the NFL went to prohibition of alcohol, 90% of the players wouldn't be able to play.

This alcohol ban for certain players is total BS. And in my opinion, illegal. Same standards for all players. Alcohol is ok in society, so it should also be in the NFL (of course, not during the game).

Do you think Michael Irvin would escape the commissioner's grasp if he were playing today? No way.

And Pacman's out just might be the ADA (Americans with Disability Act). Obviously, he has some sort of mental disorder. Get some shrink to confirm and Pacman is good to go.

Actually the NFL didn't put the ban on him, his probation on his off the field BS did. You can whine about Roger, and the NFL, all you want but the conditions of his reinstatement were that he had to comply COMPLETELY with his probation. One part of his probation was to not be out drinking. If he can't follow that simple rule, that is being placed on him because he's a moron and got himself in trouble in the first place, then he has no one to blame if he's suspended by the league but himself.


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Royal Laegotti;2337881 said:
I'd be dissapointed to if I were with a team for 11 years and still looking for my first playoff win.

so why doesn't he change teams then ? nobody holds him back. he is a grown man.


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links18;2337890 said:
Problem with that is PAC is on probation and one of the terms of the probation is NO ALCOHOL. So if the reports are correct he is in violation of his probation, which was part of his reinstatement to the league.

Don't confuse people with facts like that. All they want to believe is that Roger and the league are bullying him.

I don't hate Jones. I didn't want him here but I accepted the fact that he was here when he joined and knew I'd root for him every week to do well cause he's on the team.

But, no, I don't feel bad at all if the guy gets suspended cause it's of his own doing.


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links18;2337890 said:
Problem with that is PAC is on probation and one of the terms of the probation is NO ALCOHOL. So if the reports are correct he is in violation of his probation, which was part of his reinstatement to the league.

How would one go about confirming those reports 2 weeks later?


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TwentyOne;2337892 said:
so why doesn't he change teams then ? nobody holds him back. he is a grown man.

I believe the contract he has with the Cowboys and the fact that Jerry has shown no interest in moving him would play a part in why he doesn't just change teams.

This isn't flag football. He can't just suddenly say "I'm going to play for these guys instead."