i am from the east coast too. recently moved to Texas for work. ive been to the old stadium twice. regular season games with not that much fan fair. Its freaking hot in Texas in October. it was those years at least....... OMG!!! but now, im a 3 hour drive away !!!! leave sunday return sunday . no hotel no taxis or rentals......saves me cash.
And that old stadium saw a lot of action and partying in the 70s early 80s...!!! it was old....
been a fan since 10 years old i am in my 40s. seen a lot of stuff in my life. worked all my life i am working class,,,,, not too much gets me excited anymore, i think its a byproduct of getting "older:"
but im amped for this game. excited!!! NEVER expected this at the start of the season. i aint missing a second. i aint missing this game. im going to pay a small fortune to be there(fortune for me). and it will be worth every penny! the new stadium. the Boys in the playoffs looking so good......no way im missing this.
thanks for the tips!!!