I Am Legend

the movie just sucked

I would say it was a typical Will Smith movie, w/ all the wisecracks and such, but the action just wasn't there, and it was too drawn out for my tastes, and why does Hollywood insist on casting females w/ barely intelligible English? it's so grating listening to them talk, you forget that you want a cure to be found, not to mention for the movie to just end, that you want a seperate scene where she just gets off'd

all in all, just another end-of-the world schlock film

the best parts of the movie were Will Smiths' wise-cracks, that's sad
I promise you there will be several awful direct-to-video sequels of this film much like all the horrible Living Dead zombie sequels that are out. Think about it. The zombies were cheap CGI characters in the movie so it will be cheap to reproduce them. The sequels will entail some unknown actors trying to survive a zombie/vampire in NYC only to die in the end much like the Living Dead zombie films.

Seriously, I don't get these zombie films. The original Night of the Living Dead in the 60's was good because it was novel back then. But how is it fun watching people try to survive a bunch of mindless automatons. There is nothing fun about these movies. There is no cure for them. There are too many of them so you can't wipe them out. And the worst of it is you know the main characters are all going to die in the end anyway. The entire plot is one large chase; that's it.! I'm sorry but give me A Nightmare on Elm Street or the Exorcist over this crap. Even that movie 28 weeks later was horrible. It was just a glorified zombie film!
mr.jameswoods;1834013 said:
I was speaking figuratively. Of course they have some intelligence but relatively speaking, they were pretty mindless characters. They acted more like animals with a pack mentality than what we typically think of as vampires. That's partly confirmed in the scene in which they are sleeping standing up with their heads touching each other oblivious to Will Smith and his flashlight entering the room. Now does that represent human-like characters or bats to you?

You mention the trap they set up but the film never shows them setting up the trap. The vampires were not even played by actors but were CGI characters. And these CGI "vampires" all looked alike. The only one that stands out somewhat is the leader and that's only because he was screaming more than the others and the camera focused on him. And I deliberately use the term zombie because those things didn't remotely resemble vampires. In fact, they looked like a taller version of Golum from The Lord of the Rings. And if they were so intelligent, explain why they don't help their dogs attack Will Smith after Will cuts himself out of the trap? The sun is no longer out. The vampires just unleash their dogs and then goes back inside. What were they doing, grabbing a beer and hoping their dogs would take care of the job? That vampire could have recruited some others and easily grabbed Will Smith at that point. And don't tell me they were trying to be careful because they were never careful approaching Will Smith at any other point in the film especially when they are throwing themselves into his car. To me, it's rather silly to belabor this point. I doubt most people who saw this film would go out of their way to contradict the idea the film depicted them as mindless zombies.

I liked the movie. It wasn't great or anything, but it was enjoyable. It could have been better and easily could have been worse.

I did wonder about them being termed mindless, devoid of normal human social interaction or however it was described in the film? If they were truly mindless then why don't they just attack and eat each other or their dogs. How do you train a mindless dog? Smith's dog was well trained, but as soon as he changed Smith could not control him. Maybe that is why the dark seekers did not help their dogs. The dogs could just as easily turned on them in the fracas. Not worth the risk, but in their other actions at the pier and at Smith's house the death seekers acted without considering consequences. Just a little too inconsistent. Also, why does the virus only affect humans and dogs? And why are the canines immune to the air borne strain?
THe movie sucked. It was absolutely terrible. Will Smith sucked. The zombies sucked. The pacing sucked. The CGI was terrible.

Every single aspect of the show sucked.
I liked the story except the crappy ending. I felt they could have done a crapload more with this movie than they did. As someone already said, the infected sucked. They were not even slightly scarey.

I don't know. I just felt a little let down once I left the movie. It started off great tho then just kinda took a nose dive there in the middle.

Also as Theo said. The CGI was pretty bad.

I am surprised actually. I just expected a better showing from WS and this movie as a whole. It was a let down.
I thought it was ok. Entertaining for a little while to me at least. The ending did suck though. Why do we have to have a happy ending? And like someone said, the woman said there was enough room for three people in that thing, just throw the grenade and get in. Then he would live.
mr.jameswoods;1842642 said:
Seriously, I don't get these zombie films. The original Night of the Living Dead in the 60's was good because it was novel back then. But how is it fun watching people try to survive a bunch of mindless automatons. There is nothing fun about these movies. There is no cure for them. There are too many of them so you can't wipe them out. And the worst of it is you know the main characters are all going to die in the end anyway. The entire plot is one large chase; that's it.! I'm sorry but give me A Nightmare on Elm Street or the Exorcist over this crap. Even that movie 28 weeks later was horrible. It was just a glorified zombie film!


The original (1978) "Dawn Of The Dead" was a terrific film. I remember Siskel and Ebbert both giving it a thumbs-up.

Heck, I had to alter the date on my then driver's permit in order to get in because the film was rated X for violence, which for the time was very unusual.

But the film had more going for it than just all the violence. The idea of a mall being the connective piece between the living and the dead, was incredibily telling.

Yes, the original DOTD deserves its place as being one of the greatest horror films ever made.

By the way, look for a movie adaption of the novel "World War Z", by Max Brooks, which is an excellent book centered around a world war against the undead.
The search for a "cure" confused me. In 2012, if you were still alive and "normal" (e.g. Smith, his newfound friends, and the Vermont colony), that meant that you were already immune to the virus, right? So who was the "cure" meant for? The zombies? If so, how was it to be administered? Did they plan to track down thousands (millions?) of dangerous zombies and inject them? Why not let them die of natural causes or whatnot?

Also, how did the petite woman save Smith that night? His battered SUV was surrounded by tens of high-powered zombies. She bested them all with a flashlight or something?
bbgun;1860309 said:
The search for a "cure" confused me. In 2012, if you were still alive and "normal" (e.g. Smith, his newfound friends, and the Vermont colony), that meant that you were already immune to the virus, right? So who was the "cure" meant for? The zombies? If so, how was it to be administered? Did they plan to track down thousands (millions?) of dangerous zombies and inject them? Why not let them die of natural causes or whatnot?

Also, how did the petite woman save Smith that night? His battered SUV was surrounded by tens of high-powered zombies. She bested them all with a flashlight or something?

It was a mag lite :D
It's funny to me the different opinions on this movie in this thread. Everything from Will Smith was awful to this was his best performance, from the movie was a complete disaster to it was really good except for the ending.

What do you know - different people have different tastes.
I'd give it a B+.

Special effects, action, and startle moments were solid. Casting was good.

Story was on the lame side with several highly predictable elements. The dog storyline, for example, was blatantly telegraphed at least twice. Ending was abrupt and unsatisfying.
otero1;1833649 said:
I'll probably just download it when a R5 or good TeleSync comes out.

Here is a good DVD Screener

ZeroClub;1861109 said:
I'd give it a B+.

Special effects, action, and startle moments were solid. Casting was good.

Story was on the lame side with several highly predictable elements. The dog storyline, for example, was blatantly telegraphed at least twice. Ending was abrupt and unsatisfying.

If you think that ending was abrupt and unsatisfying go see "No Country For Old Men".
air0208;1861210 said:
If you think that ending was abrupt and unsatisfying go see "No Country For Old Men".

Are you saying that the ending for "No Country For Old Men" is better (or worse)?

I haven't seen it.
ZeroClub;1861225 said:
Are you saying that the ending for "No Country For Old Men" is better (or worse)?

I haven't seen it.

I liked I am Legend better. Just the ending for No Country For Old Men is a lot more abrupt and unsatisfying then the I am Legend ending.

I liked the whole movie in No Country For Old Men except for the ending I guess.
The whole "Shrek" scene was pointless and dragged on too long.
smarta5150;1833643 said:
The main "zombie" guy set up a trap and actually caught Will Smith, too bad for him the sun was still out. This did show a sign of intelligence by mimicking Will Smith in the same way WS caught a "zombie."

Also, they tracked WS, the woman and child.

Another sign of intelligence was when they attacked the house: they took out the spotlights and a few minutes later one "zombie" ripped a whole through the roof in order to make an entrance point.

Same scene... The main zombie seemed to be barking out commands and ordering the others to attack (both the spotlights and house). Maybe they couldn't talk but they definitely were communicating.

Overall it did have the feel of a zombie movie but the creatures weren't as clueless as you made them out to be.

I would agree with this. I enjoyed the movie but the ending did feel rushed. They could have made this a 2 hour film and built it up slightly more. I never saw Omega Man, was the ending similar?

I saw it New Years NIght and absolutely hated it. Zombie, Zombie Dogs, Needles and whatnot. Just hated it.

I didn't get the thought that the zombies set the trap for Smith. I just thought Smith was playing games with himself the same way he did with the manequins in the video store. I don't see how THOSE zombies could have jumped to any kind of plan other than to kill and destroy. Hated the movie. My wife now wins the priveledge of going to 15 horrible chick flicks after that miserable experience.
FloridaRob;1874779 said:
I didn't get the thought that the zombies set the trap for Smith.

Neither did I, but why would he voluntarily step in his own trap? Since the zombies are former humans, maybe they did retain a shred of intelligence.

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