I Am Legend

FloridaRob;1874779 said:
I saw it New Years NIght and absolutely hated it. Zombie, Zombie Dogs, Needles and whatnot. Just hated it.

I didn't get the thought that the zombies set the trap for Smith. I just thought Smith was playing games with himself the same way he did with the manequins in the video store. I don't see how THOSE zombies could have jumped to any kind of plan other than to kill and destroy. Hated the movie. My wife now wins the priveledge of going to 15 horrible chick flicks after that miserable experience.

The zombies set up the trap. The reason why they set up the trap unlike the past is because Will Smith unknowingly nabbed the girlfriend of the leader of the zombies. The leader came out and stared at Will Smith exposing himself to the sun and getting burned in the process. Will Smith even acknowledges that was the first time he had seen a zombie allow himself to be burned. This is why they set up the trap. Will Smith had taken many zombies in the past but when Will stole the leader's girl, he made it personal and was determined to get revenge.
MichaelWinicki;1855927 said:

The original (1978) "Dawn Of The Dead" was a terrific film. I remember Siskel and Ebbert both giving it a thumbs-up.

Heck, I had to alter the date on my then driver's permit in order to get in because the film was rated X for violence, which for the time was very unusual.

But the film had more going for it than just all the violence. The idea of a mall being the connective piece between the living and the dead, was incredibily telling.

Yes, the original DOTD deserves its place as being one of the greatest horror films ever made.

By the way, look for a movie adaption of the novel "World War Z", by Max Brooks, which is an excellent book centered around a world war against the undead.

Wow is right, you think the original Dawn of the Dead had depth? What is telling about a group of zombies trying to eat the brains of some people hiding out in a mall? By that logic, I could argue the hospital in the "Return of the Living Dead" was the connective piece between the living and the dead. In fact, all these 'Dead' movies have that same theme and you could argue that wherever they are hiding out is the connective piece between the living and the dead. A group of people are confined to a building while the zombies are trying to get in and kill them; that is the theme of all the zombie films. Sorry but I think the zombie films get way too much credit for essentially being mass slasher films. I love and respect you Mike but like Siskel and Ebert, you are wrong on this issue. :)
joseephuss;1849261 said:
I liked the movie. It wasn't great or anything, but it was enjoyable. It could have been better and easily could have been worse.

I did wonder about them being termed mindless, devoid of normal human social interaction or however it was described in the film? If they were truly mindless then why don't they just attack and eat each other or their dogs. How do you train a mindless dog? Smith's dog was well trained, but as soon as he changed Smith could not control him. Maybe that is why the dark seekers did not help their dogs. The dogs could just as easily turned on them in the fracas. Not worth the risk, but in their other actions at the pier and at Smith's house the death seekers acted without considering consequences. Just a little too inconsistent. Also, why does the virus only affect humans and dogs? And why are the canines immune to the air borne strain?

Great Post

I'm not disputing the fact they were intelligent. I'm disputing the filmakers effort to portray that intelligence in the film. The story which it's based on has the creatures depicted as intelligent beings who could speak and had their own society. The filmmakers did such a poor job depicting that intelligence that fans are questioning whether Will Smith set up the trap he got caught. You have to look closely to observe the leader had a fondness for the female vampire Will Smith abducted. That is why he walked into the sunlight and allowed himself to be burned so he could confront Will Smith. The leader set up the trap to get revenge because he was angry at Will Smith. Will had taken several zombies in the past so why did they suddenly decide to act now....it's because he took the leader's girl.

The zombies are vampires. I've been calling them zombies but the proper term is vampires. In the book they are vampires. They attack living creatures because they can sense their blood. When Will Smith's dog changed into a vampire, it attacked Smith because he is an unaffected human with blood flowing through his veins. That's why the dog instinctively attacked him. The vampiric dogs wouldn't attack the vapiric humans because they obviously are not blood filled beings. The book provides a scientific basis behind the vampirism.

I had the same questions you did. Why does the airborne version not affect dogs and why only humans and dogs? I wish the film explored those elements
mr.jameswoods;1878895 said:
The zombies set up the trap. The reason why they set up the trap unlike the past is because Will Smith unknowingly nabbed the girlfriend of the leader of the zombies. The leader came out and stared at Will Smith exposing himself to the sun and getting burned in the process. Will Smith even acknowledges that was the first time he had seen a zombie allow himself to be burned. This is why they set up the trap. Will Smith had taken many zombies in the past but when Will stole the leader's girl, he made it personal and was determined to get revenge.

How did the zombies know about the manikin? I thought Will only went to the store when it was light out?
mr.jameswoods;1878895 said:
The zombies set up the trap. The reason why they set up the trap unlike the past is because Will Smith unknowingly nabbed the girlfriend of the leader of the zombies. The leader came out and stared at Will Smith exposing himself to the sun and getting burned in the process. Will Smith even acknowledges that was the first time he had seen a zombie allow himself to be burned. This is why they set up the trap. Will Smith had taken many zombies in the past but when Will stole the leader's girl, he made it personal and was determined to get revenge.

I don't know James. That is a pretty big leap. I am no Zombie expert as I usually avoid those kind of movies with like the plague but unfortunately I wanted to see a movie last week and that is all there was left. . But Zombies have girlfriends?? I thought all a zombie wants to do is eat and survive. And if it was a plan, why werent they waiting there when the sun went down after the trap went off. ONly the zombie dogs were there. And the trap is not how they almost captured him. It was from him trying to kill them in the car.

JUst one wierd movie.
FloridaRob;1879303 said:
I don't know James. That is a pretty big leap. I am no Zombie expert as I usually avoid those kind of movies with like the plague but unfortunately I wanted to see a movie last week and that is all there was left. . But Zombies have girlfriends?? I thought all a zombie wants to do is eat and survive. And if it was a plan, why werent they waiting there when the sun went down after the trap went off. ONly the zombie dogs were there. And the trap is not how they almost captured him. It was from him trying to kill them in the car.

JUst one wierd movie.
The leader of the vampires was there to let the dogs loose. he knew where the trap was. He was there seconds before the shadows would allow the dogs out, to let them loose. How else would he know if he didn't set it?
CPonder14;1879067 said:
How did the zombies know about the manikin? I thought Will only went to the store when it was light out?
*blank stare*
I just watched the movie a couple of days ago. I liked it a lot. It was enjoyable.

Some of you are overanalyzing the movie - a fictional movie.

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