I am strongly considering giving up my fan hood and watching the NFL


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I expect to continue being a Cowboys fan unless my son makes it into the NFL.
Then his team will be my team. Even then, I likely won't stop following the Cowboys. But I'd root for his team to win rather than the Cowboys.
But to be honest, I don't have to ABSOLUTELY see a game like I had to when I was younger.
The world doesn't revolve around the Cowboys like it used to. I guess that's what comes with wisdom and perspective.


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exactly. because a year later here we are again. I'm glad you see it my way.

We are 3-3, where the losses are a couple of 2 point losses to two teams that are 5-1 and then the Jets debacle. In the Jets game were were missing our starting OT's, WRs and CBs - plus every team stinks up the field for one game a season.

Last year it was obvious in the first half we had no answer for teams taking away the short game. This year they controlled the first three games, IMO we really need to see what happens Sunday night before we really know what this team does or does not have.


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Your point was that Jerry doesn't care and you keep crying about ancient history. Try to stay on topic.

Time dictates the truth, that is the topic. The truth that his contributions back then were minimal, the truth that he sucks as a GM and does nothing about it and the truth that his drive to win is non existent. That's what 25 years tells you, you just choose not to listen.

Saying Jerry really wants to win is just a cloud of smoke. There is no 'longer' any logic behind that statement. Not justifiable at all.
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PA Cowboy Fan

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We are 3-3, where the losses are a couple of 2 point losses to two teams that are 5-1 and then the Jets debacle. In the Jets game were were missing both OT's, 2 WRs and two CBs - plus every team stinks up the field for one game a season.

Last year it was obvious in the first half we had no answer for teams taking away the short game. This year they controlled the first three games, IMO we really need to see what happens Sunday night before we really know what this team does or does not have.
That Packer game was a blowout despite the final score. Same with the Jets. The first 3 games were against the scrubs of the league. The Cowboys have one of the hardest schedules left. They'll be lucky to get to 7 or 8 wins. No help is coming this year. The only reason we're still in it is because the division is so bad. Reminds me of 2015 when we only had 2 wins for months and were still alive,


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So you're calling the rulebook a puppet master. Didn't know black and white print in existence before games are played had that power but you learn something new every day.

The interpretation, misinterpretation, and misapplication of the rulebook you refer to in favor of our opponents in each of those three ballgames tilted the field enough to assist in playoff tournament elimination the team you claim to be a fan of.

And yes sir, when agendas or biases decide contests- that is powerful.

And it happens all the time, all across the league. To think different is folly. Perhaps you've been enlightened today. Either way I don't particularly care.


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You find a better coach. Garrett sucks and had zero experience when he was hired. And Jerry's been married to him like they were high school sweethearts. It's the most ridiculous setup and it needs to be gone. Ridiculous on day 1 still ridiculous in year 13. I'm not saying he's getting a guy like Parcells, but you don't see a difference between a quality coach paired with Jerry OR Jason and Jerry? It truly has become a very pathetic situation.
Parcells is the only quality coach Jerry has hired post-Jimmy and the ONLY reason he did that was to get the stadium approved and the the seats sold. He was quoted by a local media person after Bill’s departure that the time with Bill was the least fun he’d ever had as owner and he would never return to that. That was because Jerry needs to be the focus and no strong coach will operate in that environment.

My post isn’t an argument to not make a change - rather the notion that all will be sunshine and daffodils if Garret is canned. It might be, but if it is, it’ll be by pure accident or luck rather than the result of a change in organization dynamics.

Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Jerry do something like elevate Kellen to HC because he’s seen as a “bright young mind” and rumored to be sought after (sound familiar?). Jerry wants to be the one to discover the next Lana Turner.


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Parcells is the only quality coach Jerry has hired post-Jimmy and the ONLY reason he did that was to get the stadium approved and the the seats sold. He was quoted by a local media person after Bill’s departure that the time with Bill was the least fun he’d ever had as owner and he would never return to that. That was because Jerry needs to be the focus and no strong coach will operate in that environment.

My post isn’t an argument to not make a change - rather the notion that all will be sunshine and daffodils if Garret is canned. It might be, but if it is, it’ll be by pure accident or luck rather than the result of a change in organization dynamics.

Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Jerry do something like elevate Kellen to HC because he’s seen as a “bright young mind” and rumored to be sought after (sound familiar?). Jerry wants to be the one to discover the next Lana Turner.

I would not at all be surprised with the Kellen Moore situation? That's a Jerry move. But I still see gameday coaching decisions as a huge issue. Even with Jerry up in his box, they should be better and could certainly be better in that regard. And preparation, scheme etc..


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the truth that his drive to win is non existent.

Right, he doesn't want to win but he literally spends billions of dollars on the team that he could keep in his pocket if he wanted to.



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Right, he doesn't want to win but he literally spends billions of dollars on the team that he could keep in his pocket if he wanted to.


LOL he also just bought a 250 million dollar yacht. I'm sure he's not leaving himself short on take-home pay. This ridiculous 13 year experiment really screams how much he wants to win!


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CHARLOTTE has more of her pops in her than Steven I think...


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Im frustrated too, but we all know that there's no other team that will capture our fandom, emotion, etc. like the Cowboys.

You may think you want to give them up, but they're part of you now... whether you like it or not hahaha

Chuck 54

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I love:
Football - Cowboys
Baseball - Cardinals
Basketball - Knicks
Hockey - Blues

I’ve been a fan of each team since the 60’s. My love for these teams and my fandom cannot be bought, not with money nor with championships. I don’t love them because they win when I want them to win or because they run the team the way I, in my infinite wisdom, think they should. I’m a loyal fan that loves these teams because of a bond formed many years ago watching them struggle and rise to various levels of success.

Up or down changes nothing for me or my fan loyalty.


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The interpretation, misinterpretation, and misapplication of the rulebook you refer to in favor of our opponents in each of those three ballgames tilted the field enough to assist in playoff tournament elimination the team you claim to be a fan of.

If any of those rules were interpreted wrong, surely there'd be support out there beyond just the Cowboys boards, right? I mean, with games as high profile as those, someone in the sports media would be all over it. Yet, when I ask for such, no one has anything beyond "I just KNOW it's the case." That won't cut it anywhere except a kangaroo court.

To think different is folly.

Or paranoid.

If you think things are rigged then why do you watch and hope? Shouldn't you be working on your expose manifesto that will right the wrongs of what a private league chooses to do with its own product?


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Well, i consider myself a hard-core fan since about 1980. So much so that i have a somewhat difficult time watching the games around friends and family :)
But these last few years have been tough. My clock might be near midnight too, and here are my reasons:

1. It seems the Cowboys are mired in mediocrity. I've seen teams in the league before like this, and they all have a hard time getting out of it. The Cowboys have now been this way for about 15 - 16 years or so.

2. the league doesn't know who it wants to please. The current political climate isn't about whether a certain race is allowed to play or not like it was decades ago; it's about political ideologies that the country is split basically 50/50 on, it seems. I'd like the NFL to stay out of politics altogether, but it seems that some folks tie the military flyovers and the anthem to one side of the political spectrum exclusively. I think they can leave those two things that honor our military heroes in the game and ALSO leave all other opinions out of the game. If they can't, then it makes watching games abrasive to me (and maybe not to others, for sure - but it's my opinion and i haven't seen any argument close to changing it)

3. Concussions are serious, and there MIGHT NOT be a way to stop them without turning this thing into flag football. Watching these guys hit each other hard has always been enjoyable to me, and at the same time i don't want anyone permanently damaged either. I'm truly saddened by the older players suffering CTE, especially the ones that weren't making megabucks back in the day. But at the same time, this is a physical sport and they're paid INCREDIBLY well to do it. There are other professions that are safer, if they don't want to take the risk of brain damage. But the effort to quell this malady might just take the whole league down all by itself.

4. Pass interference and holding along the line of scrimmage have long been pet peeves of mine (and for most other fans, i presume). They've instituted replay to help with pass interference this year, but i've now watched 2 straight Thursday night games (non-Dallas games) that the refs made pass interference NON-CALLS on that were mysterious and the only beneficiaries seemed to be point-spread differentials in gambling circles. Replay WAS USED in both of them and the call on the field was UPHELD in both of them. We're getting into WWE wrestling rules with the ref stuff here, but it's way more sinister because it involves major money. You could see a bad call here or there, but it's REALLY HAPPENING in EVERY GAME. There's enough tech in place right now to ensure that bad calls on the field don't define the outcomes of games, but they still don't work. And every logical person in the world would think they should work. There's no reason for these things to be happening NOW, in such large numbers. The only difference between today's game and the game 25 years ago, really, is how much money is involved. The players are a little bigger and faster probably, but the money is the real difference. And massive amounts of cash have a way of corrupting just about any manmade venture.

5. The salary cap is broken. The league and players all agreed to this format, but it's unsustainable. At some point, the bubble will burst on these salaries (or folks will keep paying more every year they go to a game, and last i checked the regular working man's salaries ARE NOT keeping up with inflation). I don't have an answer for this salary cap thing. All i know is that it does two things: it allows the teams with less money to get in the game, and it allows teams to use "creative accounting" to circumvent it (whether legal or not, depending apparently on who you know in the league office). I don't think either activity is good for the fans. If we didn't have as many poor teams in the league, perhaps we'd have a better product on the field. The league doesn't even have enough starting-caliber QB's to spread among the current 32 teams. And if your team doesn't at least have a top QB, they're not doing anything.

Look, i've always loved my Dallas Cowboys and i always will. But the variables in the league now aren't what they used to be. In the 70's, you could point to one play in a Super Bowl between Dallas and the Steelers that MIGHT have determined the outcome of that game (Lynn Swann pass interference). I can't recall any during the 80's that determined a championship game, although i will confess i don't follow the AFC as much as the NFC. In the 90's, I can recall the 49ers winning Super Bowl 29 and ILLEGALLY circumventing the salary cap to do it (and i believe they got punished for it), but that's all i can recall that was majorly controversial during the 90's. Tom Brady had his "tuck rule" back in 2001 (and the subsequent rumored videotaping of the Rams practice). But in the last 10 years, all sorts of crazy stuff has happened involving championship games / Super Bowls. Just off the top of my head I can recall several bad calls going the Steelers way in their win over Arizona, the Saints being the crazy Cinderella story after Hurricane Katrina, the Falcons throwing away one of the biggest leads in postseason history (halfway through the 3rd quarter, no less!), and the Rams, newly to Los Angeles, being HUGE beneficiaries of a blow PI call to make the Super Bowl. I suppose the last 10 years could be chalked up to parody in the league due to the cap (and incidentally making Super Bowls much closer contests), but there are just too many coincidences that help to either sell seats in big markets or make good stories for me to swallow. Sorry for the rambling, but it feels good to type it!


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Whoa Aria, is that quote in your sig for real? Holy moley!
Yes it is the real deal. It is from the Dallas newspaper we cannot mention on this site. If you search for the quote in Google you can likely find the article from 11/21/17 which was just before I decided to quit watching the NFL or any Garrett coached team. The fact that Jerry would actually say something like that is mind blowing and very telling. I see no need to support his team with my viewership until he corrects the HUGE mistake he made back in 2010 by promoting a unqualified coach who then proceeded to have multiple seasons making game/clock management mistakes that cost us games and the playoffs that a peewee coach would know better than to do.

Note: I tried to post just the headline from that article however the mods deleted it saying even headlines are off limits from that media service.


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Fan since the 60's. Rags to Riches, Can't win the big one , till finally a SB. The landry years of not will we make the playoffs but who will be play in the SB. The rise of the Commanders, Niners etc. Then our dominance in the 90's..... Its been too long waiting for that to happen again in

All of those teams were not 16-0 and some wins were miracles due to Rodger S and Danny White. Jimmy J put together a well balanced O, D, special teams...

The current team to me doesn't have the overall balance those did , which as it stands right now doesn't give me confidence we will improve.

The league has changed to " flag football" and its hard to watch a game, as you are constantly waiting for the refs to overly involve themselves.

All that said, No on giving it up, but yes on taking a realistic it doesn't excite me the way it used to....

I'm right there with you.

I've been a fan since the original team in 1960, but my affinity has predictably soured due to the rich punks, over-officious jerks, and poor management.
The college game is better, but it now showcases the prima donnas more than anything else.

If you love the game, it's hard to beat high school football, and the state championships are in Jerryworld every year -- 3 great games per day for $15, and you can sit anywhere.

Can even get a suite.


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I'm right there with you man.

I don't know if I could ever just disregard the Cowboys but my interest in the team has gone down.

DFW TV ratings were down too so it's everybody.

I've stuck with this team through thick and thin and i'll continue to cheer for them but i'm tired of watching the same thing year after year with this squad.
I am with the both of you. The NFL product has gone downhill for years. The refs are out of control and the rule changes have made the product difficult to enjoy. As for the Cowboys. I have learned in the last 25 years, that the Cowboys always win the Super Bowl every summer, as the ownership and dumb media play up the talent on the team. Reality sets in when the season starts and the team is not at all as advertised. Witness this year where we were told that the defense was elite and the talent on the offense has not been this good since the 90s. Surprise!!! This team is not nearly as talented as predicted. Mid-level team talent, sub par coaching equals 8-8. If Garrett stays I will give it up altogether. Until then I will watch and chuckle if the destruction of this once great franchise continues. Jerry fired Jimmy three months after he won the second SB in a row. Jerry has stuck with the Red Clapper for 10 years with no NFC championship, much less a SB. Go figure.