I blame Cowboys Fans


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We have enough Blame Dak, Blame Jethro threads. How about a Blame Cowboys Fans thread?

All you hear about is the Jones family being in it for the money and are not serious about winning another SB. But isn't it Cowboys fans who financially enable the Jones family and their so-called dysfunctional behavior?

For once, I would like to see a Cowboys fan look in the camera and apologize to the world for financing the madness. Take some responsibility for a change.


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We have enough Blame Dak, Blame Jethro threads. How about a Blame Cowboys Fans thread?

All you hear about is the Jones family being in it for the money and are not serious about winning another SB. But isn't it Cowboys fans who financially enable the Jones family and their so-called dysfunctional behavior?

For once, I would like to see a Cowboys fan look in the camera and apologize to the world for financing the madness. Take some responsibility for a change.
So you don’t watch the games? Because if you do, you’re helping line his pockets.


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I blame you for not noticing the normalcy in which sports work,

they don't expect perfection, they don't expect things that make your fandom that comes with attachments....

literally you watch your favorite teams for the love of the game, you love them no matter what, it's like your child you may be mad at them sometimes, you may even have to punish them sometimes, you know like not go see a game here and there or turn the game off early and throw things at the TV but literally you are either delusional and lost.

you have to take a look around at all sports,

let's start with the NFL....

You do realize that when you look at the top attendance records in the NFL almost everybody selling out with some of the top teams where the Dallas Cowboys are in the top five all the time usually number one however not far behind are the New York Giants and The Jets they fill up that stadium over there in New Jersey on a regular basis and exactly what have they done? I mean not just their history but what have they done lately? You mean teams that were stumping on a regular basis in our own division are sure are filling up stadiums an awful lot.​
You thinking that there should be conditions to be a fan like win a Super Bowl or else win more NFC championship games or else but that's not how it goes if you're that type of fan you're a bandwagon fan everybody realize there's a cycle not everybody's going to win a Super Bowl every year there's only one team standing and typically there's a dynasty that are winning most of the Super bowls over a decade every once in a while there's a team that comes out of nowhere and wins one but then they just sit back the Dallas Cowboys are still filling stadiums because they're winning regular season games they're winning division titles..
How is it the fans fault that somehow the NFL looks at the Dallas Cowboys and gives them the maximum amount of primetime games and all these three games in 12 day scenarios sometimes twice they literally are an attraction so the Cowboys themselves are talked about on every station in every aspect of social media looking for clickbait and ratings and somehow you're blaming the fans or Jerry Jones this is part of a business that you typically the number one thing is about money all businesses especially giant billion dollar corporations under $100 billion umbrella, their goal is to fill seats..And the NFL on the whole is doing that...​
But somehow this notion that somehow if we boycott games that nobody else is going to fill the seats that's some corporate entity is going to buy them up and give them out to employees, they will fill the stadium enough that you will not notice there's people missing all around the NFL..
Go look at the attendance record somebody a few months ago post it there are teams that would be shocking that they fill up stadiums they won squat ever I mean how does the Buffalo Bill stand to be around there team when they've been nothing but disappointing The Super bowl wins I mean how could you do that why don't they move cities I think they should move..lol​
now let's take a look at the rest of the league like the sports around us here in DFW,​
there are three professional teams that have the word Dallas in their name and one that says Texas they all are from this area the Texas Rangers have won one single championship since 1970 and yet those games filled up enough to keep them in business for 52 years until they finally won one.. That would be the Dallas Stars and the Dallas Mavericks they only have one title each, I mean I don't know what your point is you have three teams that only have three titles in the same time frame that Jerry has three..​

if you're putting conditions and attaching certain demands before you remain a fan you are a bandwagon fan , most fans who by the way don't go to games on a regular basis you do realize there's only 90,000 seats in that stadium and there's probably 100 million cowboy fans in the world.

they literally take turns filling up the stadium you're not going to affect the game like you could in the 70s if you wanted to wear bags over your head not show up and then the games were blacked out there will be no more blackouts... When's the last time you heard of a team being blacked out? I mean this goes for the other teams there are teams that are not winning very often and yet they're fans go to see them anyway they're fans are excited to go watch them and the fact that the Dallas Cowboys have won 36 games two division titles been in the playoffs three straight years but been to the playoffs 5xs in the last eight years and are continually showing up on prime time is why the stadiums are still filling up...

I mean what is the use scenario done just so I can finish this argument the Houston Texans Oilers and the Tennessee Titans have never won a title and the Houston Texans and I know they haven't been around forever haven't even been to an AFC championship game I don't believe or they haven't won one I mean exactly why are they filling their stadiums?​

Why is this always a Jerry Jones 28 year what have you done for me lately we need to boycott and we're up in arms why don't you take a look at the landscape of the NFL and you'll find out the Dallas Cowboys recently or top six team and they have been for a while yes we want more but most of us don't put conditions on our fandom...

You're allowed to be frustrated you're allowed to be upset you're allowed to do whatever you want and scream from the rooftops but that doesn't change the way you are a fan why do we need to be held accountable for keeping the Dallas Cowboys afloat when the rest of the sports world does the same thing no matter what?

I truly think this is the most ridiculous narrative and mindset I could ever see from a fan that somehow you think other fans should show accountability and just stop being a fan stop showing up for games when all of sports is not built that way there's a reason we call bandwagon fans just that they will only show support when their team is winning and not just winning but you're saying got to win championships well let me get this state the Dallas Cowboys since 1989 or only one of three teams in that time frame that have three titles or more the other two are the Kansas City Chiefs can you ring the patriots and the Dallas Cowboys still top three all time in Super Bowl wins after all this time...​
That should answer your question that's why the stadiums are still filling up which includes the Dallas Cowboys and until the league is at a point where it's desperate that's only reason, you're going to see fans stop going to games but look at the economy, you would think with inflation and covid and all this other crazy stuff that people would stop going to games, yet they havent..​

Chuck 54

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Jerry Jones is, or was, a brilliant business man. He bought the Cowboys at their lowest, and he made them relevant again. He changed the NFL marketing and has made millions, if not billions, for all the owners. He’s in the HOF because of what he’s done for the league and its employees as much or more than for 3 Super Bowls. The only apology he owes us is for his failure as a GM for a decade or more. He has actually surrounded himself with enough good people that he has succeeded as a GM in the past decade or more. No, we haven’t won a SB or even had success in the playoffs, but the Cowboys have been a consistently good team and a successful one. That’s why the team is worth so much money now, not because fans stuff his pockets for cash while he puts a garbage product on the field.

Most fans of the Dallas Cowboys love the team and support them win or lose. No apologies needed. We love our team, its players, the games, the merchandise. It’s not our responsibility or ability to change anything.


Well-Known Member
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We have enough Blame Dak, Blame Jethro threads. How about a Blame Cowboys Fans thread?

All you hear about is the Jones family being in it for the money and are not serious about winning another SB. But isn't it Cowboys fans who financially enable the Jones family and their so-called dysfunctional behavior?

For once, I would like to see a Cowboys fan look in the camera and apologize to the world for financing the madness. Take some responsibility for a change.
its the TV revenue more than anything.


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I blame you for not noticing the normalcy in which sports work they don't expect perfection they don't expect things that take your fandom that comes with attachments literally you watch your favorite teams for the love of the game you love them no matter what it's like your child you may be mad at them sometimes you may even have to punish them sometimes you know like not go see a game here and there or turn the game off early and throw things at the TV but literally you are either delusional and lost or you have to take a look around let's start with the NFL....

You do realize that when you look at the top attendance records in the NFL almost everybody selling out with some of the top teams where the Dallas Cowboys are in the top five all the time usually number one however not far behind are the New York Giants and The Jets they fill up that stadium over there in New Jersey on a regular basis and exactly what have they done I mean not just their history but what have they done lately? You mean teams that were stumping on a regular basis in our own division are sure are filling up stadiums an awful lot..​
You thinking that there should be conditions to be a fan like win a Super Bowl or else win more NFC championship games or else but that's not how it goes if you're that type of fan you're a bandwagon fan everybody realize there's a cycle not everybody's gonna win a Super Bowl every year there's only one team standing and typically there's a dynasty that are winning most of the Super bowls over a decade every once in a while there's a team that comes out of nowhere and wins one but then they just sit back the Dallas Cowboys are still filling stadiums because they're winning regular season games they're winning divsion titles..​
How is it the fans fault that somehow the NFL looks at the Dallas Cowboys and gives them the maximum amount of primetime games and all these three games in 12 day scenarios sometimes twice they literally are an attraction so the Cowboys themselves are talked about on every station in every aspect of social media looking for clickbait and ratings and somehow you're blaming the fans or Jerry Jones this is part of a business that you typically the number one thing is about money all businesses especially giant billion dollar corporations under $100 billion umbrella, their goal is to fill seats..​
And the NFL on the whole is doing that...​
But somehow this notion that somehow if we boycott games that nobody else is gonna fill the seats that's some corporate entity is gonna buy them up and give them out to employees they will fill the stadium enough that you will not notice there's people missing all around the NFL..​
Go look at the attendance record somebody a few months ago post it there are teams that would be shocking that they fill up stadiums they won squat ever I mean how does the Buffalo Bill stand to be around there team when they've been nothing but disappointing The Super bowl wins I mean how could you do that why don't they move cities I think they should move..lol​
now let's take a look at the rest of the league like the sports around us here in DFW there are three professional teams that have the word Dallas in their name and one that says Texas they all are from this area the Texas Rangers have won one single championship since 1970 and yet those games filled up enough to keep them in business for 52 years until they finally won one.. That would be the Dallas Stars and the Dallas Mavericks they only have one title each I mean I don't know what your point is you have three teams that only have three titles in the same time frame that Jerry has three..

I'll finish the way I started if you're putting conditions and attaching certain demands before you remain a fan you are a bandwagon fan most fans who by the way don't go to games on a regular basis you do realize there's only 90,000 seats in that stadium and there's probably 100 million cowboy fans in the world..

they literally take turns filling up the stadium you're not gonna affect the game like you could in the 70s if you wanted to wear bags over your head not show up and then the games were blacked out there will be no more blackouts when's the last time you heard of a team being blacked out? I mean this goes for the other teams there are teams that are not winning very often and yet they're fans go to see them anyway they're fans are excited to go watch them and the fact that the Dallas Cowboys have won 36 games two division titles been in the playoffs three straight years but been to the playoffs 5 in the last eight years and are continually showing up on prime time is why the stadiums are still filling up...

I mean what is the use scenario done just so I can finish this argument the Houston Texans Oilers and the Tennessee Titans have never won a title and the Houston Texans and I know they haven't been around forever haven't even been to an AFC championship game I don't believe or they haven't won one I mean exactly why are they filling their stadiums?

Why is this always a Jerry Jones 28 year what have you done for me lately we need to boycott and we're up in arms why don't you take a look at the landscape of the NFL and you'll find out the Dallas Cowboys recently or top six team and they have been for a while yes we want more but most of us don't put conditions on our fandom...

You're allowed to be frustrated you're allowed to be upset you're you're allowed to do whatever you want and scream from the rooftops but that doesn't change the way you are a fan why do we need to be held accountable for keeping the Dallas Cowboys afloat when the rest of the sports world does the same thing no matter what?

I truly think this is the most ridiculous narrative and mindset I could ever see from a fan that somehow you think other fans should show accountability and just stop being a fan stop showing up for games when all of sports is not built that way there's a reason we call bandwagon fans just that they will only show support when their team is winning and not just winning but you're saying got to win championships well let me get this state the Dallas Cowboys since 1989 or only one of three teams in that time frame that have three titles or more the other two are the Kansas City Chiefs can you ring the patriots and the Dallas Cowboys still top three all time in Super Bowl wins after all this time...​
That should answer your question that's why the stadiums are still filling up which includes the Dallas Cowboys and until the league is at a point where it's desperate that's only reason, you're going to see fans stop going to games but look at the economy, you would think with inflation and covid and all this other crazy stuff that people would stop going to games, yet they havent..​
LOL please tell me you've been working on this rant for a while and this is not some spontaneous bag of wind. Because if you just typed that, uhhhhh wowwwwwww!!!!!


Cowboys 24/7/365
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At this point it doesn’t matter what the fans do. If every organic fan stopped going to games, Jerry would still have his corporate base to support him.
^ This. Additionally, Jerry Jones is a multi-billionaire via his oil and gas dealings completely separate from his franchise.

The Fans-Hurting-Jones-Financially angle will only play out when Jones is no longer a variable in the equation. Hopefully, I will bear witness to whether the decades old, never seriously conceived stratagem will ever morph into something realistically obtainable.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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I do watch the games, but I do so telepathically through my magic powers all made possible through my unique diet. Popeye ate spinach. I eat countless bowls of Lucky Charms.
Dang it to heck! I never enjoyed those hearts, moons, stars and clovers! :mad:

I want telepathy too! I have always wanted to be an X-Man. :(


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They are guaranteed to make money no matter if every Cowboy fan in existence suddenly didn’t care. They are part of what the NFL shares.

Jerry would definitely notice though if people stopped paying attention. The most important part thing to him is people recognizing and talking about him and the team…good, bad or other.

Hence the…”if they’re talking about us we are doing our jobs” comment. He even spells this out directly and people still buy it. That’s how guaranteed his money is at this point, and why he never has to as much as consider quitting.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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As a member of CowboysZone, you must agree to the following rules:

#7 - You will not post political discussions, comments or content.

Let's stay on topic, peoples. Do not spread the welcome mat out for a thread derailment. :starspin:


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At this point it doesn’t matter what the fans do. If every organic fan stopped going to games, Jerry would still have his corporate base to support him.

The fans are powerless to change anything except their minds and devotion.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Well, I guess that is one way to look at the situation. And, although I speak with Jerry Jones weekly, he doesn't seem to understand my ranting. Sorry, I assume full responsibility for this mess.
oh no. This apology will not do. You will not get away with this! :mad:

From hell’s heart I stab at thee! For hate’s sake, I spit... my last breath... at thee...

~apologies to the late great Ricardo Montalban~ :)


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Yes the Jerry Jones appreciation society is horrible.

This is their t-shirt



Well-Known Member
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
We have enough Blame Dak, Blame Jethro threads. How about a Blame Cowboys Fans thread?

All you hear about is the Jones family being in it for the money and are not serious about winning another SB. But isn't it Cowboys fans who financially enable the Jones family and their so-called dysfunctional behavior?

For once, I would like to see a Cowboys fan look in the camera and apologize to the world for financing the madness. Take some responsibility for a change.
If you truely believed this then you would just delete any cowboys related sports account you have and not watch any cowboys games.