I didn't know Jimmy Smith (former WR) is in prison...

CowboyMcCoy;5084390 said:

most drug addicts and alcoholics are the folks who commit the most crimes. There is a direct correlation . If you dont know that your fooling yourself.
FuzzyLumpkins;5084366 said:
Seriously. He was doping when he was in the NFL and still was breaking records. I am not condoning drug use but I have known addicts of everything from alcohol to morphine that are functional and do no harm to anyone but themselves.

All the legal system does is put them in jail and label them pariahs which does no good for them or anyone else.

1. Serious question: Was he really doping while in the NFL? Or is that an assumption?

2. Labeling them pariahs doesn't change the fact that 'crime rings' are formed to embezzle, or create, the illegal drugs that they use. It takes a lot of criminals to create the end-product... I think there are plenty of people who fail to realize just how deep the criminal drug-dealing culture runs.
Pessimist_cowboy;5084393 said:
most drug addicts and alcoholics are the folks who commit the most crimes. There is a direct correlation . If you dont know that your fooling yourself.

So you going to go full puritan and claim we should ban alcohol too?

You are advocating making someone a criminal on the basis of they might commit a crime.
Carl23;5084394 said:
1. Serious question: Was he really doping while in the NFL? Or is that an assumption?

2. Labeling them pariahs doesn't change the fact that 'crime rings' are formed to embezzle, or create, the illegal drugs that they use. It takes a lot of criminals to create the end-product... I think there are plenty of people who fail to realize just how deep the criminal drug-dealing culture runs.

He failed a drug test while in the NFL.

You make drugs legal then the production mechanism goes from 'crime ring' to 'industry.' I am very aware of the game.
Pessimist_cowboy;5084393 said:
most drug addicts and alcoholics are the folks who commit the most crimes. There is a direct correlation . If you dont know that your fooling yourself.

Is alcohol illegal? I'm just wondering. Some violent crimes are committed by those on drugs. But there are many, many people in prison who never committed any crime other than possessing a drug.
cowboysfan31;5084341 said:
Drug addiction is a horrible, horrible disease. Both of my parents are in federal prison because of cocaine, and never started using until after I left the house. Once you get that taste, you are not the same person anymore.

I share your pain to an extent. My parents (mom/step dad) divorced years ago, after I entered the workforce. Step dad eventually travelled down the wrong path and became addicted to heroine. One night he got seriously twisted I suppose and killed himself.
FuzzyLumpkins;5084289 said:
He is in prison for possession. I see no crime of violence or turpitude. The only think throwing this man's life away is the American justice system.
I have to agree that giving people prison time for possession is a waste of resources.

If the police didn't spend half of their time dealing with drug arrests, then they could use that time to actually reduce other crime.

I would prefer that the penalties for crimes like theft, etc. be doubled and actually enforced while not wasting time on possession and other drug only issues.

This reminds me of "The Wire" where the police gave the drug dealers a non-enforcement zone. The dealers and druggies could operate freely in that zone away from most residents, businesses, and schools. This policy gave the police more time to enforce crimes that affected other people outside the zone. As in real life, when the politicians found out about this policy, it was cancelled.
xwalker;5084433 said:
I have to agree that giving people prison time for possession is a waste of resources.

If the police didn't spend half of their time dealing with drug arrests, then they could use that time to actually reduce other crime.

I would prefer that the penalties for crimes like theft, etc. be doubled and actually enforced while not wasting time on possession and other drug only issues.

This reminds me of "The Wire" where the police gave the drug dealers a non-enforcement zone. The dealers and druggies could operate freely in that zone away from most residents, businesses, and schools. This policy gave the police more time to enforce crimes that affected other people outside the zone. As in real life, when the politicians found out about this policy, it was cancelled.

Agreed that possession arrest is a waste of resources. Problem is we are too eager to ban something that isn't good for people. Instead we should allow these things in a truly free society while at the same time hold people responsible for their actions. You want to shoot up...fine. I don't want to arrest you. But you better be prepared to deal with the ramifications.
Carl23;5084394 said:
1. Serious question: Was he really doping while in the NFL? Or is that an assumption?

2. Labeling them pariahs doesn't change the fact that 'crime rings' are formed to embezzle, or create, the illegal drugs that they use. It takes a lot of criminals to create the end-product... I think there are plenty of people who fail to realize just how deep the criminal drug-dealing culture runs.

Wow.. so glad I put that guy on ignore. Yeah, these people hurt nobody but themselves... they don't drag their families through hell, they don't rob people, they don't commit any other crimes etc. They are just innocent people who happen to like drugs....:bang2: You can tell real quick what forum members are on drugs here.
CIWhitefish;5084437 said:
Agreed that possession arrest is a waste of resources. Problem is we are too eager to ban something that isn't good for people. Instead we should allow these things in a truly free society while at the same time hold people responsible for their actions. You want to shoot up...fine. I don't want to arrest you. But you better be prepared to deal with the ramifications.

You simply think the person who does the drugs is the only one who has to deal with the ramifications? How about when he robs a bank and shoots people because he is high and out of his mind? What if he killed one of your parents or siblings or yourself? All the sudden it isn't so cool to have a "free" society when it comes to drug abuse.
ufcrules1;5084449 said:
You simply think the person who does the drugs is the only one who has to deal with the ramifications? How about when he robs a bank and shoots people because he is high and out of his mind? What if he killed one of your parents or siblings or yourself? All the sudden it isn't so cool to have a "free" society when it comes to drug abuse.
You're missing the point.

People are going to get high and be out of their minds regardless of the legality of drugs.

1. Millions of law enforcement man hours that are now used to enforce drug use, possession and dealing. If it is legal, then those millions of hours can be used to protect the people and banks from the criminals.

2. Criminals are empowered by illegal drugs. Drug dealers wouldn't make much money selling legal drugs. The people with the most to lose from the legalization of drugs is the drug dealers and drug cartels. Criminals made millions from alcohol during prohibition.

3. If drugs are cheap then druggies should have less motivation to steal.

4. If drugs are cheap more druggies will OD and then there will be less druggies.

5. With less people in prison for drug possession, there will be less murderers, rapists, bank robbers, etc. released early due to prison overcrowding.
xwalker;5084497 said:
People are going to get high and be out of their minds regardless of the legality of drugs.

Right, and by legalizing hard drugs millions of other people will start getting high out of their minds which would lead to a lot more crime, corruption, and the breaking up of families and society and meanwhile you will be wondering what is going on and why people around you are acting so stupid all the time.

xwalker;5084497 said:
4. If drugs are cheap more druggies will OD and then there will be less druggies.

That is an insanely naive comment. Yeah, the druggies will just OD on cheap drugs and most of them will disappear. :bang2:

I'm not wasting another second talking about this. I hope the mods delete this thread as it has nothing to do with the Cowboys.
FuzzyLumpkins;5084289 said:
He is in prison for possession. I see no crime of violence or turpitude. The only think throwing this man's life away is the American justice system.

Drug addicts are losers and an absolute drain on society. I've fired dozens of them, and loved it every time. Lazy, worthless, untrustworthy wastes of talent, and disapointments to their families.

If anything, the law needs to be infinitely more harsh on repeat drug offenders. Might steer a small handful of them straight and get the others out of everybody's way.
FuzzyLumpkins;5084366 said:
Seriously. He was doping when he was in the NFL and still was breaking records. I am not condoning drug use but I have known addicts of everything from alcohol to morphine that are functional and do no harm to anyone but themselves.

All the legal system does is put them in jail and label them pariahs which does no good for them or anyone else.

I agree. I know it's not the favored sentiment around these parts, but I do see this a lot and do agree.
FuzzyLumpkins;5084402 said:
He failed a drug test while in the NFL.

You make drugs legal then the production mechanism goes from 'crime ring' to 'industry.' I am very aware of the game.

ALthough you are gonna get heavy heat for this, I could not agree more. Problem is we are not a proactive society. Alcoholics get beind the wheel and kill people while drunk every year, but alcoholics are not put in prison. Yet we are labelling other drug users as criminals because they could commit a crime. Sorry, this isn't the minority report.

Commence firing away.
as usual the bleeding hearts miss it.

How many are robbed, killed etc because these 'poor druggies' are out able to rob and kill?

Rehabilitation is up to the individual. It is in the end his choice to straighten out or not. Yeah it is hard in prison but most first time druggies either get probation or minimum security prison. It was THEIR decision to take drugs in the first place.

Always want to blame someone else.
erod;5084520 said:
Drug addicts are losers and an absolute drain on society. I've fired dozens of them, and loved it every time. Lazy, worthless, untrustworthy wastes of talent, and disapointments to their families.

If anything, the law needs to be infinitely more harsh on repeat drug offenders. Might steer a small handful of them straight and get the others out of everybody's way.

:hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer:

Bro, you are my new hero!

Truer words have never been spoken!

erod;5084520 said:
Drug addicts are losers and an absolute drain on society. I've fired dozens of them, and loved it every time. Lazy, worthless, untrustworthy wastes of talent, and disapointments to their families.

If anything, the law needs to be infinitely more harsh on repeat drug offenders. Might steer a small handful of them straight and get the others out of everybody's way.

Yeah, that's what this country needs. More people in prison for crimes against themselves. That will solve the problem....
Guys, this *is* an interesting thread, and it's a good topic. Many of us know personally what an abuse of drugs can do to a person or a family. Please me mindful not to let the discussion turn too political or too personal. There's a lot of good meat to chew on this bone without taking the thread in a direction that makes it difficult to keep within regular forum guidelines.

Crazed Liotta Eyes;5084544 said:
Yeah, that's what this country needs. More people in prison for crimes against themselves. That will solve the problem....

and just let them out to rob and kill. The innocents are the ones to sufer when you let the druggies out.

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