This case has shown the negative parts of our society and the fraudulence of our judicial system.
Last night I was watching a show on the aftermath of the Rolling Stone article on the fake rape allegation. Rolling Stone magazine published a story accusing a fraternity of rape that shut down all Greek activity on campus for a period of time, got the police and FBI involved and ruined the career of the Dean of Students, Nicole Ermo. The allegations were proven to be completely false, to the point where the student that was accused of the rape does not even exist. And yet, they still refused to give the false accuser’s name out..even though she broke the law. And the Dean of Students, Nicole Ermo, was demoted for doing nothing wrong. In the end, Rolling Stone magazine was found to have never really investigated to check the credibility of the allegations. But, the reporter (Sabrina Erdly) was never fired and Rolling Stone magazine basically said it was okay that they printed the story because UVA was on a list of the government of campuses that didn’t treat rape accusers ‘properly.’ And in the end, the show claimed that false rape accusations ‘rarely happen’, when in fact the estimate is that they happen 10% of the time…and that doesn’t include false rape accusations that are discredited by police before the arrest or the accusations that go to trial and the accused is found innocent.
And we still have yet to have learned from this story and others. And now we have a court system where there is a conflict of interest between the judge and the case, but that’s disregarded because judges are politicians and we all know that any politician thinks with their wallet instead of doing the right thing.
Just very discouraging to see and I would not know what to tell Elliott or any other young man other than pick your female partner very wisely. Because it's obvious that our society cannot handle due diligence of a man being accused of assaulting a woman anymore.