I am a complex man. Yoga, expeditions into the Sudan, jewel deliveries in the Yucatan, diplomatic missions to Latvia and papers presented at Oxford take most of my time.
Yet I retain the common touch. In my native village I am known
as the Človek bez strachu a veľa peňazí. Človekbezstrachuaveľapeňazí. (the man without fear and with much monies).
Fencing and rum smuggling in my spare time.
And a believer that Romo will never take this team to a Super Bowl not only because of his last-quarter nervousness but by Jerra's inability to recognize talent to hep him.
Stay thirsty my friend!
No, no. That other interesting man is a lesser being. I left him locked in a Sumatran hostel years back. It was said that he cried like a baby when released.
I am so much more than that TV/commercial fraud.
what best describes you?
1. you are a long time diehard fan for over 30 years who is sick of it all and wants change ..but will continue to pull for this team regardless?
6. you've been a fan for so long you can tell that no matter what ...nothing will change as long as jerry is in charge?
You can convert them to DVD. They will be VHS quality but you can view them with a DVD player. If you can't do it at home, search for a company in your area that does VHS conversions.
Which Roy Williams? The back collar guy who was a bust or the receiver who was a bust?