I just... my pants!!

RoyTheHammer;5050411 said:
Is it possibly mildly funny the first time you see it, if you allow yourself to be immature for a second and just go with it? Maybe.

Calling it "fantastic", though? A bit much, imo.

To me, its just a pretty lame attempt at humor. Probably not going to draw much positive attention towards the brand.

True, but if you think about it, that's the best direction for a commercial to go. People aren't going to appreciate a deep comedic joke, rather a simple fart joke.

Perhaps it won't bring positive attention to their brand, but it will undoubtedly bring attention which is what they intended in the first place, because what this product is marketing is the ability to ship your products, which has been around for years.
For those that think this is all good, just funny, and no big deal, .. think about this.

Why do you think that word, and others like it are filtered on this site?

Go ahead, type it in your post, see what happens.

Surely, since we are predominately all adults here it would be no big deal to use that word, and others like it.

But no, they filter it because they choose the high road. Why is that? They want this place to have class, to have dignity, to offend nobody.

They could choose to allow words such as this, .. first the "S" word, then the "F" word, and then any other word that people can think of.

But no, they choose to keep this site free of those words and that type of language.

They choose to keep this forum out of the gutter. They have made a wise choice that we are all better for.

I know I am glad they do.

K-Mart should have made the same choice, simply because they have that choice.
WV Cowboy;5050890 said:
For those that think this is all good, just funny, and no big deal, .. think about this.

Why do you think that word, and others like it are filtered on this site?

Go ahead, type it in your post, see what happens.

Surely, since we are predominately all adults here it would be no big deal to use that word, and others like it.

But no, they filter it because they choose the high road. Why is that? They want this place to have class, to have dignity, to offend nobody.

They could choose to allow words such as this, .. first the "S" word, then the "F" word, and then any other word that people can think of.

But no, they choose to keep this site free of those words and that type of language.

They choose to keep this forum out of the gutter. They have made a wise choice that we are all better for.

I know I am glad they do.

K-Mart should have made the same choice, simply because they have that choice.

K-Mart did not use a word that would be filtered on this site. If anything, they did filter that word. So what is the problem?

I respect this forums rules. I don't think allowing that word would put this forum in the gutter. That is a big stretch.
WV Cowboy;5050890 said:
For those that think this is all good, just funny, and no big deal, .. think about this.

Why do you think that word, and others like it are filtered on this site?

Go ahead, type it in your post, see what happens.

Surely, since we are predominately all adults here it would be no big deal to use that word, and others like it.

But no, they filter it because they choose the high road. Why is that? They want this place to have class, to have dignity, to offend nobody.

They could choose to allow words such as this, .. first the "S" word, then the "F" word, and then any other word that people can think of.

But no, they choose to keep this site free of those words and that type of language.

They choose to keep this forum out of the gutter. They have made a wise choice that we are all better for.

I know I am glad they do.

K-Mart should have made the same choice, simply because they have that choice.

Fine, then I pose the same question to you;why do you think these words are banned on this site, on television etc.? They're not taboo, everyone knows what they are...there's nothing in the root or derivation of the word that separates them from the words they "allow" on TV.

So what is it? It's just us as a society harping on something completely menial and pointless. If we can get past this point, we can focus on relevant things.

But instead we chose to be up in arms over a commercial about pants.
WV Cowboy;5050890 said:
For those that think this is all good, just funny, and no big deal, .. think about this.

Why do you think that word, and others like it are filtered on this site?

Go ahead, type it in your post, see what happens.

Surely, since we are predominately all adults here it would be no big deal to use that word, and others like it.

But no, they filter it because they choose the high road. Why is that? They want this place to have class, to have dignity, to offend nobody.

They could choose to allow words such as this, .. first the "S" word, then the "F" word, and then any other word that people can think of.

But no, they choose to keep this site free of those words and that type of language.

They choose to keep this forum out of the gutter. They have made a wise choice that we are all better for.

I know I am glad they do.

K-Mart should have made the same choice, simply because they have that choice.

ship ship ship ship ship

seems ok to me...
rocboy22;5050924 said:
ship ship ship ship ship

seems ok to me...

So you truly don't get it?

You truly don't get what word they are playing with?

You don't really know the word that they are trying to make the commercial sound like?

You think it is actually all about the word ship and nothing else?

I really don't believe that some of you are that dense, but perhaps you are.
RoyTheHammer;5051312 said:
I agree.. its sad, isn't it?
Not really, I mean sure, I'd take watching Louis C.K's new special over this commercial, but they're two completely different mediums
WV Cowboy;5050890 said:
For those that think this is all good, just funny, and no big deal, .. think about this.

Why do you think that word, and others like it are filtered on this site?

Because a few "troll slayers", etc., would cry about it being a family site if anyone dared utter the word. When I see things like this, and how you're bellyaching about a word, I wonder who the real child here is. You're letting something really small get your goat here.
FiveRings;5051331 said:
Not really, I mean sure, I'd take watching Louis C.K's new special over this commercial, but they're two completely different mediums

I've seen clever, witty commercials before.. they are harder to come by, but its sad that more of this country connects to a stupid fart joke rather than some actual wit or humor.

Honestly, its not really that big a deal either way.. just thought it was a lame, classless attempt at trying to connect with the public.

Though it is KMart, so.. ya know.
RoyTheHammer;5051335 said:
I've seen clever, witty commercials before.. they are harder to come by, but its sad that more of this country connects to a stupid fart joke rather than some actual wit or humor.

Honestly, its not really that big a deal either way.. just thought it was a lame, classless attempt at trying to connect with the public.

Though it is KMart, so.. ya know.

Very true, this would be much different if it were Apple or a real company using this joke. But alas, it was K-Mart, a store that sort of gives you that "fart jokey" feel
CowboyMcCoy;5051332 said:
Because a few "troll slayers", etc., would cry about it being a family site if anyone dared utter the word. When I see things like this, and how you're bellyaching about a word, I wonder who the real child here is. You're letting something really small get your goat here.

That probably is part of the root of the issue, .. it is not just about "a word".

For the simple minded it is I guess.

If that is all you are seeing here, I wonder who the child is myself.

Nothing is getting my goat, .. I don't really care what KMart puts on their commercials, I won't watch it anyway.

All I am doing is pointing out what I think is right and wrong, based on the way I was raised, and the morals and principles that I was taught and raised on.

I know I am in the minority and that does not change a thing.

I'm not trying to change anybody's opinion on this, just sharing mine.

You can like it or not, agree or not, .. does not impact me or my opinion.
WV Cowboy;5051341 said:
That probably is part of the root of the issue, .. it is not just about "a word".

For the simple minded it is I guess.

If that is all you are seeing here, I wonder who the child is myself.

Nothing is getting my goat, .. I don't really care what KMart puts on their commercials, I won't watch it anyway.

All I am doing is pointing out what I think is right and wrong, based on the way I was raised, and the morals and principles that I was taught and raised on.

I know I am in the minority and that does not change a thing.

I'm not trying to change anybody's opinion on this, just sharing mine.

You can like it or not, agree or not, .. does not impact me or my opinion.

To me it's just a word. Life has much more meaning than just a word. And if you can't laugh at some stupid stuff in your life every once in a while, I feel for you. Personally, I'm thankful for stupid humor.
We've got some really sophisticated, comedy connoisseurs in the building.

Judging someone based on what they may or may not find funny is comedy in and of itself.

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