I Like Beer A Lot

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Ranching, I tried discharging my duties as the sub Menu thread maker and got an alert that they'd moved it. It didn't have the legs yours had anyway. I guess I shouldn't have had that rule about no fish/seafood to help JAX out. People that like cooking don't like rules.

But I did get revenge on the staff member that moved it. I changed my menu and am not telling them what I am fixing. let'em suffer.
Ranching, I tried discharging my duties as the sub Menu thread maker and got an alert that they'd moved it. It didn't have the legs yours had anyway. I guess I shouldn't have had that rule about no fish/seafood to help JAX out. People that like cooking don't like rules.

But I did get revenge on the staff member that moved it. I changed my menu and am not telling them what I am fixing. let'em suffer.
We can see the original posts ... I was shocked to see you liked tofu so much. :D
Tired. Had a great time in Austin, drank to much this weekend, gonna take a few days off.

really. putty relaxing a bit also after doing the bookkeeping for tax planning. my taxes will be ready early this year
Why no avatar, Putty?
Pooty was naughty for posting this mess about the JAGS with his JAGS avatar.

Sooo, for being rowdy, they made him Rowdy.
"go JAGS - beat the crap out of cowboys, PLEASE
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